The first time I wrote for Missional Women I had this movie-like moment. I spent a large minute staring at myself in the mirror wondering if I was qualified to write. The moment was interrupted by me laughing at myself because…who actually looks in the mirror and ponders big questions? Actors do. In movies. Not in real life. Now, a few years later, my sturggles have changed. I have this immense preassure (that I put on myself) to write something that God can use to grow the Kingdom. I feel like I have to word something in such a new way that it pushes people to action. And if I fail to do so… then I fail to do my job. And if I fail to do my job… then who knows if I even deserve Heaven at all?! God faithfully reminded me of the same thing He always reminds me of. Jesus + Nothing = Everything I’m hesitant to write this blog post because I don’t want someone to stop reading right here and think that they can/should live a life without action. Jesus calls us to availability. He calls us to have faith. He calls us to be His partners in Kingdom Work, but none of that is our salvation. I’ve been in Christian circles long enough to be confident in the fact that I am not the only person who struggles with this concept. It is so easy to fill that second slot with something. If I were honest about what I try to add to Jesus it would look something like this: Jesus + Ministry = Everything Jesus + Money = Everything Jesus + My Family = Everything Listen to me, I’m preaching to myself just as much as I’m preaching to you. We need not add anything to receive salvation. That is solely from Jesus. We do not need to be perfect or avoid sin or say the right things or join a million Bible Studies. We. Need. Jesus. Jesus is EVERYTHING. “He [Jesus] might taste death for everyone—crowned with glory and honor because of His sufferings in death.” -Hebrews 2:9b Jesus did it. He did everything. With His blood our imperfections were made perfect. We have faith. We believe and worship in our hearts and He does EVERYTHING. About Jacque![]() Jacque is the Missional Women Intern and a college student in Denver, CO who balances her time between trying to go to class and learning about His saving grace and perfect love as much as she can. She is a twenty something, DIY attempting, Jesus loving, Denver living, small town rooted, Colorado sports fan. She loves black coffee, long conversations and watching people do what God created them for. You can find her Christian Twenty Somethings blog at Desperately Dependent. If you'd like to read more from this contributor, type her name in the search box on the top right.
Sharing this over at these awesome blogs.
Jacque K.
2/26/2017 09:44:30 am
Isn't that just the truth? Amazing He would take the time to take us under His wing like that. Love it. God bless!
Oh, girl! Straight to my heart! I wrestle with this question all. the. time. The scarier aspect of it, tho is when my children ask why they're still here if they already believe in Jesus. So, that's the book that has me staring into the mirror wondering if I have what it takes. But it is also the one that has me overflowing with gratitude for what Jesus has done for me and for how He has asked me to walk with Him on this earth, until my time comes to go home. Blessings!
Jacque K.
2/26/2017 09:48:13 am
Liz. Thank you for visiting and thank you for your words. I am not a mother yet (I'm not even married yet... LORD willing!) Ha. But I have a deep desire to a have a little one call me mom someday. I have never thought about my (future) kids asking ME questions. I've thought about how I would read them the little kid Bibles, but never thought about them asking me questions I couldn't answer. So humbling and motivating. Jesus alone does it all... for both of us! He loves you and is making you more like Him.. every single day! :) Praying for you!!
2/24/2017 10:21:40 am
How wonderful! That is right and it is of the world to have even a bunch of anything that doesn't put Jesus at the center of it all.
Jacque K.
2/26/2017 09:49:37 am
Hey, Sherry! Thank you for commenting! Any of His blessings can be used to grow His kingdom or to grow our self interest. Thankfully, He is faithful even past that. God bless.
2/27/2017 04:28:51 pm
Thank you for the reminder that it's Jesus+, not ME+! Stopping by from Dace With Jesus link up :).
Jacque K
2/28/2017 05:45:35 pm
Thanks for visiting from a link up! And commenting :) So encouraging! I struggle with that same addition! God bless.
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