A compound; it’s the only word to describe the property; fenced in, walled up, littered with garbage on nearly every yard of that five acres we stood upon. “I just don’t see the vision”, I tell my husband as we stand upon the pasture hill, peaking our way through overgrown trees to a hidden pond, looking up with carnal eyes at a worn down house, almost begging for redemption with a “For Sale” sticking out. Untended, unloved, fenced-in as if keeping something out…or someone in. Yet, doesn’t faith see not what is, but what could be? So, we sign a contract and own this house shortly afterward we stood on the hill that day. A year later, I’m awakened in the night. I see people in my living room, hearing a whisper in my spirit, “Many will come and many will go out changed.” “What did that mean?” I question. An introvert by nature, the last thing appealing to me is a house full of people…especially one uncompleted, in remodel-mode, one imperfect still on the outside, incapable of disguising my insecurities. The first thing we did was take down all the strange fencing, added fresh paint, new windows, spending thousands to make our dwelling place look homey, presentable. But still, oh how it cried out for help… Truth be told, the fences were still there; no, not on our property, but somewhere in my heart. A place no one could see. Weeks pass, a pastor at church one Sunday asks me and my husband, “Would you be willing to start a small group in your home”? I fidget, hope my husband will say, “no”. Unpainted staircase, troubled porch, cracked pavement crying out that we are a home far less than perfect. But then, I remember the words from a few weeks prior, “Many will come, many will go out changed.” And hesitantly, an obedient “yes” slips through my lips, offering hospitality though it’s the last of my so-called, “Spiritual Gifts”. It was one of those moments we choose; will we do what’s comfortable, easy, and safe, or will we step out in faith, trusting, and longing to please Him? Hours before that first small group I labor over not having, “fine things”. But there on the couch God reminds me… Anything I might have is unnecessary, even useless. Him sweetly confirming; we don’t have to be perfect to serve Him…to serve others. We don’t have to decorate our lives before stepping out in faith and fellowship. We don’t have to be Pinterest perfect before living missionally {tweet this}. All it takes is saying “yes” to a God who uses our weaknesses for His glory. Every Tuesday since, God has used our obedience through hospitality, to change us. In the five years plus, I have gone from dreading fellowship to now loving how he has used our obedience to take us to places of open pastures without fences. So many over these years have colored our lives? Kids, older couples, widows, married, unmarried, twenty-something’s, tattoo artists, long-haired, leather wearing bikers, polished Christians….all gathering to know Jesus and make Him known. And that whisper years before was right, “Many have come and many have gone out changed”. Yes, God tares down our fences to go out into all the world making disciples of Him as we walk in obedience toward love and relationship. Still, sometimes I wonder if the one thing we resist most is the very thing God uses to point a world to Him….using our willing obedience despite our broken pavement… So a dying world might see Him…not us. About Jen![]() Though born, raised, and still living only miles from where she grew up, Jen's heart lies in the nations. Jen loves the beautiful tapestry found in the wide diversity of people, different cultures, and all nations. Jen and her husband have been married twenty years, and have parented fifteen kids and counting; twelve foster, one adopted, and two bios. Her multi-racial family reflects her passion for unity, desire for faith without walls, and missional mindset to share both the gospel and the power of redemption to a world desperately needing the hope found in Jesus Christ. Jen and her husband have led in a variety of ministries; including prayer, small groups, children's, and women’s. Jen advocates for the orphan as a board member for the non-profit, A New Song; and loves doing missions work internationally, along with her family. You can find Jen writing about faith, while challenging her readers at her blog, Rich Faith Rising, as well as at tweeting faith-filled messages @Jen_Avellaneda . Jen is also on facebook. If you'd like to read more from this contributor, type her name in the search box on the top right. Sharing this over at these awesome blogs
This is a beautiful story with a wonderful message that we all need to hear! I am changed by reading this, Jen. When we make things less about us and all about serving others and sharing the Good Word, awesome things happen. This story of fellowship in a home that you thought was not up to par illustrates this point so well.
2/20/2015 04:01:59 am
2/16/2015 10:11:26 pm
I too am an introvert AND like things to be perfect before I volunteer/offer/serve. Great reminder that our life doesn't have to be perfect to serve people.
2/20/2015 04:03:06 am
Sarah - I "get" you sister! That quiet whisper that calls us to retreat when God calls us to roar...not with our power...but with His!
2/17/2015 06:20:19 am
Beautiful words that speak to all about the importance of saying "yes" to God and allowing Him to then do what He does best-show up! Being an introvert puts an interesting twist on this but I can relate oh so well. I pray we all may feel God's call and step out with a big "yes" to all the possibilities that will follow. Blessed to be your neighbor at the #RaRalinkup
2/20/2015 04:05:19 am
Mary - Yes, oh those big leaps and yes's that change our life forever. Yet, I wonder if often it is the whisper, those quiet heart tugs that as we begin to follow Him...that's where everything truly changes! Thank you for stopping by friend! You comment blessed me!
2/17/2015 11:59:14 am
What Sarah (above) said! Also, I'm just beginning the process of letting go of some of those "fine things" that only get in the way of fenceless hospitality. Well put!
2/20/2015 04:06:55 am
Janice - Oh friend, might your letting go open up fields of green and may your fences fall in greater quantities than ever before. Because His grace truly does make all things possible...doesn't it, friend!?
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