Using Fashion As A Light How neat is God to wire our brains and eyes to enjoy beauty? I adore a cute outfit, a bit of makeup and thefemininity of fashion. Anyone else? Even this area of our lives can glorify God! The Bible is not silent about this relevant topic that captures our attention. According to the Lord, it always starts with the heart. She dresses herself with strength Proverbs 31:17 Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Proverbs 31:30 Ladies what kind of heart and soul are you dressing? A fancy top and dangly earrings cannot cover up an ugly spirit. Fashion is irrelevant here if our souls are ugly and hearts misplaced. Using Fashion As A Light How neat is God to wire our brains and eyes to enjoy beauty? I adore a cute outfit, a bit of makeup and the femininity of fashion. Anyone else? Even this area of our lives can glorify God! The Bible is not silent about this relevant topic that captures our attention. According to the Lord, it always starts with the heart. She dresses herself with strength Proverbs 31:17 Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Proverbs 31:30 Ladies what kind of heart and soul are you dressing? A fancy top and dangly earrings cannot cover up an ugly spirit. Fashion is irrelevant here if our souls are ugly and hearts misplaced. The most beautiful thing you can possibly do is adorn yourself with Christ's love and glow with the decision to surrender your life to Him. What a ministry to others and our own hearts. Fashion isn’t all heart work! This would be a wonky fashion post without mentioning clothing right? For the love ladies, let's be classy when we pick out our outfits! Honoring the Lord with a heart submitted to him is on the same playing field as honoring our bodies with our clothing selection. For His glory, clothe yourself in a way that you believe you are a daughter of the Most High. I unashamedly believe modesty is one of the most mature and beautiful ways we can present ourselves a Christ-followers to the world. Amen! You have a unique opportunity to represent Christ through beauty and fashion. My basic questions to ask when getting dressed are: What does this reflect about Jesus? Is this outfit one of modest integrity honoring myself and husband? Though we’re exhorted to dress modestly and with decency (1 Tim 2:9) it doesn’t mean you have to be a nun. That being said here are my 4 Favorite Outfit Ideas to reject a culture of immodesty and embrace God's desire for loveliness and self-respect. 4 Modest and Fashionable Outfit Ideas 1. A chunky scarf and colored tights Scarves adds interest and color to your outfit. Check out: 40 Ways to Tie a Scarf . Try adding colored tights to your wardrobe-maybe yellow or gray for a new look! 2. Layer a Shirt Over a Dress That is actually a black dress but it’s cut too low for me. To keep utilizing it I tied off a chambray shirt at the waist for a laid back look. 3. Two words: Colored bottoms I love this post about the importance of colored bottoms. They are fashionable and give your closet of new possibility of outfits. 4. Tuck a shirt into a skirt Most blouses unexpectedly tuck into a skirt well and you immediately have a modest, adorable outfit with no effort. Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as elaborate hairstyles and the wearing of gold jewelry or fine clothes. Rather, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God’s sight. 1 Peter 3:3-4 Don’t leave without this: #1 God most highly values a beautiful heart; one submitted to him in every way. #2 You have to get dressed in the morning, so let me encourage you to do so with honor, modesty, and lovely femininity to shine for Christ in a relevant way! Cheers to going out as an army of Missional Women beautifully clad in heart and body! About Carly Carly is a husband-swooning, health-inspired, simplicity-loving, Jesus-follower. She and her hunky husband Ryan adventure wherever the Lord takes them and most recently that has been into the often scary world of chronic illness. She also writes on her personal blog and at Reaching For Fringe, a resource for chronic illness and marriage. Very nice to meet you! Sharing this article over at these awesome blogs.
I have so many scarves! I love them, and people make them for me all the time. I love that top outfit. I am not so much a modest dresser, as a jeans and t-shirt (or yoga pants and t-shirt since I am at home all the time) type, but I love more lady-like clothes.
Rachel I love scarves too! I think they can really complete an outfit or add a dose of modesty which is something I appreciate. Yoga pants and a t-shirt are so comfy and a much needed wardrobe staple :)
1/23/2013 10:58:00 am
Angi! I love you! I'm digging the colored bottoms lately. I have a red pair too that are crazy :)
1/23/2013 11:20:48 am
Gorgeous, you have a beautiful sense of modesty. Thank you for posting those wonderful scarf tying tips, I will be reading those and trying a few out myself. I also popped over to your chronic illness blog, I will be praying for you and your husband, so wonderful to read that he is doing better. ~Alexis on behalf of everyone at A Moment with M.O.M.
Aleix thank you for those sweet words! Modesty is such an achievable, wonderful thing to strive for in our day to day fashion choices. It glorifies God as we care for our bodies as daughters of the King!
1/24/2013 04:21:48 am
Carl, this is such a sweet reminder of how we are called to honor our King in every way, and to honor our husbands and bring them good, not harm, every day of our lives (Pr. 31:12), even if we're not yet married.
1/24/2013 08:54:03 am
Hannah I love you! Yes, you said it perfectly! Modest clothing and beauty in the name of Jesus can bring our husbands (or other men in our lives) good and not harm. I love your heart.
1/30/2013 03:06:59 am
I just needed someone to nudge me in the direction of coloured bottoms and you are that person! Red, I think! So, next time I am in the thrift store or Primark...that's my kinda clothes budget. Found you on the Homemaking link-up and just popping round to say hi from the UK. :)
4/18/2013 06:56:29 pm
The post is written in a very good manner and it entails much useful information for me. I am happy to find your distinguished way of writing the post. Thanks.
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