I love taking pictures but withfive little ones around the house and another on the way I just can’t seem to find the time to take quality pictures and get them off my camera onto the computer. The pictures I do take are mostly of my kids or random things I see, not super applicable for using as a meme for a blog post. I also am a big fan of getting the most done in the shortest amount of time. That’s why I am so grateful for sites that allow you to use their photos, especially ones that let you use them for free. There are ton of sites that allow you to use their photos as long as you credit the photographer (which is a great thing to do if you’re not short on time) and a ton more that will let you use their photos for a fee. So to help you sort through all the sites, here are 7 sites which allow you to use their photos for free without attribution. 7 Free Photo Sources 1. Free Images Free Images is a large gallery of more than 350,000 stock photos, searchable and categorized. There is a longer-than-most signup process in order to download a photo but there is a large selection to choose from. 2. Free Range Stock With a free registration, Free Range Stock offers access to free high-quality, high-resolution photos. 3. Pixabay Pixabay, perhaps my most often go-to, offers copyright-free, cost-free images published under Creative Commons. You can copy, modify, distribute and use the images, even for commercial purposes and there’s no registration required. 4. Stockvault Stockvault is a stock photo sharing website where photographers, designers and students share their photographs and graphics for free and use them for personal and non-commercial purposes. There is no registration is required. 5. Rgbstock Rgbstock is a free stock image site created by photographers and graphic artists. Registration is required with only one-click and has a lot of images to choose from. 6. Gratisography Gratisography is a collection of free high-resolution images for personal or commercial use. New photos are added weeklys and all you have to do is click to download. 7. Unsplash Unsplash gives 10 free high-resolution photos every 10 days. Once you find the image you’re looking for you can then go to BeFunky.com, Picmonkey.com or Canva.com to create a beautiful eye-catching meme. ![]() Laura, the founder of Missional Women is married and has five kids, two of whom are adopted. Laura and her husband have been missionaries to college students for 13 years serving with Master Plan Ministries where she is the Women's Development Coordinator. Laura has authored 5 books, including an award winning 12 week Bible Study on First Samuel, Beholding Him, Becoming Missional, Reach; How to Use Your Social Media Influence for the Glory of God, A Devotional Journey through Judges, and Discover God's Calling for Your Life. You can find her on facebook, twitter, pinterest, youtube, instagram, periscope, blab and her author site
Have you heard of Periscope or Blab? They are new social media live streaming apps that allow you to broadcast to anywhere in the world. And though they both do essentially the same thing, live stream and allow people to comment and interact with you in real time, they have a main difference that makes them both valuable. Periscope live streams just you, yet you can click a little map/globe and pick anywhere in the world to see people scoping. Which goes the same for you. Say you're filming a scope, anyone across the globe can view it and ask you questions in real time. Blab doesn't have the globe feature though it is also visible to anyone in the world, but it allows you to have four people in one live stream. You guys! This is incredible technology for the Gospel! For years I've been a little stuck on how to get outside your own little Facebook bubble to share the Gospel with people in other countries and/or provide them with some solid Bible teaching they so desperately need. But these apps/social media sites are automatically set up to be global. I just watched some guy in Dubai the other day, asked questions of people in Scotland and regularly watch and learn from someone in England. Is your mind blown? I hope so. If not, I'm just not doing a good enough job of casting vision of how the Lord could use this. So let me share some ideas on my to-do list with these app's. Hopefully it will inspire ideas for you of how you could use it to glorify God. Periscope *I am going to be doing a #ministrytips scope regularly sharing helpful things the Lord has taught me after 15 years of full time ministry. (How to deal with hard people, tips for leading Bible studies, tips on spending time with the Lord etc.) *Share a bunch of how to's, best practices and resources on how to grow in your walk with God and living out the Great Commission. (How to hear God's voice and know His will, How to share the Gospel, how to disciple someone, how to balance your time etc.) *Share cool stories of how God has worked and is working. *Show behind the scenes (like with the Missional Women Conference) Just these ideas alone fill two pages in my journal. Blab Blab lends itself to be a great place to interview people. So here's what I have in the works: * Talking with missionaries and talking about how the Lord got them to where they are. * Talking with women who have done full time ministry for many many years and hearing tips they have for longevity in ministry. * Talking about hot topics with various ministry leaders. * Discussing with women leaders on discipleship. * Talking about missional motherhood and how to help our kids live on mission. * Discussing evangelism This is such an exciting time!! I hope you go to your app store and download one or both of the apps and spend time with the Lord asking Him if and how He would like to use you on these platforms. I will be doing my first scopes and blabs this next week if you want to get an idea of what it's all about. Just follow me, here's how: Periscope. Follow me (@laurakrokos) on twitter and then when you download the app, you will automatically have me clicked to follow. Then you'll get notified when I go live. Blab. Go to the online site blab.im/laurakrokos and follow that way. For both of these I will be letting people know on social media that I am about to go live. And here's a couple neat things that keep my mind wondering about the possibilities. Apple just announced the apple tv which will have periscope (and I bet blab wont be far behind). People already are turning off primetime to watch scopes and blab, imagine when it's on the their tv screen! And I keep thinking of the verses talking about when Jesus comes back it will be seen worldwide. How crazy to think about how possibly this could be the technology used to allow everyone to see the return of the King. Holy cow huh. So, what ideas do you have for using these platforms for the glory of God? About Laura![]() Laura, the founder of Missional Women is married and has five kids, two of whom are adopted. Laura and her husband have been missionaries to college students for 13 years serving with Master Plan Ministries where she is the Women's Development Coordinator. Laura has authored 5 books, including an award winning 12 week Bible Study on First Samuel, Beholding Him, Becoming Missional, Reach; How to Use Your Social Media Influence for the Glory of God, and A Devotional Journey through Judges, a devotional to accompany the free online Bible study at TheBookofJudges.com. You can find her on facebook,twitter, pinterest, youtube, instagram and her author site. If you'd like to read more from this contributor, type her name in the search box on the top right. Sharing this over at these awesome blogs. Do you want to read more posts like this when you're on the go? As well as get exclusive access to monthly challenges, Bible reading plans, and discipleship foundations? Take Missional Women on the go with our app--free for our readers, don't miss out!
I think we live in the most exciting time period ever. We have incredible opportunities right in front of us and if that in itself wernt enough, we also have more available time than any other generation before us. What used to take days to complete now takes hours because of modern conveniences like microwaves, washer and dryers, cars, email etc. So we have this great dove tail of available time and opportunities. For instance, we have lots of facebook friends yet more time to communicate with them than we would have had in 1923. Jesus told us to go and make disciples. Go means to take the initiative. Many years ago the only way to take the initiative to reach people for Christ to the ends of the earth was to hop on a boat and sail over to another country to tell people about Jesus. Years later came planes, and now there is the internet and with it the far reaching effects of social media where we can reach people for Christ in other countries while living across the globe from each other. Here's three stories that will give you glimpse of what God can do through social media: Story One I met Tanya through facebook and she ended up getting involved with our ministry. She built friendships with other students and would go to bible studies but wasn't ready to trust Jesus with her life. We would chat on facebook every now and then and I would write little bits of encouragement on her wall and invite her and her son over for lunch when I could. I got to share the gospel with her and I know of 2 other people who did as well. She just wasn't ready. We kept praying. Finally, while chatting on facebook I asked her if she was ready to submit her life to Christ. She typed "yes". So right there, typed out on facebook chat, Tanya received Jesus' forgiveness and surrendered her life to Him. God used facebook to transfer Tanya from the kindgom of death to the kingdom of life. How beautiful! Story Two Austin took a few guys to a closed middle eastern country last summer to help fulfill the Great Commission. While they were there, they set up a quick website that had a picture of him and the guys with a little bit about them and their contact info. Then they made a facebook ad telling people to click to talk about who Jesus is. They targeted the city they were in and 18-25 year olds since they were spending their time on campus. In just a couple hours of running the ad (they ran out of money because of all the clicks), they had 771 students click on the link and a handful email them asking questions about who Jesus was. Pretty cool huh. Story Three Not too long ago on twitter there was a girl who was commenting on how she didn't know her purpose and was awful at everything, convinced she was a giant failure. I got to encourage her in 140 characters ;) and send her a link to The Story, a great website that talks about how much we need Jesus. And did you know you can also use facebook to share the Gospel with an unreached people group! How crazy is that!? You can actually tell someone who has never heard the name Jesus, ever and you can tell them in their language without having to spend a couple thousand dollars to fly there and a few years to learn the language. Is your mind blown? Well, there is dare I say a movement of people doing this after a post I wrote but made popular by Joshua Project a couple years ago. I get a message like this one every so often. My husband leads a men's fellowship group. Last year I gave him your article on Facebook and reaching the lost. He got the men on board and for the last year they've been doing ads on Facebook for Yemen, Pakistan, Iraq and Saudi Arabia. Close to 1,000 people have clicked through the ads proclaiming the Gospel. And their project is ongoing. Thank you for the article and your ministry. The ripple effect is going on probably in ways you'll never know until we are in Heaven. Be blessed. We truly have been given an incredible gift of opportunity to reach people with the Gospel and help people grow in their faith. My sweet friend Angi Pratt and I wrote a book about this that gives you a ton more ideas of how you can live as though social media was less about you and more about making much of Jesus. Check it out. About Laura![]() Laura, the creator and host of Missional Women is married and has four kids, two of whom are adopted. Laura and her husband have been missionaries to college students for 11 years serving with Master Plan Ministries. Laura is the Women's Development Coordinator and has discipled over 150 girls, led over 30 Bible studies and speaks to college and women's groups. Laura has authored 5 books, including an award winning 12 week Bible Study on First Samuel, Beholding Him, Becoming Missional, Reach; How to Use Your Social Media Influence for the Glory of God, and A Devotional Journey through Judges, a devotional to accompany the free online Bible study at TheBookofJudges.com. You can find her on facebook,twitter, pinterest, youtube, instagram and her author site. If you'd like to read more from this contributor, type her name in the search box on the top right.
Sharing this over at these awesome blogs I could barely contain my excitement as I sat with my brother Aaron listening to what is possibly one of the most unique and amazing evangelistic tools. It was an outreach opportunity I had never heard of before. And having grown up in ministry all my life, that is a pretty amazing feat right there! Innovative. Brilliant. It had the ability to instantly reach thousands with only a few keystrokes. Chill bumps chased each other up and down my arms as he continued to share how God miraculously opened doors for them, and I knew I couldn't keep the story to myself. After setting up live streaming for their Sunday church services, he wanted to use the video space that remained blank during the week to help spread the word about their church. While investigating their options, he discovered that Google Adwords offers non-profit organizations thousands of dollars in free advertising. This is where the ministry began to take on a dimension he could have never expected. Once approved, my brother sat down to pick several keywords they could use to drive traffic to their website. Realizing that Google searches for churches generally rank pretty low, he began to think outside the box. What is something people often search for on the Internet? And then it hit him. Pornography. How could they use pornography-themed keywords to direct people to their site? And once there, how could they use their site to reach them with the gospel? Using a video spot and free downloadable material, they set up an embedded platform that played a video on one side and offered live social chat on the other. Now when people searched the internet for pornography, the church's website would show up in the results and direct them to a platform where they could find out how to become free from their addiction! The first day they had over 500 hits! Since that time, they have had a steady stream of men from midnight - 7am genuinely searching for freedom from pornography. And this got my wheels turning! How can we use Google Adwords to direct people to a platform |
![]() If so, we have a FREE book for you! All of this and more is in our brand new book, Missional Life; A Practical Guide to Living in Light of Eternity. Sign up here | ![]() Read more of the 31 Days of Missional Living. |