Sound; From Stars to SnowflakesWe live in a world shouting to us what God is like. "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--his eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse." Romans 1:20 Everything in creation shows us really incredible things about God. I can't wait to share some of the amazing pieces of creation with you and how the Lord is revealing His heart. Things like sound. I was talking with a friend of mine about snowflakes and after hearing something she said I was so intrigued I just had to do some more research. And what I found was amazing. I came across this letter by Dr. Masaru Emoto. “My efforts to photograph ice crystals and conduct research began to move ahead. Then one day the researcher – who was as caught up in the project as I – said something completely out of the blue: ‘Let’s see what happens when we expose the water to music.’ I knew that it was possible for the vibrations of music to have an effect on the water. I myself enjoy music immensely, and as a child had even had hopes of becoming a professional musician, and so I was all in favour of this off-the-wall experiment. At first we had no idea what music we would use and under what conditions we would conduct the experiment. But after considerable trial and error, we reached the conclusion that the best method was probably the simplest – put a bottle of water on a table between two speakers and expose it to a volume at which a person might normally listen to music. We would also need to use the same water that we had used in previous experiments. We first tried distilled water from a drugstore. The results astounded us. Beethoven’s Pastoral Symphony, with its bright and clear tones, resulted in beautiful and well-formed crystals. Mozart’s 40th Symphony... created crystals that were delicate and elegant. And the crystals formed by exposure to Chopin’s Etude in E, Op. 10, No. 3, surprised us with their lovely detail. All the classical music that we exposed the water to resulted in well-formed crystals with distinct characteristics. In contrast, the water exposed to violent heavy-metal music resulted in fragmented and malformed crystals at best. So in the presence of transmitted vibration tuned to audio frequencies, each falling flake takes on a shape and structure that reflects the nature of that sound. Here are two examples of classic tunes played with their effect during a lab duplication formation of snowflakes." I found other similar studies which showed this. Did you know that!? I had no idea that sound is what gave snowflakes their form. But really this should be no surprise, God said this long ago. God “speaks to the waters” and they bring forth life on earth (Gen 1:20) Isn't it incredible to think that God's voice, His Word brings life! For real, not just hypothetically, for real. How incredible! And this Life Giving through His voice God we have, sings. He is so passionate in His love for us and so passionate about how He saves us that He sings. Have you ever seen someone burst into song because they were so passionate about something? Think passionate shouting type of singing. “The LORD your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing.” Zeph. 3:17 Wow. And just to make sure we know He is a singing God, He made His creation to sing. Get this, stars emit radio waves, which are received on earth as a high pitch. But again, God told us this in Job 38:7: “When the morning stars sang together…” Years and years after the Bible was written, it has been discovered that stars of different size emit different tones. Larger stars give off lower tones than smaller stars. Want to hear them? Well guess what, Mr. Awesome Louie Giglio has some actual recordings of stars (It kind of picks up at a funny place so just know Bo329-54 is a star). And remember how our singing God wants us to know He truly is a singer and made all of creation sing? Well, Louie also threw in some whales singing in this video. It is just plain awesome!! We sure have a deeply passionate God who is the great conductor of the most grand orchestra we have ever even imagined!! This God that we (those who have submitted their life to Jesus) will get to spend all of eternity discovering and enjoying. Oh man there is so much to look forward to in this series, glowing goo worms, sea pigs and a lizard that drinks through the built in straws on it's back. I honestly believe you are going to be in awe of God as a result of seeing His creation (because I am as I have put this together).
Laura - this is amazing. I had no idea that snowflakes and ice crystals were formed by sound. Looking at the photos makes me think that I don't want garbage music entering my ears!
Awesome, Laura. Have you visited the Creation Museum? You would love it. I think sometimes those of us who were raised in church get used to God's creation. Then God gives us something like this post ad we gather a bit of the "wow...God formed that all with nothing but the sound of His voice."
5/3/2012 11:38:09 pm
I LOVE the Louie Giglio/Chris Tomlin "How Great is Our God"!!! We were blessed to see that in person and it was an amazing experience! Truly, the heavens declare the glory of God and the skies proclaim the work of His hands! Thanks for your beautiful reminder of that fact!
5/4/2012 12:25:07 am
That was such an interesting experiment! I love how you paired it up with the verse from Zeph 3:17!
5/4/2012 12:25:13 am
Wow! That is amazing and awesome and beautiful. How can there be naysayers-when we have wonderful proof of his presence and love!!
Oh I know. There is so much in front of us telling us what God is like. But then I think of some of the students I work with, and family members I have and all the horrific things they have gone through, things no one should ever have to go through. And the result is such hard walls built up around their eyes and heart. Even if they were to see someone raise from dead they wouldn't believe. Only personal interaction of love and seeing believers love each other will soften making them able to see, able to understand.
5/4/2012 02:58:33 am
This is truly see the difference in those snowflakes. If that is what happens to them in response to positive/negative music I can only imagine what happens to us!
5/4/2012 03:15:41 am
Love this...I have goosebumps and I love it when something I read gives me goosebumps about Him. Looking forward to more in this series.
5/4/2012 05:18:56 am
Wow, Laura, this is so awesome! I had an amazing experience once while traveling in Banff, Canada -- I went outside on a frosty spring morning and heard the most exquisite, angelic sound -- like thousands of tiny crystal bells tinkling in perfect harmony. I couldn't imagine what it was until I reached the lake and saw that it had just begun to thaw from a solid sheet into beautiful ice crystals, vibrating against one another with heavenly tones! God's music, designed by Him as part of His creation! And apparently it works in reverse as well, inspired melodies creating perfect ice crystals! Your post really lifted my spirits.
5/4/2012 06:13:38 am
AWESOME & INSPIRING post! Lou Giglio is amazing. I would LOVE for you to share this with us this week at Inspire Me Monday at:
5/4/2012 08:44:43 am
God is so creative that we can't even grasp hardly any of it. Wow. That is some amazing stuff. I wonder what will be discovered next?
Bonny Miller
5/4/2012 09:04:32 am
Beautiful. I can only imagine what the shape of our Lord's words "I love you" would look like. Breath-taking to even imagine. Awesome post! :)
Hi Laura - It's Kathy commenting in on Ed's blog post - OH AMAZING - Mr. Awesome Louis Giglio is right! This just blessed my socks off tonight! Thank you so much for this new series - a subject near and dear to my heart and an intimate zone in my own relationship with the Lord. Looking forward to more in your new series!
5/5/2012 02:41:12 am
This is a wonderful post! I love music and find what you have shared fascinating. I love to think of God singing in creating the world in all its beauty and variety, and of all of creation singing in praise to God. It's a theme in my new book, A Symphony of Seasons, and I'm delighted to find your post from a link on Spiritual Sundays.
5/5/2012 04:13:29 am
Wow, this is totally fascinating. I certainly learned things I didn't know. I'm looking forward to some more sharing about the awesomeness of our God. Thank you for sharing.
This post shows the glory of God. I love studying about God's creation. My favorite is learning about the different amazing features that animals have. Like the giraffe. Everything about his creation is so intricate, so beautiful, so intelligent, I do not understand how people believe in evolution. Boggles the mind!
5/7/2012 12:18:33 pm
Another WOW! So cool, Laura! Don't you love Louis and his teachings? This was so awesome. I hadn't heard this before. Thank you so much for this!
Thank you so much Lynn!!
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