I'm so glad you are here! I hope during your visit you get a glimpse of God's heart for we become what we are gazing at. I pray that God refreshes you and gives you readiness to persevere in what He has for you today. My desire is to be a blessing to you in helping you know God more and make Him known so I've made these Resources available to you and have the Missional Living blog tab for practical ideas of how to live on mission right where you are. "Abimelech ruled Israel for three years. Then God sent an evil spirit to cause problems between Abimelech and citizens of Shechem. So citizens of Shechem turned against Abimelech." Judges 9:22-23 What an incredible Rescuer the Lord is. We so often put our hope in other things yet He steps in showing it's not worthy. Like a boy in love showing he is the strongest. Like a shameless romantic clamoring for attention. Just like Gomer returning to prostitution after marrying Hosea. He pursues and woos her and doesn't give up because she is his, because of his love for her. God's pursuing heart is so evident when He stirs up trouble between Abimelech and the people. He shows them that Abimelech is not worthy of their total hope and reliance. They finally realize he is not all they dreamed he would be and are in a prime spot to look to the Lord. But later in the chapter we see that they don't, they look to another. But God's unending pursuing grace is not exhausted. He pursues still. I find so much hope in the reality that when my flesh looks to other things to find what only the Lord can give, when I rely on other things instead of the Lord, He will frustrate my plans and help me see they are not worthy. What love. He will never stop showing off and showing how much greater and stronger and more worthy He is than whatever else we are trusting in. I long for the day when I will always look to Him, always rely on Him. That perfect day in heaven when all is well and as it should be. But till then Lord, please help us rely on You and put our full confidence and hope in You. And Lord when we are looking to something other than You, will You help us see because it is so easy to decieve ourselves. Thank You for not ever abandoning us, for loving us and pursuing us though we arnt the perfect image-bearers You deserve. But even in that Your grace is seen. Lord, You are just pretty amazing! Here's a video I did not too long ago that is totally applicable to today. Basically I just share where I tend to find my source of hope. If you haven't already, Subscribe to receive a FREE copy of the Life Purpose Plan; discovering how your uniqueness, current reality and the mission fit together for the glory of God. And will you please like Beholding Glory on facebook. And share via the links at the bottom of this post. (I'm in the process of writing my 2nd 12 week Bible study on 2nd Samuel and publishers love those stats. Thank you!) Last week I asked for your feedback and thoughts about Brag on God Friday. You guys were so helpful in helping me think it through. Thank you. As suggested by Hazel I am going to open the link for Brag on God Friday's on Thursday nights so people who want to link up on Thursdays can. And suggested by Rhoda, I am going to have this link up be for anything that gives God glory. I appreciate you guys sharing your wisdom. Thanks! Will you join us in glorifying God?'Tell the nations about his glory. Tell all people about the wonderful things he has done." 1 Chron. 16:24 Each Friday, I love to give others and opportunity to ban together to show and tell how incredible God is. If you've written something that glorifies God (gives us a glimpse of His character-which could be a whole lot of things since everything good thing and every gift and ability is from Him) I would love to have you link it up below. (Just click the link and follow the prompts) Please let your readers know by including a link in your post or put my button code (found on the side bar) so they can find these other great people glorifying God. You are chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, people who belong to God. You were chosen to tell about the excellent qualities of God, who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light." 2 Peter 2:9
Laura, your words ring so true. I have seen many times in my life where I was relying on other things instead of the Lord, my talent, money, intellect etc...and saw my plans completely destroyed. God was showing me that those plans were not worthy and I should be on His agenda. Thank you for your wisdom.
1/26/2012 04:43:23 pm
I appreaciate you hosting this lovely site. May those who enter your "doors" be blessed, inspired and anointed for service.
1/27/2012 01:41:49 am
Praise God for His grace! Without Him we can do nothing, but with Him, all things are possible!
1/27/2012 09:52:49 am
your words echo in my heart. i too long for the day when I will always look to Him, always rely on Him. thank you for sharing,
When I became so ill, between life and death, I was laid at the feet of Jesus and I embraced Him and His offer of salvation. At that moment of my life, I learned to put ALL my HOPE and TRUST in Him and to no other.
1/27/2012 08:33:26 pm
Hi Laura....great words to think about. And thank you for hosting Beholding Glory. It's become one of my favorites. Have a great weekend out there.
1/29/2012 10:39:11 pm
I love your site!!
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