Every year it’s the same. I am going to get in shape this year! I want to lose 50 lbs.! I want to run a 5k! And then the obsession begins. Do whatever it takes to make that goal. Forget about everything else. This obsession becomes the single most important thing in my life every year... for about 3 weeks. Then I get frustrated that I’m not doing a good enough job. The weight just isn't coming off fast enough! I can barely run for 1 minute without feeling like I’m going to die! So I give up for a few weeks, gain whatever I lost and then start again. In week 2, Day 3 of “Beholding Him Becoming Missional” Laura Krokos asks the question, “In what areas are you most in need of God’s ability to empower you?” Um, hello! I had never even THOUGHT about my need for God to empower me in weight loss. Here I’ve been trudging through this all on my own and somehow thinking this is like the one thing in life that is totally in MY control and I don’t need God in. "So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh." Galatians 5:16 My flesh desires a lot of things. It desires too much cheesecake, too much pizza and honestly too much laziness. It even desires an unhealthy obsession with achieving some amazing fitness goal. My flesh is unbalanced, lazy and critical. You wanna know what I think the most destructive thing my flesh does? It takes my focus off of Christ and puts it right on myself. Galatians 5:20 lists selfish ambition as one of the acts of the flesh. My goals with weight loss and fitness have almost always been placed all about me. To look better, to be able to prove something to people and to get recognition from people who don’t think I can do it! "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control." Galatians 5:22-23b I would much rather have, joy, peace, and even self-control (control of self by the Spirit) than being constantly worried and anxious about how I am doing, if people are noticing me, and if I will EVER reach my goal! So here is my New Year’s resolution: To be consistently yielded to the Holy Spirit in the area of fitness. I am going to take my thoughts captive by asking some practical questions: 1. Is working out/eating right hindering my ability to spend time with the Lord? 2. Am I placing working out/eating right above people? 3. Do I find myself obsessing throughout the day about my weight? 4. Am I comparing myself to those around me? 5. How is working out/eating right HELPING me in the mission God has for me? As I ask these questions, yielded to the Holy Spirit, I don’t know exactly what will happen. But I believe God will yield fruit in my life because He says He will! Is fitness something you struggle with in allowing God to empower you? If it is, would you join me right now in asking the Lord to take control of this area of your life? I believe He will do something amazing in your heart! New here? Head on over to the Home page to see what we're all about. Follow via email (we send a short recap of all the articles to your inbox once a week) to be entered in the monthly giveaways and like on facebook for daily encouraging verses and memes. About Rhonda![]() Rhonda attended Oklahoma Baptist University for two years until she felt called to reach out to a secular campus. She then transferred to Mesa State where she graduated in 2004 with a B.A. in Counseling Psychology. She now serves as a missionary to college students and has a passion for reaching out to young women. God has a purpose and design for who he wants Godly women to be, and Rhonda is excited about helping women find freedom and joy in His purpose. Sharing this article over at these awesome blogs.
1/21/2013 11:16:16 pm
I love this! Thank you Rhonda! I am in the exact same boat and this is an actual way to make it happen!! Thank you Jesus for being so faithful and Rhonda for being so encouraging.
1/22/2013 12:20:33 am
Kaylee I'm so glad this encouraged you! We can pray for each other!:)
1/22/2013 02:13:36 am
So great Rhonda! Such a good reminder :) keep rocking it beautiful!
1/22/2013 02:20:20 am
Thanks Lady! You know I will! By the power of the Holy Spirit:)
1/22/2013 10:13:12 pm
Sherry I'm so glad this was an encouragement! I want so badly for my heart to be set on things above and loving other people. It is so easy to be consumed with myself- especially in this area!
1/24/2013 02:05:02 am
Wow! You totally got my number on this post. Awesome writeup! God has been really convicting me about my food habits and need to get fit too. The funniest Scriptures seem to jump out at me regarding weight loss - like in Hebrews 12:16 when it talks about Esau selling his birthright for one morsel of food. Ouch. But I know He'll help us!! Thanks for the post - glad to hear I'm not the only one in this boat!! :)
1/24/2013 03:29:36 am
We're in this together! I just don't want to obsess about this either ya know? I think having those questions helps me so much because they align me with God's heart. We got this girl... walkin' in the Spirit!
1/31/2013 12:48:22 pm
Spoke to my heart - thank you! There are other areas I need to give up MY control over too.
2/3/2013 04:04:09 am
I'm glad this spoke to your heart Rebecca! I want to hand things over to God and know that he's got it- and is much more capable than me!
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