“My love calls to me: Arise, my darling. Come away, my beautiful one.” Song of Solomon 2:10 The day was February 13th, Malcolm wanted to take me out for Valentine’s Day but we were busy on the 14th. So on Sunday the 13th, Malcolm took me to breakfast before church. We had time before church started, so we went to a playground to pass some time. While we were swinging, Malcolm asked me, “So, are you one of those girls who say they don’t want anything for Valentine’s Day, but secretly they do?” “No…. I mean what I say,” I replied. I started to get suspicious… Then the day was filled with church and ziplining – it was a LONG day! The night before we had gone to the hot springs in Pagosa and didn’t get back until 1am. So by the time we got back from all the activity and dropped off a younger student on campus. Malcolm asked, “So… whatcha wanna do now?” “I just want to hangout and watch a movie or something I’m SO tired!” Then I got no reply. Usually he would say something, like a different suggestion or an agreement, but not nothing. “What did YOU want to do?” I asked. “I don’t know, maybe go on a walk or sit somewhere outside.” “Well, we’re super close to the Lion’s Den, let’s just go there.” {FYI, the Lion’s Den is known as a romantic spot to sit, but I honestly suggested there because it was literally right next to campus!} So we hike up the little muddy hill to the Lion’s Den, Malcolm sits next to me and says how pretty I am and all these other sweet things. Then he says, “So I actually did get you a Valentine’s day present.” In my mind I was like Oh yeah! I know what this is! He’s going to propose!! He reaches into his pocket and pulls out… a heart necklace… a cheesy pink heart necklace. I literally thought he got it out of one of those quarter machines at Walmart (he didn’t, turns out it was expensive)! I tried to hide my horror and thank him… but I can’t hide my feelings! It was all over my face how ugly I thought this thing was. He asked me, “Yeah?! You like it?!” “Oh yeah… its great! Thanks…” He let me stew on it for about 5 minutes, leaving me to think, “Maybe he isn’t proposing after all, and he really is just giving me this cheesy necklace…” But then he stands up and says, “Actually I have another gift for you. Leah, will you marry me?” YES YES YES YES!!! I like our proposal story! Honestly its not because its extremely romantic or creative. But I like our story because it’s the moment that Malcolm asked me to be his wife! Out of all the guys in the world, God brought Malcolm to me. The proposal is reflecting the moment we put out trust in Christ. We come to know all that we need to about Jesus, and we finally are ready to surrender our life over to Him. We open the door, Jesus is standing there with a picnic basket and asks, “May I come in? I’m ready to take away the sin that plagues you and give you a whole new life.” He walks in with an engagement ring in His hand and says, “I can’t wait for you to be my bride!” We don’t need a dramatic testimony for our story to mean something – the fact that Jesus came into our life at all is a big enough deal! We got the most important part – we got Jesus! Romans 6:23 says, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Just like Malcolm told me how he had another gift, Jesus is offering us the best gift we can ever receive. We get eternal life instead of the punishment of our sins. Ephesians 1:13-14 says, ”When you heard the message of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and when you believed in Him, you were also sealed with the promised Holy Spirit. He is the down payment of our inheritance, for the redemption of the possession, to the praise of His glory.” The Holy Spirit is like our engagement ring. Just like my engagement ring showed people that I promised to be married to Malcolm, the Holy Spirit lives inside each believer showing that we belong to Jesus. The moment I put my trust in Christ is so typical (kind of like my engagement story). It wasn’t a dramatic turning from sin in a rough lifestyle or anything. But it is one of the sweetest, most memorable moments of my life!! I was at camp where the whole gospel was really laid out for me. I remember thinking, “Jesus died for ME?? For MY sin?? Heck yes I want Him in my life!!” I my repentance was real and emphatic – saying “YES YES YES YES!” to Jesus was even more exciting and needy than when I said those words to Malcolm. It didn’t need to be dramatic – it just needed to happen and become real! What was it like to put your trust in Christ? Spend time to thank God for that moment – no matter how big or how small it seems in your mind! Have you had the chance to bring with someone who doesn’t have this personal relationship with Jesus to a point of decision? Pray for them right now and ask for the right time and words to share the gospel again and bring them to a point of choosing or rejecting Jesus. Dear Lord Jesus, Thank you for not giving up knocking at the door of my life! Thank you for Papa Chuck who was bold enough to share the whole gospel with me! Thank you for changing my life, for giving me Your Holy Spirit so I am not left alone or guess whether we truly have a relationship or not. Jesus, I pray for my friends and family who don’t know you, and I ask that you’ll bring to mind at least one person that I can share with and bring to a point of decision. It’s in Your Powerful Name I pray…
About Leah![]() Leah works with Master Plan Ministries at Fort Lewis College in Durango, CO. Other than watching college students' lives change, she enjoys getting her mind blown by God and His Word, watching sci fi, baking cupcakes, and spending time with her hunky husband. If you'd like to read more from this contributor, type her name in the search box on the top right.
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