I was introduced to the heart of Kimberly Smith through my father who is a missionary for Bethany Kids. After hearing him retell some of her stories from the depths of Darfur, I became a stalker of her website. My heart has ached to be a part of these ministries. My heart longs to run to these orphans, wrap them up in my arms and kiss them with the love of Jesus. However, I have always been petrified of being hot. No really. I've always said, “Lord, if You say go, I will go, but please let there be running water and don’t let it get above 94 degrees.” I’m ashamed of my small faith now and would go in a heartbeat (a timid heartbeat, but a heartbeat all the same). However, I have many obstacles that keep my hands full and occupied for the time being. For months I prayed for the Lord to show me how I can help this need or for Him to open my heart that feels what He feels over these regions. I became a contributor; I started selling 31 Products just so I would have the money to give. Then my dad passed me off her new book, Passport Through Darkness. I sat on it for a while just because I hate reading. I have 2 small children and as soon as I sit down to read I begin a thrilling game of 20 questions and end up reading the same paragraph 15 times. However, I finally got away for a few short days and by the grace of God I picked up this book to take with me. There have been very few books that I have ever been so overwhelmed by. From the very first page I could not put it down. It’s as if Kimberly takes you by the hand and vividly walks you through where God brought her from to the heart, passion and life-impacting stories of Darfur and the other regions. Makeway Partners rescues orphans from sex trafficking and from being enslaved by the militia. If your heart has ever been burdened for the victims of sex trafficking or to understand the devastation in Darfur you must read this book – and share it. This is not a book that you can be silent about. This book will change your life, but be warned you must read with tissues and the willingness for your worldview to be shaken up! If you want to be a life-changer, these are 2 ministries that change thousands of lives each year! About Melissa![]() Melissa Bradley is married with two small children. She serves at a church plant in Hendersonville, NC. The passion of her heart is to live every day missionally. You can also find Melissa at Beautiful Mommy Feet, she and her husbands personal ministry page, a women’s ministry page -Radiance and on Facebook.
3/18/2013 10:14:05 pm
What a lovely review. Thank you for helping us spread the word and save God's children. Much love, your sister along the journey, k
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