Judges 1:17-19 "Then the men of Judah went with the Simeonites their brothers and attacked the Canaanites living in Zephath, and they totally destroyed the city. Therefore it was called Hormah. The men of Judah also took Gaza, Ashkelon and Ekron--each city with its territory. The LORD was with the men of Judah. They took possession of the hill country, but they were unable to drive the people from the plains, because they had iron chariots." What wisdom the Simeonites had. No other tribe was able to fully obey God. Only those who brought others with them and did not go it alone. God doesn't intend for us to enter battlefields alone. Even Judah's faith would not exceed what they would see-the chariots of iron, even when they knew exactly what was to come. Even when God told them ahead of time they would come up against those chariots of iron. "You are numerous and very powerful. You will have not only one allotment but the forested hill country as well. Clear it, and its farthest limits will be yours; though the Canaanites have iron chariots and though they are strong, you can drive them out." Joshua 17:17-18 Perhaps it's easy to think if we just were to know ahead of time, then we would have been prepared. It's not a matter of knowing whats to come, it's having a heart thats ready. A sweet lady I go to church with said this past Sunday that one time the Lord had led her to fast though she wasn't complete sure why. She did and realized later that her fast, her set apart time with the Lord made her heart ready for one of the hardest trials she would face in her life. (Which happened shortly after the fast) Sweet Kay is an example of making a ready heart. So Practically...Currently I can think of 4 major battlefields. Battlefields that we should not go alone but prepare our hearts ahead of time. Battlefields that require us to be strategic and not fly by the seat of our pants hoping we make it through the fire. 1. Battlefield of Temptation. Has God called you somewhere where you might be exposed to temptation? If it's a place He hasn't sent you, then run like Joseph. But if it's a place He's sent you, don't go alone. Who will you physically take with you? 2. Battlefield of Mission. God has called to be on mission. The Greatest Mission of telling people about Him. But He hasn't called you to be on mission alone. Who can you partner with? Who can help you take the next step in learning to live on mission? 3. Battlefield of the Mind. "casting down imaginations, and every high thing that is exalted against the knowledge of God, and bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ" 2 Cor. 10:5 This perhaps is the hardest of these battlefields, because most often we don't know we are believing lies, otherwise we wouldn't believe them. After all, who wants to believe a lie? So a great way to fight this battle of destroying the lies we believe is to get into God's Word with other believers. Who do you/can you get into God's Word with on a regular basis? What is the next step for you and them? 4. Battlefield of Emotional Healing. Are you struggling through an area of your life that needs emotional healing? Don't go it alone. Seeing a counselor does not mean you are really messed up, it is just getting wisdom to help you become more healthy. Are there things in your life you haven't shared with anyone? Pray about telling someone who loves you and loves Jesus. Growth comes when things come out of the dark and into the light. Glimpse of Glory in Judges |
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