If you know anything about the blogosphere, mommy blogs are hot! You already know that moms love to connect and support each other through online communities. Christian bloggers and readers can be more missional in reaching this very large network of moms. Readers, are you making friends online through the blogs you read? Do you look for opportunities to gently bring spiritual perspective to a topic in your comments? Maybe you prefer to make friendships and then exchange email addresses or phone numbers with a new friend so you can share God’s love and the Gospel one-on-one? Do you have a story about someone you were able to touch for Christ that you can share with us? Mommy bloggers, your niche is already very popular. You can add to your blog’s popularity by also choosing popular topics. My friend, Heather, does this well on Live with Flair. (She’s an English professor, so she’s got that going for her right there!) She doesn’t put a spiritual nugget in every post, but makes sure she does this regularly. I looked up some top ten recommended blogging topics and discovered at least five of these topics that fit naturally into the “mommy blog” niche: 1. Health 2. Fashion 3. Relationships 4. Money management 5. Q&A Are you using any of these popular topics on your blog? How can you make these topics more missional? Of course, an easy way is to include Bible verses in your post. But, let’s put our heads together and see what else you could do: 1. You can write about how God helped you through a tough pregnancy or share why it’s important to you to be a good steward of your family’s health. 2. My young friend, Bethany, blows me away with her example. She wore one dress for one year to raise awareness about human trafficking. Check out her blog. 3. We all have lots of times we can write about relationships and how God helps us. Be sure to spend time with the Lord in Proverbs or in the epistles to allow God to teach you first. You may also need permission from your family and friends to post about them. 4. Can you share not just how you limit your spending, but also give a biblical perspective of why you do? Have you any tips for teaching your children to have a missional perspective about finances? Has your family raised money for a need? 5. Answering questions can be very broad, so you might want to focus on your particular skills or interests in child-rearing, DIY, recipes, book recommendations, etc. Can you share a personal faith lesson? Yes, you can even feature recipes and bring your readers back to God. Visit my friend, Liz, over at Devos and Dumplings for an example. If these thoughts are sparking some ideas for you or you’ve tried some things I haven’t mentioned, please share your experience with us. If you’d like to try something on your blog, but don’t know how you could pull it off, put a link to your blog in the comments and I’ll be glad to drop in and see if I can think of ideas with you. About Sus Sus Schmitt serves as a Technology Ministry Developer for Women’s Resources at Cru. Her goal is to equip Campus Crusade for Christ staff to have more effective ministries through learning technological skills. Her main medium to do this is through her blog, eQuipping for eMinistry. Sus also maintains a personal site, Mike and Sus.org and an evangelistic site, The Sovereign. You can find her on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Google+, and Pinterest. Sus is enjoying her new role as a “nana” to a cute, little boy. Do You Have a Mommy Blog Ministry? by Sus Schmitt is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License
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