“She was mean to me”, “They excluded me”, “He violated me”. Haven't we all heard them...the excuses people use to justify building walls around themselves? And yet it is clear, those who love much, will have to overcome offense. I remember when a group of people set me up to exploit me. I loved them deeply, but they purposely exposed, connived, and betrayed me. I was hurt, deeply. Still, every grudge we hold is like taking a brick and placing it between us and the other person. As time goes on, offenses can cause us to build an entire fortress around ourselves, without us even realizing it. Proverbs 18:19 tells us, “A brother offended is more unyielding than a strong city, and quarreling is like the bars of a castle.” In Bible times, walls were common. They existed around cities and groups of people. Another name for these fortresses is, “defensive walls”. And yet, haven't we all gotten “defensive” when another has hurt us; put up walls, placed bricks, put up barriers in hopes to protect ourselves? As Missional Women, we can't afford to get defensive, let walls of offense be built up between us and those we are ministering to, if we want to reach the nations. Scripture says, offense is like a stumbling block, or the stick holding up a trap. When tapped, it imprisons us. But, let's not take the bait. Matthew 24:10-12 says in the last days many will be offended, betray and hate each other. Yet, there are ways we can live with unoffendable hearts.
When we give him our hurt, He can tare down every wall in us too, following Jesus model on the cross, “Lord forgive them, for the know not what they do”. (Luke 23:34)
About Jen![]() Though born, raised, and still living only miles from where she grew up, Jen's heart lies in the nations. Jen loves the beautiful tapestry found in the wide diversity of people, different cultures, and all nations. Jen and her husband have been married twenty years, and have parented fifteen kids and counting; twelve foster, one adopted, and two bios. Her multi-racial family reflects her passion for unity, desire for faith without walls, and missional mindset to share both the gospel and the power of redemption to a world desperately needing the hope found in Jesus Christ. Jen and her husband have led in a variety of ministries; including prayer, small groups, children's, and women’s. Jen advocates for the orphan as a board member for the non-profit, A New Song; and loves doing missions work internationally, along with her family. You can find Jen writing about faith, while challenging her readers at her blog, Rich Faith Rising, as well as at tweeting faith-filled messages @Jen_Avellaneda . Jen is also on facebook. If you'd like to read more from this contributor, type her name in the search box on the top right.
Sharing this over at these awesome blogs.
2/5/2016 11:01:42 am
I've found that this trait of being "unoffendable" is so critical to letting our light shine. I recently read Brant Hansen's book, "Unoffendable," and was so convicted to try to live more this way. Thanks for these reminders, Jen!
2/5/2016 11:14:07 am
Not more than two hours ago, I sat in my living room and told my daughter that it seems when a friend hurts me anymore it doesn't bother me; that I have become apathetic, because I have built up walls.
Karen - Tears fill my eyes as I read your comment, as oh how I have been there! After awhile it can just seem safer to resurrect walls against each other. But oh friend, how I will be praying for you, that He will gently, lovingly, ever so carefully tare down that wall one brick at a time.
2/5/2016 12:26:19 pm
Hi Jen! Long time, no see! Amen to all of this. This is something that I struggle with sometimes. I'm quick to forgive, but sometimes I am too quick to be defensive. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Stopping by from Friendship Friday. :)
Love seeing you here, friend! I once heard a statement that went, "If you pull trigger at a dead man, he won't flinch". At first it sounded morbid, but then I "got it"! I so want to live from such a place of humble surrender that even if another threatens or attacks me...I just won't flinch. Who was it, Paul who said, dying to self is being born again? So much to think about when it comes to living surrendered with an unoffendable heart. Thanks for your message and for stopping by!
I'm visiting from #WeekendWhispers! So glad I stopped by. This is good advice you give and I pray that God will help us to put these into practice. These really stuck out to me: "What if we loved so radically, offense had no air to breathe in? What if we lived soaked in mercy, love reigned more than bitterness?" Thank you for your insights! Blessings to you!
2/9/2016 05:33:44 am
Just beautiful! Something we need to remember time & time again.
2/10/2016 01:07:48 pm
Jen, you have no idea how much this speaks to me today. It is easy to get offended and defensive, especially when someone hurts your kids. Teaching your kids to overcome that pain, is even harder! But you are so right, in that love covers a multitude of sins. When we feel that hurt, there is a love that can heal even the deepest of pains. Thank you for this today. It is exactly what I needed right at this moment! Neighbors with you at #TellHisStory
Alisa - He has perfect timing, doesn't He? I can't tell you just how much I identify with your heart going out to your hurting kids. There is no deeper pain, than when your kids hurt with things we can't fix. But yes, even then, His love can redeem their pain, heal their wounds, use their circumstances as a witness and testimony to others over time and with His grace and presence. Praying for you in your child's circumstance today. May He touch them, and your mama's heart with healing, in a way no one or nothing else can else!
2/11/2016 09:19:39 am
"What if we loved so radically, offense had no air to breathe in?" <<< LOVE that!! This is a wonderful, encouraging post - thank you SO much for sharing! I found you at the #livefree linkup - so glad I did! Blessings!
Crystal S. Hornback
2/11/2016 09:21:19 am
Oh my goodness, YES! What powerful words today! #livefreeThursday
2/11/2016 09:22:47 am
"What if we loved so radically, offense had no air to breathe in?" Whew! I'm going to place that on a sticky note on my computer. Fantastic! Great to connect with you at #LiveFreeThursday Have a blessed week!
8/31/2016 06:59:57 am
8/31/2016 09:27:50 am
Great post Jen! Great timing as well. As Ministers wife it's hard to please everyone. I believe a do have a forgiving heart, I try my best not to build walls, God worked in me in that area. I do however at times become defensive and find that other people are not so easy to forgive, then I at times feel guilt (I know the enemy is working there). I have admitted when I'm wrong, but others find it difficult to accept their faults. God is continually working in me, and your post hit home, I need to be careful-no walls coming up-blessings
8/31/2016 09:29:40 am
Great post Jen!
8/31/2016 09:30:18 am
Great post Jen! Good timing. As Ministers wife it's hard to please everyone. I believe a do have a forgiving heart, I try my best not to build walls, God worked in me in that area. I do however at times become defensive and find that other people are not so easy to forgive, then I at times feel guilt (I know the enemy is working there). I have admitted when I'm wrong, but others find it difficult to accept their faults. God is continually working in me, and your post hit home, I need to be careful-no walls coming up-blessings
8/31/2016 09:31:23 am
Great post Jen! Good timing. As Ministers wife it's hard to please everyone. I believe I do have a forgiving heart, I try my best not to build walls, God worked in me in that area. I do however at times become defensive and find that other people are not so easy to forgive, then I at times feel guilt (I know the enemy is working there). I have admitted when I'm wrong, but others find it difficult to accept their faults. God is continually working in me, and your post hit home, I need to be careful-no walls coming up-blessings
Great post Jen! Good timing. As Ministers wife it's hard to please everyone. I believe I do have a forgiving heart, I try my best not to build walls, God worked in me in that area. I do however at times become defensive and find that other people are not so easy to forgive, then I at times feel guilt (I know the enemy is working there). I have admitted when I'm wrong, but others find it difficult to accept their faults. God is continually working in me, and your post hit home, I need to be careful-no walls coming up-blessings 🙏
Great post Jen! Good timing. As Ministers wife it's hard to please everyone. I believe I do have a forgiving heart, I try my best not to build walls, God worked in me in that area. I do however at times become defensive and find that other people are not so easy to forgive whatever situation arises-then I at times feel guilt (I know the enemy is working there). I have admitted when I'm wrong, but others find it difficult to accept their faults. God is continually working in me, and your post hit home, I need to be careful-no walls coming up-blessings 🙏
8/31/2016 09:44:03 am
Sorry Jen don't know why it posted so many times, it said error on my end. You can erase the others sorry
Hi Jen!
8/5/2019 06:26:40 pm
Hi Jen,
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