Austin got me a gift certificate for mothers day to ACE hardware to get a hanging basket. I saw the beautiful one below and it didn't have a price. So, like anyone else would, I asked how much it was. While I waited over 30 minutes for a price check, I got various employees took thier guess of the cost $25, $59. After a long time the manager came up and said, "Come here, we're gonna give you a deal. No one should have to wait that long." I was a bit nervous hoping I could afford it after all the trouble they went through. He said, "Were gonna give it to you for $9.99." Woah! As the cashier was ringing me up, he told me the actual price was $99! God has such exciting stuff in store for us, even when we least expect it! The hopeless invalid at the pool of Bathesda had been there 83 years and had no idea what God had in store for him. "When Jesus saw him lying there and learned that he had been in theis condition for a long time, he asked him, 'Do you want to get well?' 'Sir, the invalid replied, 'I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred. While I am trying to get in, someone else goes down ahead of me." (Jn 5:6-7) He thought the water was the only hope for his life, yet he was so discouraged that he didn't even try to make it in. I guess after years and years of being beaten, it could be easy to give up. Jesus could have helped the man to the water, fullfilling his desire, his desire of making it to the water. But Jesus brings his twisted desire to light. "Do you want to get well?" How easy it is to get our focus off the true prize and instead focus on how we are going to get there. Or to start looking to different water for what we need instead of the Living water. Jesus had a great adventure stored up for this man. He wanted to do things differently for him. He wanted to show His glory by healing Him face to face. "Then Jesus said to him, 'Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.' At once the man was cured; he picked up his mat and walked." (v. 8) What and incredible story the Lord gave this guy! It was different than he expected. I totally relate to that. There has been some pretty major shifting going on in my life. If you want to read about it, here it is. But as I have been stepping out to follow the Lord in how I think He is leading step by step, it has been so exciting! Blogging is part of the shifting. A new avenue of ministry that I am not super familiar with. He lead me to put this blog in a contest and trust Him with the results (As a way to get to brag on God to more women and encourage them to live in thier of thier purpose). Let me just tell you how freaked out I was! I thought, "I am just not even in the same league as these women, I am going to make a fool of myself." But I did it. And somehow (still confused how) right now I am in the top 25. Wow! (It doesn't end until June 8th, but at least for right now I can enjoy seeing God do beyond what I thought was possible. And I would appreciate your vote. Just click on the link and scroll down till you find my name or picture and vote. You can vote every day and for as many people as you would like. I am voting for A Holy Experience everyday.) I am so grateful for #14 our incredible God that gives us such excitement and adventure #15 who calls us to trust Him so He can show Himself great #16 my beautiful hanging basket #17 and that it hangs high enough that my boys can't yank it down #18 the man at Bethesda and how Jesus intersected His life #19 the reminder that He does have a great adventure in store #20 and will come through #21 and the encouragement through His Word to keep walking by faith into the unknown. And PS.. for Reflection SONday- (Brag on God Sunday's) please link up your stories of how God came through in adoption. I'm linked up with...
5/22/2011 11:13:22 am
What an inspiring post! These lines right here are so key: "How easy it is to get our focus off the true prize and instead focus on how we are going to get there. Or to start looking to different water for what we need instead of the Living water." You really nailed it there!
5/23/2011 03:37:02 am
Way to stretch yourself and really put yourself out there through this contest. It's tough to step out like this.
5/23/2011 12:12:35 pm
I am so glad you listened to the Lord and started your blog. Your blog has a sweet and encouraging style. And 30 minutes was worth the wait . . . for that amazing floral deal.
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