“Take me with you -- let us hurry. Oh, that the king would bring me to his chambers. We will rejoice and be glad for you; we will praise your love more than wine. It is only right that they adore you.” “Young women of Jerusalem, I charge you by the gazelles and the wild does of the field: do not stir up or awaken love until the appropriate time.” Song of Songs 1:4; 2:7 I hope that this series has been encouraging for you as it has been for me! There have been times putting this together where I wept before the Lord over the beauty He showed me. Other times I couldn’t help but squeal out of excitement for what to expect or being able to see things differently! I hope this encouraged you see your relationships with others, even romantic relationships differently. Here are 6 points of applications to think over in your personal relationships and with Jesus: 1. A romance with God is not only beautiful, it is satisfying and fulfilling. No other relationship can even come close to the one you have or can have with Jesus. So where are you with in your relationship with Jesus? Who do you need to share the gospel with so they can know God’s love like you do? 2. Rejoice in romance because God made it and it points to the Gospel. Let go of your bitterness towards romance. Ask God to change your heart and mind, to have His view of romance. Being cynical towards romance means you’re spitting on a creation of God! Rejoice with your friends that discover love for the first time. If you are married, dating, engaged – be okay with romantic gestures! Enjoy the Lord with having the right attitudes and emotions about romance guided by Him! 3. Take romance seriously because it does hold a beautiful picture of the Gospel. Don’t let you’re emotions and flesh get the better of you!! Allow God to guide and lead you so that you won’t let your sin dictate romance. When we let our flesh dictate romance we cross boundaries we shouldn’t, we look for satisfaction in a significant other, we have our eyes and not Jesus’ eyes for what is truly best for us. Enjoy romance, but take it seriously! 4. Be patient for romance to come in God’s timing, because His timing is best. The term “Fools rush in” is so true!! That’s not how God’s love necessarily works. Remember 1 Corinthians 13, I’m going to pick out points from the chapter, but I encourage you to read it again and again to remind yourself of how love should look and how you should conduct yourself in relationships:
5. Keeping Christ on the throne is the only way God-glorifying romance works. Make it your practice to keep Him on the throne regardless of what stage you’re in – dating, marriage, engagement, singleness. We are all in desperate need for God to work in and through us, so be filled with the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 5:18)! 6. The Gospel is about grace and redemption. No matter your past or present relationships, you can still look forward to a beautiful future romance that points to the Lord. You are a new creation, which means a new beginning is possible. You can still have God honoring and glorifying relationships based around the gospel regardless of where you have come from! What stuck out to you about romance through this series of the Gospel in Romance? What has stuck out to you about Jesus through this series? Was there a point that was harder to understand or accept? What has this prompted you to do next? Was there an application point that stood as your next step? Dear Precious Lord Jesus, I thank you again for everything that You showed me through this study of how each romantic stage points to You and the gospel!! I pray that I will continue to see relationships from this view point. That I will take them seriously and with joy! Help me to see the people around me how You see them, and give the boldness needed to take the next step with others that need to hear the gospel. Thank you again!! In Your Name I pray… Leah works with Master Plan Ministries at Fort Lewis College in Durango, CO. Other than watching college students' lives change, she enjoys getting her mind blown by God and His Word, watching sci fi, baking cupcakes, and spending time with her hunky husband. If you'd like to read more from this contributor, type her name in the search box on the top right. Sharing this over at these awesome blogs.
3/15/2016 10:24:17 am
I enjoyed reading your 6 points on romance. I haven't been following the previous posts, but this seems like a good wrap-up and something even my 12 yr old daughter would benefit from reading. Thank you for sharing!
3/16/2016 11:19:37 am
a lovely and not talked enough about post - thank you - needed at every stage and age. blessings!
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