I'm so glad you are here! I hope during your visit you get a glimpse of God's heart for we become what we are gazing at. I want to be a blessing to you so I've made these Resources available to you and have the Missional blog tab for practical ideas of how to live on mission right where you are. Currently I am writing my way through Judges sharing glimpses of God's heart and character for a weekday devotional. To check out the entire series so far head on over the the Judges Devotional. He's the SourceFor ten years of my Christian life I thought I could live the Christian life if I just tried hard enough. I approached the Bible as a book of do’s and don’ts. I even remember one time when I was pretty irritated at God because of how He organized the Bible. I couldn't understand why He didn’t just make a huge long list for me, making it easier to live the Christian life. I thought that if I had this list of everything I should do and everything I shouldn’t do, then I would be the best Christian to ever walk the planet. Why? Because I would know what was expected of me. And I believed that if I just knew, then of course I could do it. My motives were to be pleasing to the Lord and I knew I was truly accepted by my Father regardless of my actions, but I didn’t trust Him to bring about the transformation in my heart. I took on the responsibility of sanctifying (being made more like Christ) myself. I believed it was by grace that God has rescued me from hell, but it was by my effort and trying really hard that I lived the good Christian life. I didn't realize that we can do nothing eternal apart from the Lord. I didn't understand that we can know the right thing to do and yet not do it. I have a friend who use to be a leader in the church I went to. Her and her husband moved and then we moved and it's been 12 years since I've seen her. We are friends on facebook and that is how I found out her and her husband got a divorce and now she is a lesbian and he is a pretty heavy partier and drinker. Heartbreaking. Just the other day on her facebook wall she posted a video of Pat Roberstson talking about homosexuality. Obviously her community got fired up and here are a few of the 42 comments in response: "Lots of people do good things without having a higher authority. Actually some of the nicest people I have ever met do not live by a higher authority and some of the meanest people out there live by a higher authority. Look at all these countries going to war over the fear of a higher authority. A higher authority that may or may not exist" "If there is a "god" or not, we should all strive to be the best person we can! Regardless of race or religion! I treat everyone the same why I would want to be treated...." It is commonly thought that if we know the right things to do we could do it. If we all just lived according to what we all thought was best and "did what was right in our own eyes" then our society would work, life would work. Sounds good, sound like it should work. But it's just not true. Throughout Judges the phrase, "In those days Israel had no king..." Judges 18:1 most of the time followed up with "and everyone did what was right in their own eyes." appears. But really look where that got them, crazy and awful situations. The reality is that we just can't. It's impossible to do what our spirit desires to do apart from the Spirit of God enabling us. The law exists to show us we need Jesus. But just us knowing what we should and shouldn't do doesn't enable us to do it. (Rom. 3:20) It takes relying on the strength of the Holy Spirit, remaining connected to Him as a vine is to a branch to be able to do the things the Lord desires of us. Just because someone does good things or is a nice person does not mean they have the ability to do all the good intentions they desire. Basically, we just all need Jesus a lot. I love how Paul says it, he's just always in your face and to the point. No beating around the bush with him. "Are you so foolish? After beginning with the Spirit, are you now trying to attain your goal by human effort?" Gal. 3:3 Here it is in the message, "Are you going to continue this craziness? For only crazy people would think they could complete by their own effors what was begun by God. If you weren't smart enough or strong encough to begin it, how do you suppose you could perfect it?" If you've enjoyed this post subscribe to receive a FREE copy of the Life Purpose Plan; discovering how your uniqueness, current reality and the mission fit together for the glory of God and have the glimpse of glory devotional quietly delivered to your inbox. Faith Filled Friday Blog HopWe exist to glorify God, to display His heart and character. And I just love how we are all uniquely built to do that. So every Friday I want to give you, uniquely designed by God, an opportunity to link up your thoughts on God, devotionals, ministry as well as art, baking, photography, parenting, marriage and more if they tie into or display the the Lord somehow. So go ahead and link up below by clicking the link below and following the prompts. I just humbly ask that you please let your readers know by including a link at the bottom of your post (or somewhere on your side bar) or put my button code (found on my side bar or the Faith Filled Friday Tab) so they can find these other great people glorifying God and we can continue to grow as a community. Thanks! And will you tweet or share on facebook to tell your friends about these other bloggers linked up. Everyones posts each week are so great! I'm linking up with Spiritual Sundays
3/29/2012 11:31:01 am
What a sad tragedy about the former church leader! And what a good reminder this post is! We can know the truth of Galatians 3:3 and drift off from it in our zeal, yes, to be pleasing to God.
3/29/2012 01:58:19 pm
Some just don't finish until the end. Sorry to hear about your friends. Abiding in the vine is a key component to the Christian! Thanks for hosting this linkup. It's my first time here.
I know, it's sobering. A reminder of how desperately we all need Jesus, no one is exempt. I heard a statistic when I was in college (many years ago now-and for my poor memory that says a lot) that 9 out of 10 student leaders in college ministries are no longer walking with Jesus 10 years later. That knocked reality into me, a desperation to stay close to Him, to be greedy with my time with Him, to rely on His strength. I am proud to say it has been 10 years and by God's grace I am the 1 out of 10. But if I had tried to live the Christian life on my own, that wouldn't be the case, just like with my friend. :(
Yes, it is by grace alone!
How funny! I think before I went to Nepal in 2000, I would have been debating along side them. :) Learning to trust in the Lord's strength, relying on grace changed my whole world. It's like everything in us wants to make it about us, wants to earn, not receive. But really the Lord is most deeply satisfied in our thirst for Him, the one thing we have to offer.
Ok Whoa Kelli! You are like a magician with words! Beautiful! (Here and your blog)
3/29/2012 03:27:35 pm
how sad to see that happen to your friend. it reminds us not to grow complacent but to keep abiding in Him. i think the closer you are to God, the more you realize how much you need Him. thanks for sharing
3/29/2012 05:14:44 pm
Some where the ground turned hard and lack of the word caused the voice of our enemy to entice your friends (and others who have slipped and fell.) That personal experience with Jesus is always something they can never forget if once known. We pray for those we know who are in similar situations - so sad. We must keep alert ourselves and stay in the Word and keep close to Jesus.
3/29/2012 08:47:29 pm
What a great post! It is so hard to get people who are raised thinking they have to perfect the check off list to stay saved, how to understand they can't do it....and must, must, must enter into a dependency relationship with God. 2 totally different trains of thought. 2 totally different relationship dynamics. I think those who finally GET IT....that they can't perfect it on their own....are the ones that find the greatest intimacy with God.
No, one cannot make oneself pleasing to God without the Lord Jesus Christ in one's life. No amount of effort can do it. When one surrenders one's life to Him, one receives the Holy Spirit, grows in the Word and bears the Spirit's fruit. It's only then that one is empowered to live a righteous life.
3/30/2012 02:02:17 am
Hi Laura - I will probably have a chance to be posting more regularly - my situation has changed. For the better - but painfully. Please put me on your prayer list for divine protection and God's purposes fulfilled. Thanks.
3/30/2012 04:33:34 am
Hi Laura,
3/30/2012 01:30:48 pm
Thanks so much for your kind words, Laura! We are grateful and blessed by the unique ministry He has given us through dance. 3/30/2012 01:31:05 pm
Thanks so much for your kind words, Laura! We are grateful and blessed by the unique ministry He has given us through dance. 3/30/2012 01:31:17 pm
Thanks so much for your kind words, Laura! We are grateful and blessed by the unique ministry He has given us through dance. 3/30/2012 08:41:37 am
I was raised in church and accepted Jesus at a young age, but it was later in my adult life that I heard teaching as to WHO WE ARE IN CHRIST that gave me freedom to let Jesus live through me instead of all the striving to be. - - - I already WAS
Beautiful post Laura! I love the apostle Paul's straightforwardness. We really can't attain anything of lasting value without Christ. The older I get the more I see how much I need the Lord and the more I love Him. I'm so thankful we can fully depend and rest in Him. :)
Wow, what a powerful post. I haven't been able to catch up with everything this week, but I am glad I stopped over tonight. Can I say wow, again? What a lesson. and I love how you put it:
I can really identify with the first part of this post. Mostly because the church I belonged to thought that in order to be a New Testament church, you had to perfectly follow the New Testament. They were "the church" and all others were denominations started by men and not the true church and anyone belonging to them would be lost. Of course they did pick and choose which parts they considered law and which ones were cultural. So many times I said I wish God had just made a list of what was right and what was wrong and then we would know. Now I realize that is what He did when he gave Moses the Ten Commandments. They knew the laws, but they couldn't keep them. God doesn't want us to just obey a list of laws, he wants us to have a heart for Him and a heart for other people. Somewhere along the way God answered my prayers and now I understand it a lot better than I did. That said, I certainly believe God does have laws and everyone can't just decide for themselves what is right and what is wrong. It's so sad about your friend.
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