Have you ever felt creeped out by someone you were around? Maybe you wondered what their true motives were towards you. If you are anything like me, you had a thought swirling around your head of, “I want to get away from you as fast as possible before you have time to say or do anymore.” This world is not a safe place and in my short life, I’ve only seen it get worse. When I first heard about the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School, my reaction was about parents not being able to give their children the Christmas gifts they had bought them. That night, they wouldn’t be putting their little one to bed. It broke my heart. This is not how life should be, but it is our reality. I have questioned how we are supposed to go out into the world and share about Christ amongst the violence going on? This fear cannot stop us from going to the unreached places. You may know about the 10-40 window of unreached people. There are some people there who have never heard the name of Jesus! Although there are some very unsafe places in the 10-40 window, that doesn’t change the fact that we are still called to share in those areas. Matthew 28:19-20 says, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Notice how Jesus is saying he will be with us wherever we go? He is guiding us through the process of raising up believers that bear fruit and protecting us all the way through it. We have nothing to fear because we are alive in Christ. We can trust God with our life and to guard us. Luke 12:4 says, “And I say to you, my friends, do not be afraid of those who kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do.” We still need to have precaution and an awareness of our own personal safety. I believe that women are made with unique and different talents than men. One of the things that men have and women lack is physical strength. I simply don’t have the same ability as my husband! Just ask him about our last move! Despite this difference, I still try to be strong. When I left home for college I became cognizant of my personal safety for the first time. I took a weekend self –defense course hosted by the campus police department. I realized I was an easy target for someone intending to do evil. Since then, I have continued to practice my personal safety and build awareness of my natural vulnerabilities. My sister-in-law, Aimee, spent a summer in Kenya to serve in a college ministry. Although she had a safety meeting before leaving the U.S., the actuality of her safety did not show itself until she arrived on the mission field. A security gate with armed guards surrounded the neighborhood she lived in. Anytime they drove somewhere, Aimee sat away from windows to avoid being grabbed at. She shared a great perspective: don't put your hope in anything besides God for your safety. A danger could happen to us anywhere. While she was on her mission trip, the movie theater shooting in Aurora, Colorado took place, leading her to see this fact. The Top 5 Things you can do to Increase Your Personal Safety1. Be aware. Start taking more mental notes of what is going on around you. Who is around? Identify what is around you – exits, other buildings, wooded areas, etc. 2. Rehearse mentally what you would do in various scenarios. This will help you tremendously if you are in a dangerous situation because you will have already decided how to react, saving valuable time. 3. Have a friend and/or husband to whom you are communicating your location. Make sure someone knows where you are headed and when to expect you back. 4. Take a self-defense course. Educate yourself! 5. Keep some basics in the home. This might be items like a flashlight, easy access to phone and phone numbers, candles or lanterns, etc. What are your thoughts on personal safety and living on the mission? How are you ready to defend yourself? What verses do you lean on to remember God’s protection over you? About Hedy![]() Hedy is a graduate of Fort Lewis College with a BA in Psychology. She is married with a son. She can't get enough of God and works for Master Plan Ministries at Three Trails Ranch in Durango, CO. Before coming to Colorado, Hedy grew up in Sitka, Alaska. Hedy loves to hunt and fish with her best hunting partner, her husband! Most recently she has been hunting in Colorado and Kansas. When she has a free moment or two, Hedy enjoys to knit and bake bread. Sharing this article over at these awesome blogs.
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