I'm so glad you are here! I hope during your visit you get a glimpse of God's heart for we become what we are gazing at. I pray that God refreshes you and gives you readiness to persevere in what He has for you today. My desire is to be a blessing to you in helping you know God more and make Him known so I've made these Resources available to you and have the Missional Living blog tab for practical ideas of how to live on mission right where you are. "The Israelites said to Gideon, "Rule over us--you, your son and your grandson--because you have saved us out of the hand of Midian." But Gideon told them, "I will not rule over you, nor will my son rule over you. The LORD will rule over you." And he said, "I do have one request, that each of you give me an earring from your share of the plunder." (It was the custom of the Ishmaelites to wear gold earrings.) They answered, "We'll be glad to give them." So they spread out a garment, and each man threw a ring from his plunder onto it. The weight of the gold rings he asked for came to seventeen hundred shekels, not counting the ornaments, the pendants and the purple garments worn by the kings of Midian or the chains that were on their camels' necks. Gideon made the gold into an ephod, which he placed in Ophrah, his town. All Israel prostituted themselves by worshiping it there, and it became a snare to Gideon and his family." Judges 8:22-27 Andrew Bonar wisely said, "Let us be as watchful after the victory as before the battle." Before and during the battle fear and worry drive many to their knees in desperation for God to come through. After the battle is won the felt need to trust the Lord is removed, and many return to life as it was before. That is why I find it so beautiful the people who walk with the Lord in full dependance on Him even when life is good and it seems like all is in it's place. Here we see Gideon's sad end. Now, in heaven, he can not stand in agreement with Paul in saying he finished well. Instead the last thing written about him is his act of disobedience and the impact it had on the entire nation. Oh Lord, let it not be true of us! With Gideon we have to come to terms with what Henry Cloud calls the Good/Bad Split. The ability to not go to extremes of something being all good or all bad. The ability to recognize that if someone messes up that does not mean they are all bad. Or when someone, place, organization or ministry does something praise worthy, that does not mean they/it is all good. When Gideon says, "I will not rule over you, nor will my son rule over you. The LORD will rule over you." I am so proud of him. "Yes! Way to go Gideon!" He points to the Lord, reminding them it was He that brought the victory. I mean seriously, how can a 300 man army defeat 135,000!? Oh how easy it is to put way more faith in humans than we deserve. But then... I mean seriously, then... right after saying this, Gideon goes to make an ephod. Instead of turning the Lord and asking, "What now?", and instead of calling the nation to repentance, to turn to and obey the Lord, he takes matters into his own hands. Oh how easy it is to think we can do the little things on our own and just trust God with the big and impossible. We really can not please the Lord or do anything eternal apart from the Lord. Not just the big and impossible but even the little and seemingly insignicant. We need His grace just as much in the small things He has called us to. Oh the beauty of relying on the Lord in all things. So Gideon making this ephod, commentaries explain that we can't be sure of his motives (Isn't that like the Lord. A little reminder that only the Lord searches the heart) of why he made this ephod. It could have been out of a pure heart of wanting to have and give direction to the people (what an ephod was used for).Or it could have been out of insecurity of not feeling worthy. Or it could have been out of fear or control or wanting power. We don't know. But the same term used for the word ephod is also used for an idol. So it could be that Gideon took the gold earings and made an idol. Either way Gideon was disobeying the Lord by making this. Here's how Warren Wiersbe says it, "If the ephod was indeed a copy of the high priests garmet, then Gideon was definitely out of God's will in duplicating it and using it, because ideon wasn't a priest. If it was a standing idol, Gideon was disobeying God's law (Ex.20:4-6) and corrupting th people as well." When we look to other things instead of the Lord for security, it just doesn't turn out well for anyone. Gideon didn't find security in the ephod and the people didn't find security in Gideon. Oh Lord, help us look to You and You alone to find security. Please show us where we are looking to other things. "Gideon probably thought that his children were well provided for, but just the opposite proved true. Sixty-nine of his seventy sons were killed by their half-brother who himself was slain by a woman dropping a stone on his head. There is no security apart from the will of God. Had Gideon practiced Matthew 6:33, subsequent events might have been radically different." (Wiersbe) Don't you want to finish well? I do! Lets rely on the Lord in the easy and hard times.Lets continually look to Him for as our security, as our strong tower. Do you want what is best for your kids? Of course! Remember ease, comfort, money and a good job are not really what they need to have a good life. A relationship with the Lord, where they consistently turn to Him and rely on Him is the thing they most desperately need. May Lord re-order our priorities and hopes for our kids to match His. If you haven't already, Subscribe to receive a FREE copy of the Life Purpose Plan; discovering how your uniqueness, current reality and the mission fit together for the glory of God. And will you please like Beholding Glory on facebook. And share via the links at the bottom of this post. (I'm in the process of writing my 2nd 12 week Bible study on 2nd Samuel and publishers love those stats. Thank you!) The Entire Series. |
Chapter One {Verses 1-3} Know-er {Verses 4-7} Reliance {Verses 9-11} Bigger Picture {Verses 17-19} Prepare for Battle {Verses 21-2:6} No More Chapter 2 {Verses 7-11} Revealer {Verses 11-12} The Lord's Anger {Verses 14-15} Love Conquers {Verses 16-19} The Great Rescue {Verses 22-3:4} The Big Test Chapter 3 {Verses 7-11} Willing & Available {Verses 12-14} Facing the Enemy {Verses 15-30} Freedom {Verse 31} Comparison Chapter 4 {Verses 2-3} Beauty of Bridled Strength {Verses 8-13} Tons of Nuggets {Verses 17-5:31} Where's the Trust | Chapter 5 {Verses 2-31} Offering Chapter 6 {Verse 2} Running out of Darkness {Verses 7-8} God Responds {Verses 11-12}Redemptive Eyes {Verse 13} Questioning Goodness {Verse 14} What Strength? {Verses 15-16} Just not enough {Verse 17} Is it really you? {Verse 18-22} Grace Upon Grace {Verse 25-31 } Courageous Defender {Verse 33-40} Courage Giver Chapter 7 {Verse 1-8} Mad-Lib {Verse 9-15} Stepping Out {Verse 16-25} Mighty One {Isa. 9:2-7} Light of the World |
I also like it on Friday personally, since there aren't many others to link up to then, and I am now doing a post every Friday so it is nice to link it up. But on the other hand it is possible that more people might join in if you had it on Thursday since it does seem like a lot of people do 5 minute Friday!
One thought though - I think you might get more link ups if you widened your criteria for posts - so not just bragging about the greatness of God, but maybe a post that brings Him glory? Then people who write about the Christian faith in general could feel more easy linking up.
Most of my posts aren't specifically about the greatness of God, but they usually do quote the Bible and are definitely aimed at glorifying God and encouraging other Christians! I am now linking them up anyway since you posted on my blog and suggested it, but I wouldn't have done otherwise :) And if they don't fit what you want, please feel free to take them off the link up or let me know!
I vote for Friday, too. But it really is up to you. Do what's best for you! BLESSINGS!
I am learning to not just look to God for the Big things but for the little things, too - the little blessings, the little challenges. I've been like that about blessings - praising for the Big things and this is The Year of the Little Blessings for me. It made me think of raising all my sons and watching other families raise 3+ children. It is so important, if you have a rebellious child, a child who challenges to your max, it is so important to vigilant toward the one who follows after, who isn't rebellious, who doesn't challenge but because of a lack of vigilance, isn't shepherded like needed. Gideon's story is so important on so many levels:) You blessed me today!
Thanks, Laura, for the fascinating and informative post! I have never heard such an in-depth discussion of these verses. Many great life lessons here. Thanks for the reminder that without Him we can do nothing. So many times we tend to compartmentalize -- I'll turn the big stuff over to God, but I can deal with the rest. But in truth, our life is so much more blessed and in His will when we turn it all over to Him.
Thanks, Laura, for the fascinating and informative post! I have never heard such an in-depth discussion of these verses. Many great life lessons here. Thanks for the reminder that without Him we can do nothing. So many times we tend to compartmentalize -- I'll turn the big stuff over to God, but I can deal with the rest. But in truth, our life is so much more blessed and in His will when we turn it all over to Him.
Many keep the name of their hop but open it a day early. You could still call your hop Brag on God Friday but just open it on Thursday. Charlotte opens spiritual Sundays on Friday evening now that gives people a couple days to consider.
To trust in the Lord as deeply and as strongly before, during, and after a trial. I have experienced that the deepest trust happens during a trial, but I also have the deepest awe of God during a tremendous blessing that I so fear to fail in worshiping and trusting Him fully.
Any day would be okay with me, Laura, because I post 3x a week and whatever I have written that brags on God, that I link. Please yourself :)
I enjoyed reading your post. And I totally agree with you :). What I want most for my children is an intimate relationship with Jesus! Without that, nothing else matters.
I'm #38 on your Linky. Thursday or Friday is fine with me :).