"So now, go. I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Eygpt... The LORD said to Moses, "When you return to Egypt, see that you perform before Pharaoh all the wonders I have given you the power to do. But I will harden his heart so that he will not let the people go." Exodus 3:10, 4:21 How often we think the easy path, the open door must beGod's will. I wonder why? Jesus told us that in this world we will have trouble, not ease. So if Jesus already promised us trouble, why would we think that the comfortable, smooth way would be His way? As a side note about God Chazaq-ing (hardening) Pharoah's heart. Chazaq, the Hebrew word for harden means to give courage, to embolden to do what's already in the heart. Pharoah's heart was very stubborn and hard, God just gave him courage to let it come out. God sent. And when God sent, Moses had to take initative to Go. But when God sent, He also set up opposition against the very thing He wanted to accomplish. Why would God bring a "closed door" in front the very thing He wanted to accomplish? Like everything else in this world, for His glory. To show Himself great! So really sometimes a "closed door" doesn't mean it is not God's will, it is just there because God wants to plow through it and show off. So it seems the only real thing we can rely on to know God's will is His Word. To rely on what He has already told us. And just like He sent Moses and the elders, He sent us. His heart is for people to be brought out of slavery, for people to not be bound by sin, but live in freedom. Should you go? Next door? Across the ocean? YES! He already sent you. You are sent. You are commissioned. You have been called to proclaim freedom to the captives and good news to the poor. Remembering what is true about God is going to remind you to trust Him. And like compound interest, the more you trust, the more you trust. In Joshua 4, God parted the Jordon for the Israelites to complete the mission He gave them. After they crossed the river on dry ground, He told them to make a pile of rocks as a reminder of His greatness for themselves and their children "so that all the peoples of the earth might know that the hand of the LORD is powerful..." v.24 Every Friday for Brag on God Friday's is an opportunity to make a pile of rocks so that others might know the Lord is God. You can link up your post that talks about God's heart or character. It can be something He's taught you, an answer to prayer or anything else that brags about our incredible God. "Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples." 1 Chron. 16:24 "...proclaim among the nations what he has done." Psalm 9:11 Photo Credit
Top: Beautiful Daze
When you think that you are doing His Will and still have that uneasy feeling - it is not from HIM.
Thank you for stopping by my blog, Sweet Blessings! I look forward to your Brag on God Friday.
Thank you for the encourageig comments. I totally agree that willingness is the hardest part. And as for feelings, I think they absolutely can line up with God's Word sometimes, but not always. Like when Jesus sweat blood, asking for his cup to be removed. But it was obviously the Father's will for His Son to die on the cross, but Jesus was anguished about it. Our emotionss are gifts from God, but we can't put them above Scripture or trust them as a completely reliable source for making decisions.
i agree that emotions are fickle and everything needs to be examined against God's revealed word, the Bible. However, sometimes God gives us an overwhelming sense of calling and peace regarding a decision and it's a wonderful thing. In my experience that often means that the way will be hard and we will need to remember that strong sense of conviction to help us stay the course.
Sean Johnson
6/10/2011 09:44:25 am
Me and Jackie think your website is awesome. And we are excited to go out to dinner/catch up. P.S. Jackie wants your B-Study--Just Saying.
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