A friend and I sometimes call each other and in a highly sarcastic tone say things like “Lets fellowship over pizza tonight” or “Wanna fellowship and watch Baby Mama?” because the word fellowship is one of those churchy words that get thrown around so often it tends to lose it’s meaning. Fellowship is more than just hanging out with other Christians. It is an intentional time spent with other believers as you seek Jesus. From the beginning God created us to live in community. True community and fellowship are like sweet refreshment to your soul. It enriches, encourages, spurs us on to love and godliness. Fellowship can be hard and messy sometimes because we are still broken and living in a broken world. But when you have Christ-centered friendships the brokenness becomes an opportunity to see God glorified. A few months ago I let a few careless words slip out of my mouth that hurt a good friend of mine. I didn’t even realize they were hurtful as I said them. The next day she and I sat down to talk about God’s Word, and she told me how much my words had hurt her. It was as if she was shining a mirror into my life. Without her honesty I wouldn’t have been able to see an area I desperately needed grace in. She knew that since our relationship was secure, she could say something hard and still feel confident that our friendship would endure. Fellowship with other Christians has often been one of the greatest blessings in my life. It helps me to remember that God is concerned with more than just me (because I tend to be a little self-centered) and gives me an opportunity to be a blessing to someone else. I am challenged and encouraged as I spend time with other believers. I get to learn more about my Lord as they share what God is teaching them. I get to invest in friendships that will last an eternity. As you go through your week, think about what it means to be in true fellowship. Are you stuck “just hanging out”? Take a step of faith to bring up spiritual things with the other Christians in your life. Or maybe you don’t have other Christians in your life right now. Ask God to help you find a community to belong to. Fellowship isn’t always pretty or easy, but it is always worth it. I hope that you will find time to connect with some other believers this week! About Angi![]() Angi loves Jesus, coffee, baseball and baking cakes. She is a missionary to college students and can't think of anything she'd rather do to serve God. Angi first met the Lord while climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, Africa but really understood His love and grace as a freshman in college. Her heart is to invest in college students in the same way that many others invested in her. You can find her blogging over at Stuff Angi Does where she tells stories about Jesus, college students, and life. You can also find her on facebook, twitter, pintrest and instagram. Comments are closed.