Being a missionary to college students we live off of monthly support. Part of that means we write monthly newsletters keeping our supporters updated with what God is doing. Sometimes the stories we share (or others on staff with us) seems just too crazy to be true. We've even had people ask, "Is that really true or is it exaggerated a bit?" But to us when we are in the moment, getting to see God do awesome things it just doesn't seem as cool as reading about it. I've always wondered why that is. This got me thinking about the disciples. It seems they were always getting to be part of what Jesus was doing. They got to see God use them to do really cool things, yet it seemed to not really sink in. Kind of like in Mark 6 right after they saw Jesus feed 5,000 men (so really many many more people) and they got to be the ones handing out the bread and fish. It finally clicks in these peoples minds that Jesus is God and they want to make Him King by force so He has them all (including His disciples) leave so He can pray. Then "He saw the disciples straining at the oars, because the wind was against them. About the fourth watch of the night he went out to them, walking on the lake. He was about to pass by them, but when they saw him walking on the lake, they thought he was a ghost. They cried out, because they all saw him and were terrified. Immediately he spoke to them and said, "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid." Then he climbed into the boat with them, and the wind died down. They were completely amazed, for they had not understood about the loaves; their hearts were hardened." Mark 6:48-52 Matthew 14:33 says it this way, "Then those who were in the boat worshiped him saying, 'Truly you are the Son of God." John 6:14 says, "After the people saw the sign Jesus performed, they began to say, 'Surely this is the Prophet who is to come into the world." After Jesus fed 5,000 men, the people finally got it, Jesus was God. But the disciples didn't. But here, as He walks on water, something totally independent of them, they get it. Spiritual activity does not equal faith just as knowledge does not equal understanding. Our culture breeds the attitude that if you've heard something before you know it completely and hence why you hear things like, "I'm just not getting anything out of it" (in regards to hearing God's word). God's knowledge is without end. He wont run out of things to show us in His Word. So if we are not getting anything out of it, it's not because we've learned all there is to learn as though we've exhausted the knowledge of God. The problem instead lies in our hearts receptivity. And just as we may have lives filled with spiritual activity, lets not assume it's rooted in faith. It is very easy to do things like have a quiet time, share the gospel, lead a Bible study or a thousand other Christian activities but be doing it totally reliant on our own efforts, independent of God, the very opposite of faith. Not too long ago as I was spending time with God I was asking Him what He wanted to talk about, this blog came to my mind. Was it just a spiritual activity or really something rooted in faith? If God were to have more control of it, would it look different? And if so would I be able to let go? Are all questions that came to mind. As my time with the Lord went on, He showed me there was some changes He wanted to make. Things I never expected but yet totally makes sense with how He works in my life. Remember in school when you had to do group projects? There was nothing I hated worse. All my insecurities came out and I clammed up. I grew up as a very independent, only child. I just could not understand why in the world a teacher would make you do school work with other people. Still today I have a strong tendency to do it "all bum felf" (all by myself) as my little almost two year old Eden says it, though the Lord has helped me value the experience and wisdom of others. So as He showed me some changes I needed to make it completely registered with me. So here's the scoop. He led me to keep the it's all about the glory of God focus but add an emphasis on living on mission. And He lead me to bring on contributor writers. Isn't that just like God! Bringing me back once again to my need to be part of a team. Us "all bum felf" people need that constant reminder apparently. Other people have things to offer than I can not give and I'm anticipating the blog/website will be better together than alone. So as I am talking with the up and coming contributors and planning the launch for the new site I would love your feedback. I've added new tabs but think of them as wet cement. If a topic you think would be good is not an option, please leave me a comment telling me about it. And I would love to hear other thoughts you have too to make this place a blessing, a place to help women of all ages to live on mission for God's glory. Click here to follow Beholding Glory Devotional via email. I'm linked up with the beautiful ladies at Fellowship Fridays, Nebraska Graceful, Reflection of Him,Spiritual Sunday, Heart Reflected, The Better Mom, Create with Joy. Faith Filled Friday Link UpWe exist to glorify God, to display His heart and character. And I just love how we are all uniquely built to do that. So every Friday I want to give you, uniquely designed by God, an opportunity to link up your thoughts on God, art, baking, photography, parenting, marriage, homeschooling, writing or blogging and more if they tie into or display the the Lord somehow. So go ahead and link up below by clicking the link below and following the prompts. Please just let your readers know by including a link at the bottom of your post (or somewhere on your side bar) or put my button code (found on my side bar or the Faith Filled Friday Tab) so they can find these other great people glorifying God and we can continue to grow as a community.Thanks! And in effort to encourage others in their writing by faith, please take a minute to comment on the post linked up before you.
Isn't it wonderful of our God to be interfering with our writing ministry, working in, with, and through us? Sometimes I feel guilty that I want to satisfy my desire to just write for the mere pleasure and art of it, but He reminds me that my writing is His calling and I am actually on a mission,we are on a mission, not to satisfy ourselves but really just to serve :).
11/19/2012 03:08:19 am
Yes, well said Rina. I'm always amazed He pieces us together so good where our abilities, desires and calling match. What a generous and good God!!
I sense new depth here, God at His soul-maturing work in a life and ministry. Just something... wonderful.
11/19/2012 03:09:31 am
That is so amazing!!! Well, I am so grateful to be able to be a "hearer" of you bragging on God! Thanks for sharing.
This post resonates with me on many levels. I was especially convicted by your statement that our lives can be filled with so many Christian activities and yet we ourselves could be devoid of faith. Wow ! What a revelation. And as you said, it is not as if we do not know this but sometimes we feel we've heard all there is to hear and so we are not able to receive what the Holy Spirit is showing us.
11/19/2012 03:14:11 am
Thanks Gertrude. I'm so glad knowing I'm not alone. :)
11/19/2012 03:15:11 am
Thanks Christina!!!!
Hi Laura! Thanks for hosting this Linky. The more mature we become the more we realize how much we really need one another(especially us as women). As 1 Corinthians 12:12 states " For as the body is one and has many members, but all the members of that one body, being many, are one body, so also in Christ". We have lost so much ground in the Body by not realizing how each one of us plays a significant role(regardless of how big or small that part may be) in making sure that His Kingdom message spreads throughout the earth. I so thank Him for His mercy and grace, because He allows us to make up for wasted time! Thanks so much for the reminder! Teamwork makes the dream work! Have a blessed week! ;-)
11/22/2012 01:13:02 pm
Yes yes yes!! I think growing up as an only child it took me much longer to value this. :) I love how you say it though... teamwork makes dream work!
Oh my word -- saw the term "group project" and my whole body just shuddered in horrible memories! I'm not the only child but the eldest and "I want to do it all by myself"... But, thankfully the Lord has been patiently teaching me... Bless you for an intriguing post :) Have a wonderful weekend.
11/22/2012 01:14:48 pm
So glad I'm not alone Kathleen!!
11/16/2012 03:39:15 am
Hi Laura,
11/22/2012 01:16:12 pm
lol! There should be shouldn't there!?
I come here everyday.
11/22/2012 01:17:27 pm
Thanks for the encouragement Renee! And thanks so much for sharing what you enjoy and benefit from reading. That is so helpful!!!
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