Living in a state that has been slow to catch onto twitter, I hear, "I just don't get twitter" a lot. And really it's a legitimate question. After all, we have facebook to help us connect with our friends right? (Even though there is so much more facebook can be used for-like using it to reach and influence people for Christ. Check out our ebook about it.) So here's the deal with twitter. It's really not a place for in real life friends to connect (though that can happen and is not a bad thing). Think of it more as a place to connect with and meet new people. Think of it as a tool to reach people for Christ you never would ever come in contact with in real life. That's pretty exciting really! So getting followers is a pretty awesome thing. More followers means more people you can share with about Jesus and encourage to walk by faith. A good thing to keep in mind with twitter is getting followers is not the end goal but a means to the goal of glorifying God and making Jesus famous. {Tweet this} So here are 7 ways you can use twitter to glorify God. Top 7 Ways to Use Twitter to Glorify God 1. Pray for your followers. Then just shoot them a little tweet with a verse or telling them you were praying for them. 2. Tweet thought-provoking questions about the gospel that will help others grow in their trust of the Lord; such as truths about God, verses, stories of how God did something neat, etc. Some questions could be: What is God teaching you? Would you consider your overall experience with Christianity (or Christians) good or bad? Why? If you had to sum up your experience with Christianity in one word what would it be? How would you define “love”? 3. Tweet articles and videos from evangelistic websites. Ask your followers what they think or add a question to start discussion. Add a #hashtag to widen the scope of more people seeing it. You could use this is #lovethis or gotta love the #Word or #Bible. Get creative and think of something that would create curiosity enough to move someone to click on it. Good places for articles and videos: Short Films are platforms for deeper conversations. They have coaching materials that will give you step-by-step instructions on using short films to springboard into deeper conversations. Like training videos, articles, conversation starter questions, and so on. 4. Brag on God. Tell of a prayer He answered or way He revealed Himself to you or encouraged you. 5. Post about God’s Word. Status updates are also a great place to put God's Word, since God says, “I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it” (Isaiah 55:11, NLT). It seems every time I put up a verse, someone says, that was exactly what they needed to hear. God's Word is powerful. The Holy Spirit uses it to speak right to the heart where no one can see. You can also talk about what God is teaching you through His word and how scripture applies to your daily life. Many times people say to me, “Thanks for posting that, it was exactly what I needed to hear.” God’s so good at that isn’t He? Knowing and comforting hearts. He tells us about His Word, “This is my comfort in my affliction that Your Word has revived me”. Real refreshment is going to come from hearing from the Lord and His Word. We have that to offer people. Now that's awesome! One of my favorite online ministry tools is It is a great online gospel track. You get your own account that lets you know where your visitors are from and how many read it. Seriously how cool is it to get to share the gospel with your twitter followers, people you will probably never meet and don't live anywhere close to you. Pretty amazing really! 6. Honor people. When you write on people’s walls, it communicates that you are thinking of them and value them. Use it as an opportunity to brag about them and what God is doing in their life. Scriptures says, the world will know Jesus is Lord by our love for one another (John 13:34-35). When people see you speaking highly of others, it causes people to wonder what is different. 7. Tag your friends in things that might challenge or encourage them. The best way to make sure that a certain person sees something you post is to tag them. Just type “@” and then start typing their name and a drop down menu should pop up. Click on their name and they’ll get a notification to read it. For example, if you know a friend who was asking questions about the trustworthiness of scripture you might post an article about that and tag them in it. All of us can use the continually reminder of what's true about what God thinks about us and what's true about God. Post verses that talk about what God thinks about people and verses that talk about what is true about God. So after seeing this I hope the point that getting followers on twitter is not the end goal but the means to the goal of glorifying God. What about you? What would you add to this list? About Laura![]() Laura, the creator and host of Missional Women is married and has four kids, two of whom are adopted. Laura and her husband have been missionaries to college students for 11 years serving with Master Plan Ministries. Laura is the Staff Women's Development Coordinator and has discipled over 150 girls, led over 30 Bible studies and speaks 10-20 times a year. Laura is an award winning author of a 12 week Bible Study on First Samuel, Beholding Him, Becoming Missional, recently released Reach; How to Use Your Social Media Influence for the Glory of God, and A Devotional Journey through Judges, a devotional to accompany the free online Bible study at You can find her on facebook,twitter, pinterest and youtube. For more written by this contributor type her name in the search bar.
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Hi Laura, I don't use twitter a lot. Just for giveaways! ha ha! I use facebook, my blog, instagram and google + to evangelize and encourage but I have not been able to get an understanding of twitter. Although I think young people are using it now more than facebook. I just had a short conversation with my son about it but he couldn't tell me why it is more popular with young people. (scratching head) I guess we need to use the hashtags to get new "listeners"?
8/23/2013 01:19:29 pm
Hi, I hope you don't mind my comment as I'm not a woman, but I can identify and offer a thought. I didn't get twitter either, and do think youth get it automatically. That said, I have a few accounts and have received tremendous value from it. Honestly, I think using it for a period of time is the only way to get it. Something just begins to click. I think this post is great as for some reason I never considered praying or my followers. Thanks for that!
8/24/2013 06:51:35 am
Glad you commented Jed. I think you're totally right. The more you use it, the more ideas come of how to more effectively use it.
8/24/2013 06:50:10 am
I think it varies per city and state by which is most popular. I live in Denver and not many people use it here but everyone uses facebook. It's strange on who and why... ?? I've found that when I follow people they tend to follow back. And hashtags are great too. :)
10/29/2013 07:43:37 pm
Great article! Used correctly and wisely, it can be a great connection & source of encouragement to others.
10/30/2013 11:22:58 am
Thanks! Lots of great tips! I've used blogging and FaceBook much more than Twitter. And like Jed above, I never thought about praying for my followers. Well, actually, I don't have that many! I could probably pray for them all in 10 minutes!
11/1/2013 04:22:34 am
Thanks for the tips! I need a more definite Twitter strategy and I think these will help. Thinking especially about #2 right now.
11/1/2013 08:32:57 am
These are all great tips. I think, however, that in doing all of this you need to be real, not preachy. People hate getting preached at. So Twitter can be used for good, but if all you are tweeting is Bible verses, people may tune out. At the same time, there are great Christian leaders whose tweets I've subscribed to just because they do tweet faith-filled questions or messages that inspire me. :)
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