Don't you just love how you can read and re-read the same thing in God's Word but each time the Lord opens your eyes to something new. Hearing Him speak every time I meet with Him has got to be one of the best things in the world! God who created the universe, Who has always existed, Who sees the end from the begining and is intimately acquainted with all my ways and not me only but also great, great, great... grandma from 1915, wants to share His thoughts, His desires and passions with me. Wow! Well, I just have to share. I'm reading through Exodus and this is what God, the infinite, caring, standing with me One whispers to my heart through it. "One day, after Moses had grown up, he went out to where his own people were and watched them at their hard labor. He saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, one of his own people. Glancing this way and that and seeing no one, he killed the Egyptian and hid him in the sand". For some reason I thought Moses didn't know he was adopted until he "had grown up". But he knew since he was little. His name even means, "drawn from the water." He knew all along he was a Hebrew, but chose to live the lifestyle of an Egyptian. He chose to live with a false front. It makes me wonder why. But isn't it easy to do the same thing? Hide from others the real us. The book Changes that Heal talks about the importance of letting people know you because it will result in being able to experience grace and truth which are healthy relationships. Hidden is not healthy. It wasn't until Moses saw, that his mind changed and he was moved with compassion. And that compassion moved him to take action which in turn helped him live in light of his true idenity. Until now I don't think I really understood the huge value of seeing. "The next day he went out and saw two Hebrews fighting. He asked the one in the wrong, "Why are you hitting your fellow Hebrew?" Sometimes... no wait, a lot of times we see things, even in our "own" circles/people that we don't want to see, things that hurt us to see. Sometimes people hurt each other, but God used even this to bring about the rescue of the people whose lineage He would bring the Savior through. How comforting that our mess-ups can't be too big for God to work with. "The man said, "Who made you ruler and judge over us? Are you thinking of killing me as you killed the Egyptian?" Then Moses was afraid and thought, "What I did must have become known." When Pharaoh heard of this, he tried to kill Moses..." Well, I've just never put myself in Moses' shoes before in reqards to having a adoptive father want to kill you. That just must have been awful. "During that long period, the king of Egypt died. The Israelites groaned in their slavery and cried out, and their cry for help because of their slavery went up to God. God heard their groaning and he remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac and with Jacob. So God looked on the Israelites and was concerned about them." Exodus 2:11-25 Just like Moses saw and was in turn moved by compassion. So is God! He see's! And when He see's, He feels, and doesn't sit passive, He acts. When you call out to him like the Israelites, He will come through for you. He is our El Roi, the God who See's. I hope that comforts you as much as it comforts me. But before Moses saw, he "went out to where his own people were". He took the initative to go, to venture into the unknown and see. Lord, would you move us to places you want us to be and open our eyes to see. Give us eyes that see things the way you do and move us to compassion. And let that compassion give birth. Let us display you as the God who See's. There is people dear to my heart who are hidden. Literally hidden. Young girls who have been tricked and sold into prositution. Forced to have sex 10-50 times a day. I see and I'm moved with compassion. In July, a few staff girls and I are taking 10 other girls to the sex trafficking hotspot, Penom Pehn. Will you pray for us? (I will be blogging everyday to keep you updated) If you see these girls and your heart is moved with compassion, there are things you can do. You can host a jewlrey party for Women At Risk It is super easy, they do all of it for you. You just let them know you want to have a party and they send you al the invitations, jewlrey and even pay for the shipping to send back what is not sold. And all the $ goes to rescued girls who made the jewlrey as they are learning a new trade. Or Agape International has a ton of needs as they are opening a new safe house for rescued girls. They need house-hold items. On thier website you can learn more about sex trafficking and how it is the #2 (closing in on the #1) illegal crime in the world, and you can watch videos of rescued girls sharing their stories. May God enable us to see today. PS Will you consider linking up with me this Friday for 'Brag on God Friday's'? Link up any post you would like that shows the God of the Bible's heart or character or a way that He came through. Photo Credit
6/1/2011 05:29:37 am
Awesome how He continues to open our eyes to things we think of as familiar in His word, isn't it?
Laura, is there anything you need before going, or that you can take with you for the girls? I would love to do something for you - I can't think of one person in my own community who wouldn't want to help those precious girls. Maybe we could organize something.
Thank you so much Rowan! I know that Agape needs house-hold items... but I don't know how much extra luggage is on overseas trips. I'll have to look into it. Or if it is better to buy stuff there??
6/2/2011 10:04:18 pm
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and insight with us... especially about 'Women at Risk' and 'Agape International.' Blessings to you.
6/3/2011 01:58:38 am
GOD bless and protect you as you journey...taking The Light of GOD into the darkness.
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