The BehemothSince I've been thinking about reflecting, this article from Behemoth (a magazine from Christianity Today) was so appropriate and encouraging. it talks about P53, what they call the Pondering Protein. It is fascinating and quickly puts you in awe of God.
Spiritual Mentoring Series: How to Find a Mentor, How to Become a Mentor, How to Be a MentorThese posts are packed full of helpful resources to help you disciple another lady in your life or even find someone to disciple you. There are things like a foundational Bible study, tips of what to do in your time together, what qualities to look for in someone and questions to ask. Enjoy!
9 Resources to Foster a Heart for the World in Your ChildThe Lord seems to be leading us to start homeschooling our kiddos. Right now our two oldest go to a Christian Classical school which we absolutely LOVE, but as we look to our future, we need the flexibility of homeschooling (Not to mention the cost of having 5 in private school). We will be doing Classical Conversations but I was looking for something to supplement as a way to keep God's global mission before our kids and I came across these great resources. Enjoy.
Table Topics Table Topics are cute little boxes full of questions on various topics. I have 3 different Table Topic boxes that I use regularly. They are great for having people over and for holidays but mostly I use them for ministry events. I just put them in the center of the table at a retreat or use them as a connecting question at Bible study where each person picks one card to answer. Here's the link to check them out. And just a heads up, in one of our boxes (the spiritual box which I think they discontinued) I went through and pulled out a couple of the cards because I didn't like the question.
The Missional Women App The Missional Women app allows you to get all our free stuff (with more to come) easily and is accessible and able to use anywhere.
Here's what the app offers: * The Bible * Audio Bible * Bible Reading Plan * All the helpful Missional Women Articles * Discipleship Resources * Bible Studies * Lock Screens * and a ton more And it's FREE!! You can download it in your app store (available for iPhone, windows, android and amazon). And I would LOVE it if you could share about the app and leave a review in your app store so more people would be able to find it. The Traveling Team
They are a small team who travels across the U.S. to speak to college students about God's heart for the world. It is free to bring them in to talk to your group, you just need to house and feed them. They are phenomenal! Kids on Mission I love this site that helps foster a heart for the world to know Jesus. They have videos and activities that kids love. Seeds Family Worship They put Scripture to music. The whole family loves these catchy songs. They also have some other music and discipleship resources on their site. iBooks app This is a free app for phones that enables you to save pdf's on your phone. It functions much like a kindle in creating a little library of pdfs. Just go to your app store and search "ibooks" and download. Then whenever you see something online (that you're looking at on your phone), click it and it and you'll be asked how you want to open the file and the option "iBooks" will open. Click it and it will automatically be saved in your pdf's library Hive ResourcesOne of our contributors, Melissa Deming is an incredible teacher and full of wisdom and is just so incredibly likable! Well, she is talking a lot about women's ministry right now on her blog that is an absolute must read if you are part of a Women's Ministry team.
Here are some of her recent posts: The Missing Element of Women's Ministries Growing a Healthy Women's Ministry She also wrote one of our featured articles at Missional Women this week Dear Women's Ministry Leader Battling Discouragment HeavenThis book is what I think is the very best book on heaven. It's called, if you could believe it, Heaven. Randy Alcorn uses Scripture to piece together a picture of what heaven will be like. I. LOVE. It. It's so visionary and motivating to glorify God with all you have now looking forward to them.
Laura KrokosLaura, the founder of Missional Women is married and has five kids. Laura and her husband have been missionaries to college students for 12 years serving with Master Plan Ministries and has authored 5 books. You can find her at the places below.
Laura's BooksIn the works...Archives
February 2017