Hi! I just love that you found your way to my little corner in this massive world of blogs. I hope you leave encouraged. :) My husband and I are missionaries to college students and spent the last month living out of suitcases to help lead a summer project for students, followed by new staff training for our staff in the beautiful mountains of Durango, Colorado. It was incredible and the kids did shockingly well through all the transition. Most of the last month I was without internet and am so grateful to finally have consistent access to the rest of the world. Yay! Well, I have been thinking and praying about what I should write next and nothing was coming to me. I wondered if maybe I shouldn't write everyday, because reality is, unless the Lord builds the house they labor in vain that build it. And really I just don't do well on my own, without confidence I am doing as the Lord leads. But as He always does, He came through (so often it seems He likes to wait till the last minute doesn't it. I guess that's part of the great adventure) and gave me an idea at church. So I am starting a new series on our identity in Christ/God's attributes, with a twist. Each day I am going to talk about an attribute of God and therefore what that makes us, since we are the fruit of His hands, His handiwork. Everything about us is defined by Him and truly we are wrapped in Grace! He's Creative, So What Does That Make Me?God, the same God of Abraham, Moses and Paul, is the author of creativity. Everything creative reflects the Lord of creativity in some way, since the origin of creativity is Him. And God is eternal right, so everything about Him is without end. If we were to study, and see, and discover His creativity for the rest of our lives, and for all of eternity, we would never come to the end of all there is to know about His creativity. Mind blowing. He is so amazingly creative that He made sound, and the carrier protein, deep sea creatures, our massive universe, solar eclipses and the star nosed mole. And even the hearing ear and the seeing eye. Answers in Genesis has this movie by Dr. David Menton I just watched telling how amazing the ear and eye are. I am wowed. Did you know God made our ear canal to grow the wax sideways?! Yup, instead of having it be produced like skin, from the bottom up with the top layer falling off (which would clog our ear and make us unable to hear), it grows in a shuffling sideways kind of way out our ear. How smart! And that is just one of the simple wows of this talk. We truly are the Lord's handiwork. He is more creative we dare imagine and we are the clay in His hands. We are the work of a master designer. We were fashioned by the most creative. Just as a masterpiece is invaluable because of the fame of the one who made it, so are we invaluable because of the One who created us. Our value is priceless. Not because we're so great, but because we are the work of the top, most creative One in the world. Stop and take this in. The very most creative One to ever live or be, made, fashioned, designed... you. You! You are His masterpiece. "For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so that we can do the good things he planned for us long ago." Ephesians 2:10 If you went through your day believing in your heart (not just your head) that God is creative and we are the work of His hands, would that change anything about your day? #487 the gift of being fashioned
#488 God showing me what to write about #489 Being home again #490 our blooming yard #491 wisdom of an expert who knows how to fix my awful memory #492 divine appointment to talk with expert lady about my memory #493 courage to share with her about my memory I'm linked up with the beautiful ladies at A Holy Experience, Nebraska Graceful, The Wellspring, The Better Mom, Pause on the Path, Create with Joy, Finding Heaven, Women Living Well, Deep Roots at Home
God IS creative I can't even begin to think about its enormity let alone take it ALL in - for I just can't. It's beyond me. But what I'd like to think about is - I am His masterpiece - and I will hold that thought through the day. It certainly WILL change everything about my day!
Dear Laura,
6/18/2012 07:54:00 pm
Hi Laura,
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