The first day I worked out with my trainer at the gym I worked out for 10 minutes with him and almost puked. The second day I worked out with my trainer, I reached midway and started crying! Ok, not a good start I know. Aaron (my trainer) asked me what was wrong as I was killing myself on the elliptical with tears streaming down my face. I can’t believe I’ve gained this weight. I can’t believe how out of shape I am. How could I let this HAPPEN! You wanna know what Aaron said to me during my pity party? He looked at me and said “Ya know what Rhonda, this is where you’re at today. Who cares where you were 6 months ago. This is where you’re at today.” This is where I’m at. I don’t even really know how to express the freedom those five words brought me. Like suddenly everything was put into a fresh perspective. I can’t change where I’m at today- only what I do today and what I allow the Lord to do in my life! I can’t go back to last summer and not eat everything in sight like I did (ha ha). This is where I’m at. Not as in shape as I was in high school, but working out today. This is where I’m at. I can’t wear the jeans I could when I lost weight last year, but I’ve been at the gym at 6am for almost 4 months now! Maybe I’m not where I “need to be” according to the world, but I do think I am where I need to be TODAY according to a sovereign God. This is where I’m at. I haven’t lost 50 lbs, but I have kept my resolution (mostly) to walk in the Spirit in my weight loss and fitness goals and instead I’ve lost 17lbs. You wanna know the greatest victory I have had in this area? I have stopped (almost altogether) walking in the lie that I have to achieve perfection in the area of fitness. Instead I have been walking in the beauty and freedom of the grace of God. And the crazy thing about God’s grace is this... Titus 2:11-12 For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people, training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age.. Somewhere along the line I think I had believed that grace and fitness were sort of opposite, but it turns out that God’s grace is actually what empowers and trains us to be self controlled! Thank you Lord for your grace! So maybe I’m not fit today. But today I can workout without crying! And today I choose to walk in the grace of God. I choose to be empowered by His grace and His Holy Spirit and to say no to guilt and condemnation! Does anyone else feel like they need to throw off their expectations of perfection in weight loss and trade it for walking in the grace of God? About Rhonda![]() Rhonda attended Oklahoma Baptist University for two years until she felt called to reach out to a secular campus. She then transferred to Mesa State where she graduated in 2004 with a B.A. in Counseling Psychology. She now serves as a missionary to college students and has a passion for reaching out to young women. God has a purpose and design for who he wants Godly women to be, and Rhonda is excited about helping women find freedom and joy in His purpose. Sharing this article over at these awesome blogs.
I loved this, Rhonda, because it made me really think. We are so easily obsessed aren't we? And then we justify it because it's a "healthy" thing. I have recently (2yrs) started working out and I love it. I'm in better shape than maybe I have ever been (which isn't saying much) but there are times when I wonder if it's too important to me. And, frankly, too important to my friends as well. I mean, where else in the world are there as many people who work out as obsessively as we do in America? And, when we get to a place where we are saying, "I just have to get my workout in every day. It's my sanity." Then we have replaced Christ as the source of our peace. Just because it is good for our bodies, does not mean it is good for our souls. I have wanted, many times, to challenge some of my friends to fast from working out for one week (...they shudder at the thought...). But I think if they did, it would reveal that it is easy to look to something other than Christ to make us feel valuable, or at peace, or competent. Working out is GOOD. It's just not better than God. Not even close. And living like you believe it is, is putting the cart MILES before the horse. Walking in freedom and grace in this area sounds like the ONLY way to go. And that means no comparing, no beating ourselves up for not setting a personal record every time, no feeling like a loser when we just can't make it to the gym that day. Christ is alive in us and he loves us. That, alone, makes us valuable. Well said, friend. God meets us and loves us where we are at, every day. And the truth of that, if we choose to believe it, can move us forward in all kinds of exciting ways. Love you bunches!
5/16/2013 02:39:23 am
All so so true Amanda!! Thank you for your words if encouragement!i just think you are so great!
5/16/2013 08:39:41 pm
Thank you for sharing that statement "this is where you're at today." So often we get down on ourselves because we compare ourselves to others but often we beat ourselves up because we compare ourselves to our own selves. It's kind of crazy. But remembering that as we start new things we need a place to start and then recognizing that we are making progress, albeit slow at times, will give us strength to move forward. Great post!
5/16/2013 11:54:57 pm
Thanks Tyson!
Lisa Rettig
5/18/2013 12:38:26 am
Thank you so much for this! I am in my first week of renewing my efforts to get in better shape. I am trying to set smaller goals along the way instead of letting myself be discouraged by how far I have to go, and it seems to be working. I have made 5 days of meeting my calories goal, and while I have to get an exercise routine worked in yet, taking it one day at a time and letting my confidence come from God instead of others is making it easier. Congratulations on your progress, I look forward to hearing more!!
5/18/2013 05:13:04 am
Great job Lisa! Lets continue walking in His grace!
5/18/2013 05:14:14 am
Thank you Karen! Yes- to Him be the glory!!
5/21/2013 04:39:54 am
Hi Amanda, I love your comments. And congrats on your 17 pounds lost! That's really awesome actually.
5/21/2013 07:04:03 am
Thanks Jamie:). I think it's great that you are taking the steps that you can! His grace is sufficient!
6/14/2013 03:12:35 am
THANK YOU for being transparent in this way. As a Pastor's wife I am continually praying for our ladies (and for myself!) to embrace authenticity and be real with the things we'd rather not let others see (or admit even to ourselves!) I lost fifty pounds over three years and managed to put most of it back on since the birth of my son. Because we adopted out miracle baby I can't even blame it on pregnancy weight! Big life changes tend to bring out our weak areas and boy oh boy did our baby boy bring out mine. I think I've finally let myself see that this wasn't just a few days of bad eating that a few days of healthy choices can reverse; it's my new normal. As you said, this is where I am. If it's not where I want to stay, I can only change that by today's choices moving forward. Thanks again!
6/21/2013 07:29:31 am
Ya know its funny- I gained a lot of weight with the birth of our first daughter- also through adoption! Walking in grace day by day:)
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