In today’s busy, disconnected world it’s easier than ever to live isolated, lonely and disconnected and yet we are built to crave deep connection. We not only desire, but need people to walk through life with, share our hopes, desires and struggles with and be deeply known and loved. Unshaken groups help you find your people and foster an environment for you to connect deeply, pray for each other and point each other to Jesus.
Why have an Unshaken Group? There are studies that show that loneliness is the plague of our generation. People are “connected” online and can be in a room full of people but feel lonelier than ever? Why? Because the greatest needs of mankind are to love and be loved and feel worthwhile to self and others. And this fundamental need cannot be met apart from being known.
Unshaken Groups are characterized by two things: Connecting with each other and connecting with God. The goal of these groups is to get past the surface conversation and be vulnerable with each other and to connect with God together through His Word and prayer.
What is an Unshaken Group? An Unshaken Group is group of women who desire to connect deeply, pray for each other and get into God's Word. If it's a large group, they would break into smaller groups that meets regularly to connect on a personal level, pray for each other and point each other to the Lord.
How does and Unshaken Group Work? 1. Connect with each other by answering specific questions 2. Study:
Watch the video and share answers to the discussion questions.
Walk through the Truth Chart together.
4. Pray for each other.
Unshaken Group Schedule 30 min.Connect question (see appendix for questions) 10 min. Watch video together (follow QR code in book) 30 min. Discuss chapter questions & answers 30 min. Complete and discuss the Truth Chart. 30 min. Pray for each other.
What about when the book is over? When your group is done going through the book, keep meeting as a group and use the following schedule example. 30 min. Connect question (see Group Guide for questions) 30 min. Discuss 1-3 attributes of God a wee using the discussion questions in the Group Guide. 30 min. Complete and discuss the Truth Chart. 30 min. Pray for each other.
How do I start? 1. Pray. Pray for the Lord to lead you to and bring to your mind who would be good to have a friend group with. 2. Gather. Invite 3-8 women who desire to share their hearts, pray together and get into God's Word. 3. Set up your first meeting: a. Decide what type of life stories you'd like to do the first week or two (see Group Guide) b. Decide on time, location and snack rotation. c. Decide how often you want to meet 4. Prepare: a. Order books and reveal cards b. Print the materials, all of which you can find below:
Group Guide
Group Questions
Attributes of God
Truth Chart
Reveal Card Questions
c. Read the Group Guide d. Figure out how you'll show the video (QR code to the website is in the book). You could play it on a computer, on a smart tv, or plug in your computer to your tv.
Get the Free Group Guide
Click the image on the left, save and print.
Right click the images below, save and print.
Group Questions (for when the book study is done)
Attributes of God
Truth Chart
The Reveal Cards
Get the Reveal Cards to help you group connect in a more fun & vulnerable way.
After you order the cards, right click the square images below, save and print. These are the questions that will go with the cards. You will spread the cards out on a table and each person will pick one picture that best represents the answer to the question.