Habitudes: Images That Form Leadership Habits & Attitudes.
These are great little books that give illustrations to help explain concepts and truths of wisdom. Here's one of the habitude books and the description: The art of engaging communication- More robust than the other Habitudes, this new book is filled with sixteen communication principles and images, to be read, discussed and applied as a team. Each chapter contains discussion questions as well as personal application and practical suggestions for you to use to develop your communication. In the "Habitudes of an Effective Communicator" you will learn: How to captivate even young audiences with your message. How to walk listeners through the mental "seasons" of a presentation. How to feel poised from start to finish during your delivery. How to get your point across in a matter of minutes. How to engage people at the heart level and foster life-change. How to craft the stages of a message which will prepare listeners to act. How to motivate listeners to "own" your message. Other habitude books: The art of self-leadership The art of connecting with others. The art of leading others The art of changing a culture The art of navigating transitions America's Godly Heritage This is a DVD that blew my mind about our country and how it was founded. There is quote after quote from our founding fathers. This is a great resource, especially right now when it seems there is a huge need for Christians to engage in politics. Here's the description of the DVD. Discover the Founders' beliefs on the role of Biblical principles in government, education, and public affairs. Accompanied by color portraits and captivating scenes from America's history, this video provides an excellent overview of our Founders' design for America and prescribes step for restoring the values we have lost. David Barton is the founder of WallBuilders, an organization dedicated to presenting America's forgotten history and heroes, with an emphasis on our moral, religious, and constitutional heritage. David is author of numerous best-selling works and a national award-winning historian who brings a fresh perspective to history. Incredible Creatures that Defy Evolution. I am a little bias toward videos like this that talk about God's creation because I find it so fascinating. But these really are top notch in content and quality. The DVD's talk about different animals that expose how macro evolution is impossible. Here's the description of these videos. (3 volumes) Incredible Creatures That Defy Evolution presents powerful evidence that proves that animal designs can only be attributed to a creator. They cannot possibly be explained by evolution. This program will inspire you to look more closely at the world around you. Incredible Creatures 3 enters the fascinating world of animals to reveal sophisticated and complex designs that shake the traditional foundations of evolutionary theory. For the past 20 years, Dr. Jobe Martin has been fascinating his students as he lectures on these remarkable animals that cannot be explained by traditional evolution. Here is a preview. (You can also rent them.)
5 Little known Factors that Enhance your Relationship with God. The resources below are related to the fourth element that helps us grow; Fellowship (I use the term fellowship interchangeably with Community).
Resources: How to have Real Community {Video}- Francis Chan talking about how to find and have real fellowship. Missional Fellowship- This article talks about the role of evangelism in fellowship. Essential Elements of Healthy Fellowship {Video}- This is a video where a couple other staff women and I discuss thoughts on fellowship. Three Simple Ways to Cultivate Community- This article shares helpful ideas to help grow in connecting with other believers. The Connect Cards- A Creative, Interactive Resource for Small Group Leaders The Connect Cards deck has four essential elements: Connect with Scripture (for the leader), Connect with God (prayer), Connect with Each Other (group interaction), and Connect with The Mission (ministry). There are eleven cards per section, with forty-four cards total. Each week during your small group Bible Study, chose one card from each section. (There are eleven cards per section) All four categories combined (depending on the size of your group) should last about 30-45 minutes to your group time. If you are short on time, you can do one or two cards a week to go through or you can choose to go through one section/card at a time. Tailor fit this creative deck to fit your group. Thrive Discipleship Bible Study {Community}- The Thrive Discipleship Bible study is what we recommend to go through with new believers. I've attached the week on fellowship/community. The Importance of Restoring Community- Another article on community. 5 Little known Factors that Enhance your Relationship with God. The resources below are related to the third element that helps us grow; Evangelism.
(There are affiliate links listed in these resources . If you appreciate the ministry of Missional Women, please consider supporting us through these links. Thanks!) Books: The Unexpected Adventure- This is one of my very favorite books. It is a bunch of stories of God showing off when people stepped out in faith. It is so incredibly visionary for sharing your faith. I just can't tell you enough how great this book is! I actually heard about it from a friend of mine when she was in seminary as it was required reading. Seriously, so good!! Hells Best Kept Secret- Ray Comfort points out a great need in our evangelism these days. He talks about how easy it is to share the Gospel without really talking about sin and instead offer a love, joy, peace Gospel. This book is excellent in helping see the need to talk about sin and how to use the 10 commandments in evangelism in a conversational way. 101 Evangelism Ideas- This is a book written by a friend of mine. My husband and I both have ideas in here. It is a great resource for how to use things in your every day life to share the Gospel. Resources: Soularium- This is a deck of picture cards with 5 questions to help you get into a spiritual discussion with people. People feel very listened to and cared for using this tool and it gives you a really great understanding of where someone is at spirutally. Then you can easily transition into sharing what you believe. Testimony worksheet {Free Printable}- Here is an article with tips on how to prepare your testimony in a way that makes it usable in many situations. Sharing your testimony is a time to brag on God and how He rescued you from hell, pretty big deal! Knowing God Personally Booklets- These are a helpful tool to share the Gospel. It helps keeps the conversation on track and allows for you to give to someone that they can look through after your conversation. Who is This Jesus Mini Magazine- This is a great resource for people who have little knowledge of Jesus. It can function as a gift you give someone or a Bible study you can go through with a non-believer. Perspective Cards- This is a resource to help get into a spiritual conversation and uncover what someone's worldview is. 12 Simple & Effective Women's Ministry Outreach Events- This is a list of ideas that can be used for women's ministries that will help provide a context to share the Gospel. 5 Ways to Pop the Christian Bubble- Sometimes it is so easy to become trapped in a Christian bubble and then realize we don't actually know anyone that isn't a Christian. This is a helpful article with ideas of how to actually find people to share the Gospel with. 5 Little known Factors that Enhance your Relationship with God. The resources below are related to the secondelement that helps us grow; Prayer.
(There are affiliate links listed in these resources . If you appreciate the ministry of Missional Women, please consider supporting us through these links. Thanks!) Books: Operation World; The Definitive Prayer Guide to Every Nation. This prayer handbook has: All the countries of the world featured, maps of each country, geographic information, people groups within country, economic information, political information, religious make-up of each country, daily prayer calendar, answers to prayer, and challenges for prayer. Window on the World; When we Pray God Works- This is the kids version for Operation World. "Window on the World is your ticket to travel around the world! Find out how God is changing the lives of families everywhere through prayer-from the frozen arctic to the hottest desert, on the highest mountains and in crowded cities. Window on the World brings alive the culture, history, and traditions of all sorts of different people. With ‘Fact Files’ and ‘Do You Know?’ features, each section brings you information, true stories, maps, and easy-to-use prayer points that take you into homes around the world. See how children live, what they like to do, what they eat and wear and what they hope and dream." Pray for the World- Christian leaders in every country were asked, "How should the body of Christ throughout the world be praying for your country?" Their responses provide the prayer points in this book, with specific ways your prayers can aid the global church. Each entry includes: challenges for prayer and specific on-the-ground reports of answers to prayer, population and people group statistic, charts and maps of demographic trends, updates on church growth, with a focus on evangelicals, and explanations of major currents in economics, politics and society.Prayer: The Timeless Secret of High-Impact Leaders- This book comes highly recommended by the President of our ministry Too Busy Not to Pray- Both my husband and I were encouraged by this book and the motivation it provides to pray. There's also a study guide with DVD. Resources: Prayer Mosaic- This free printable has everything you need to set up a really powerful prayer night. Top Ten Printable - Little printable card where you can write down the top ten people you'd like to come to Christ and tuck it somewhere you'd see it everyday to remind you to pray fo them. Weekly Prayer List free printable - Just print, laminate and write down specific people and things with a dry erase marker. The Connect Cards - A resource to accompany small groups. One of the elements that lasts 11 weeks is a bunch of great things to pray for together. 9 Powerful Scriptures to Post on your War Room Wall How to Turn your Car into a War Room 70 Verses to Pray Printable Prayer Ideas- I've mentioned these guys before, but there I is just so much good stuff. JoshuaProject.net is a super great site that defines where we are at reaching the world with the Gospel. They have super great tools like their prayer ideas tab as well as a ton of other great stuff. Verse of the Day Monthly prayer List 5 Little known Factors that Enhance your Relationship with God.
Here's a simple video diagram that explains the 5 elements that cause us to grow in our relationship with God. The resources below are related to the first spoke; God's Word. Books: These are some of my favorite books about God's Word. I've grown a ton in ability to study God's Word because of these goodies. Unlocking the Scriptures, Reading the Bible with Heart and Mind, (I'm going to be doing a series on Bible study tools, so I'll save my favorite Bible study tools and books for then. Tips: Here's a ton of great stuff to help dive into God's Word in things like memorizing it and using it to pray for people and situations. Topical Memory Verse Ideas Printable & How to Memorize Scripture 70 Verses to Pray from Scripture, How to Meditate on Scripture, Quiet Time Help; 3 Reasons to Read One Book of the Bible at a Time. Resources: And here's some of my favorite resources that give confidence not only in God's Word but in our relationship with Him. Reasons to Trust the Bible, Our Bible Study recommendations, Bible Study Journals, 4 P's Free Printable {if you'd prefer not to get the journals} The recommended books have affiliate links. |
Laura KrokosLaura, the founder of Missional Women is married and has five kids. Laura and her husband have been missionaries to college students for 12 years serving with Master Plan Ministries and has authored 5 books. You can find her at the places below.
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