I'm so glad you are here! I hope during your visit you get a glimpse of God's heart for we become what we are gazing at. I pray that God refreshes you and gives you readiness to persevere in what He has for you today. My desire is to be a blessing to you in helping you know God more and make Him known so I've made these Resources available to you and have the Missional Living blog tab for practical ideas of how to live on mission right where you are. "Abimelek son of Jerub-Baal went to his mother's brothers in Shechem and said to them and to all his mother's clan, "Ask all the citizens of Shechem, 'Which is better for you: to have all seventy of Jerub-Baal's sons rule over you, or just one man?' Remember, I am your flesh and blood." When the brothers repeated all this to the citizens of Shechem, they were inclined to follow Abimelek, for they said, "He is related to us." They gave him seventy shekels of silver from the temple of Baal-Berith, and Abimelek used it to hire reckless scoundrels, who became his followers. He went to his father's home in Ophrah and on one stone murdered his seventy brothers, the sons of Jerub-Baal. But Jotham, the youngest son of Jerub-Baal, escaped by hiding. Then all the citizens of Shechem and Beth Millo gathered beside the great tree at the pillar in Shechem to crown Abimelek king." Judges 9:1-6 This is just crazy to me. If someone just killed their 70 brothers would you ever then just vote him in as your President? Of course not! But that is because I said it like that. All it takes is a little re-packaging to make ideas easier to justify. Abimelek said there were two options. To have 69 Kings over them or to have him, their own flesh and blood. He totally left out the best option, which was the only option his dad, Gideon made available to the people. The option of letting God be their King. Ok, seriously, since when does a kingdom have 69 Kings? Well, he deceived them into thinking he was their only hope, so much so they gave him money. People really have to believe in something or want it bad enough to put their money there. For instance, have you ever given to an election, someone running for President? If so, why? Because you really believed in them and what they could bring to the table. But then he goes and kills his own brothers and the people still, right after that, crown him King. How crazy! But when someone you deeply believe in does something wrong, how easy it is to justify for them that what they did was what had to happen or not really that bad. (For instance a good parallel would be a President that condones the murder of babies. It's like they 'ok' the murder of the least of these, but still have many stand behind them praising how wonderful they are.) Good thing the Lord can not be deceived and is the One who see's. There is so much hope and freedom found in that truth. He See's and wont be deceived. And He is our Hope, the One worthy of our full trust and reliance. Oh Lord, when we look to others when we should be looking to us, convict us. Help us keep our hearts fixed on You the author and perfecter of our faith. And Lord help us not condone what You call sin. Help us not justify for people we look up to. But also help us not call them all bad either. And Lord help us not package things in ways they shouldn't be packaged. Help us speak honestly, giving all the facts. Give us eyes to see like You do. Give us wisdom and discernment and use us for Your glory on earth. You are the King, help us live that way. If you haven't already, Subscribe to receive a FREE copy of the Life Purpose Plan; discovering how your uniqueness, current reality and the mission fit together for the glory of God. And will you please like Beholding Glory on facebook. And share via the links at the bottom of this post. (I'm in the process of writing my 2nd 12 week Bible study on 2nd Samuel and publishers love those stats. Thank you!) The Entire Series. |
Chapter One {Verses 1-3} Know-er {Verses 4-7} Reliance {Verses 9-11} Bigger Picture {Verses 17-19} Prepare for Battle {Verses 21-2:6} No More Chapter 2 {Verses 7-11} Revealer {Verses 11-12} The Lord's Anger {Verses 14-15} Love Conquers {Verses 16-19} The Great Rescue {Verses 22-3:4} The Big Test Chapter 3 {Verses 7-11} Willing & Available {Verses 12-14} Facing the Enemy {Verses 15-30} Freedom {Verse 31} Comparison Chapter 4 {Verses 2-3} Beauty of Bridled Strength {Verses 8-13} Tons of Nuggets {Verses 17-5:31} Where's the Trust | Chapter 5 {Verses 2-31} Offering Chapter 6 {Verse 2} Running out of Darkness {Verses 7-8} God Responds {Verses 11-12}Redemptive Eyes {Verse 13} Questioning Goodness {Verse 14} What Strength? {Verses 15-16} Just not enough {Verse 17} Is it really you? {Verse 18-22} Grace Upon Grace {Verse 25-31 } Courageous Defender {Verse 33-40} Courage Giver Chapter 7 {Verse 1-8} Mad-Lib {Verse 9-15} Stepping Out {Verse 16-25} Mighty One {Isa. 9:2-7} Light of the World | Chapter 8 {Verse 1-3} Sitting the Bench {Verse 4-12} Unstoppable {Verse 22-27} Ever Watchful {Verse 28-35 }Drop in a bucket |