Don’t sit on the bench twiddling your thumbs (sorry, not talking about the dating game). Here are 9 ways that you can actively seek to live the abundant Christian life! 9 ways that you can actively seek to live the abundant Christian life! 1. Love people. Include them in your life regardless of their relationship status. We hurt ourselves when we exclude ourselves from spending time with other families or couples. Don’t let pain keep you from reaching out and loving others. 2. Get involved with a church. Don’t just show up to a church service. Get involved. Ask for a mentor. Be a mentor. Become an integral part of the local family of God. 3. Live a full life. Don’t put your life on hold waiting for a relationship. John 10:10- Jesus came to give us abundant life! What has God called you to do for Him? Step out in boldness! 4. Have dates with God. Pursue a deep, meaningful relationship with the One who will always love you. We cannot fathom how much we are loved by God. Schedule time to get away (take a day), find a quiet place, and take time to revel in His love, care, and provision for you. Read Psalm 139 to be reminded of how intimately God knows you and cares about you. 5. Be pure. Learn what it means to love your husband before you even meet him. Don’t lust. Commit yourself to purity- thoughts and actions. Respect the men in your life now. Romans 6:12 “Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, to make you obey its passions.” Your thoughts will become your actions. 6. Stop chasing men who are not pursuing you. God’s got this! In His timing, He can send the right guy along who will pursue you. I know from personal experience that trying to make a relationship happen when it is not in God’s timing is futile. 7. Trust God. Trust that He truly has His best in mind for you. He is all powerful. He does have us go through trials for our own good, Rom. 5:2-5. He does answer prayers differently than we ask; for which I am very thankful as I look back on my life. Confess your sin of not trusting God’s sovereignty. God cannot act outside of His love and goodness for you. Reading through Eph. 3:16-21 is such a good reminder of how good God is to us. 8. Find an accountability partner. Is there someone who has the freedom to encourage you in love and good works, Heb. 10:24? Who is sharpening you, Prov. 27:17, by pointing out sin in your life? Learn now what it means to be open and honest with someone. 9. Grow. Are you the person who you want to be? Have you stopped growing in knowledge, your talents, or your relationships? I have been convicted by a quote by Charles “Tremendous” Jones “You will be the same person in five years as you are today except for the people you meet and the books you read.” Read good books. Commit to reading the Bible daily and growing in your relationship with God. 2 Peter 3:18a “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ…” Have friends who will encourage you in your spiritual walk. Here are some areas in which God has challenged me. I have learned many lessons in these areas. Some of these lessons were learned through much frustration, pain and tears, but God is gracious, forgiving, loving, and good. He does not give up on us when we fail. He gives us strength, purpose, grace, peace, and joy! About Shelly![]() Growing up with a strong Christian family, Shelly has had the privilege of having many godly, influential people in her life. Besides going to college in Indiana and teaching school for 1 year in Texas, she has lived in Minnesota her whole life. Recently, she moved to Colorado after meeting her husband on E-Harmony. She is extremely humbled by how the Almighty God works in our lives in such personal ways. Shelly is now a missionary to college students. She is thrilled with the opportunity to share the gospel with college students, to help them grow in their faith, and to encourage them to be sold out servants for God. She enjoys coffee, books, volleyball, bike rides, movies, long walks, and playing games. Sharing this article over at these awesome blogs.
5/1/2013 04:09:20 am
Shelly this is so good! makes me think of phillipians 4- thinking on the right things...
5/3/2013 12:03:44 pm
Thanks, Rhonda! Philippians 4:8 is always such a challenge for me; such a good reminder to keep our minds on the right focus!
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