Have you heard of Periscope or Blab? They are new social media live streaming apps that allow you to broadcast to anywhere in the world. And though they both do essentially the same thing, live stream and allow people to comment and interact with you in real time, they have a main difference that makes them both valuable. Periscope live streams just you, yet you can click a little map/globe and pick anywhere in the world to see people scoping. Which goes the same for you. Say you're filming a scope, anyone across the globe can view it and ask you questions in real time. Blab doesn't have the globe feature though it is also visible to anyone in the world, but it allows you to have four people in one live stream. You guys! This is incredible technology for the Gospel! For years I've been a little stuck on how to get outside your own little Facebook bubble to share the Gospel with people in other countries and/or provide them with some solid Bible teaching they so desperately need. But these apps/social media sites are automatically set up to be global. I just watched some guy in Dubai the other day, asked questions of people in Scotland and regularly watch and learn from someone in England. Is your mind blown? I hope so. If not, I'm just not doing a good enough job of casting vision of how the Lord could use this. So let me share some ideas on my to-do list with these app's. Hopefully it will inspire ideas for you of how you could use it to glorify God. Periscope *I am going to be doing a #ministrytips scope regularly sharing helpful things the Lord has taught me after 15 years of full time ministry. (How to deal with hard people, tips for leading Bible studies, tips on spending time with the Lord etc.) *Share a bunch of how to's, best practices and resources on how to grow in your walk with God and living out the Great Commission. (How to hear God's voice and know His will, How to share the Gospel, how to disciple someone, how to balance your time etc.) *Share cool stories of how God has worked and is working. *Show behind the scenes (like with the Missional Women Conference) Just these ideas alone fill two pages in my journal. Blab Blab lends itself to be a great place to interview people. So here's what I have in the works: * Talking with missionaries and talking about how the Lord got them to where they are. * Talking with women who have done full time ministry for many many years and hearing tips they have for longevity in ministry. * Talking about hot topics with various ministry leaders. * Discussing with women leaders on discipleship. * Talking about missional motherhood and how to help our kids live on mission. * Discussing evangelism This is such an exciting time!! I hope you go to your app store and download one or both of the apps and spend time with the Lord asking Him if and how He would like to use you on these platforms. I will be doing my first scopes and blabs this next week if you want to get an idea of what it's all about. Just follow me, here's how: Periscope. Follow me (@laurakrokos) on twitter and then when you download the app, you will automatically have me clicked to follow. Then you'll get notified when I go live. Blab. Go to the online site blab.im/laurakrokos and follow that way. For both of these I will be letting people know on social media that I am about to go live. And here's a couple neat things that keep my mind wondering about the possibilities. Apple just announced the apple tv which will have periscope (and I bet blab wont be far behind). People already are turning off primetime to watch scopes and blab, imagine when it's on the their tv screen! And I keep thinking of the verses talking about when Jesus comes back it will be seen worldwide. How crazy to think about how possibly this could be the technology used to allow everyone to see the return of the King. Holy cow huh. So, what ideas do you have for using these platforms for the glory of God? About Laura![]() Laura, the founder of Missional Women is married and has five kids, two of whom are adopted. Laura and her husband have been missionaries to college students for 13 years serving with Master Plan Ministries where she is the Women's Development Coordinator. Laura has authored 5 books, including an award winning 12 week Bible Study on First Samuel, Beholding Him, Becoming Missional, Reach; How to Use Your Social Media Influence for the Glory of God, and A Devotional Journey through Judges, a devotional to accompany the free online Bible study at TheBookofJudges.com. You can find her on facebook,twitter, pinterest, youtube, instagram and her author site. If you'd like to read more from this contributor, type her name in the search box on the top right. Sharing this over at these awesome blogs. Do you want to read more posts like this when you're on the go? As well as get exclusive access to monthly challenges, Bible reading plans, and discipleship foundations? Take Missional Women on the go with our app--free for our readers, don't miss out!
9/11/2015 01:23:56 pm
Oh Laura - Sooo love your passion for Jesus and your vision to spread the gospel! Such exciting times, for sure!
9/14/2015 10:02:55 am
9/15/2015 08:58:00 am
That was something that got me too Lisa. Seems like a waste of time if it couldn't be saved. But there is a site called katch.me that if you sign in then it automatically saves them for you and you can them share and put on websites and such with the embed code. :)
9/15/2015 06:10:08 am
Love your innovative spirit! So often I read things here that I'm not even aware of! Blessings, Laura.
9/15/2015 08:58:32 am
Thanks Michele!!
9/15/2015 09:29:43 am
Laura - Thank you for sharing your Thoughts today at #TestimonyTuesday. I have a periscope account, but have had no idea how to use it, I have never heard of blab, but will look into it. I appreciate your thoughts and your ideas. Thanks ever so much! Blessings.
Although I've already feel overwhelmed by all the social media I need to learn, I'm grateful for this valuable resource when I can find time and focus wrap my brain around actually learning to use them! I've heard they're amazing tools..Thanks so much, happy to visit you from #raralink up..
I am so excited about these ideas! I have heard of a couple of other bloggers using Periscope to spread God's Word and I have been thrilled with the idea. My only problem was that I wasn't exactly sure where to start. These are some great starting points for some ideas of my own, and I'll be tuning into some of your scopes too, for both ideas and encouragement in Christ. Thanks for the post! : )
10/5/2015 04:29:04 pm
Hi Meredith. Something I really appreciate is that it's still new so people are still learning so there doesn't seem to be much pressure to get it right since no one really knows what "get it right" means. :)
9/18/2015 09:46:19 am
Hi! I love your excitement for these new apps. I have checked out Periscope, but tell me about Blab. Can you save your video on Blab and then post it on a blog for others to watch? So glad to visit your site and link up via #livefreeThursday. I'm in the spot right after you. Happy Friday!
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