My seven year old daughter recently came home with an assignment she had completed at school. Her task was to finish the sentence, “If I had 100 dollars I would…” I was thrilled and a little bit proud when I read what she had written: “I would give it to the poor. Because they would be so happy. They could maybe even buy a house. I love seeing people happy”. My first thought after reading that was to utter a sigh of relief. “Yay, we are doing something right!” In the midst of a world where kids are taught to be consumers and seek after “more” and “better,” I was thrilled that she had some concept of other people and chose to answer the question that way. But as I reflected on her answer, I thought about all the money that had been accumulating for our kids since they were born. From birthday gifts to special occasions, they had actually received quite a bit over the years, saving it either in their piggy banks or in the actual bank. And the truth is that each of our kids really did have well over 100 dollars. Now my daughter is aware that she has money in her piggy bank, but we have never really talked much about what to do with it. What if she knew she could actually put into action the kind gesture she had written about on her school paper? Would she? As I thought about approaching her with this, I played out in my mind how it would most likely go. Of course it’s my dream that she would be thrilled and immediately begin thinking of who to give it to. But…my assumption is that I would be met with a sheepish grin and a deer-in-headlights look – that look that comes when we realize we are being asked to move from just talking about something to actually doing it. I’m sure it would feel like quite a big leap to go from spending an “imaginary” $100 to the real money sitting in her piggy bank – money that she can touch and feel. Money that she can actually see leaving her hands. But I can’t say I would blame her. After all, isn’t that how we all are at times? I’ve heard many adults (including myself) fall into the trap of dreaming about what we could do for God “if only….” If I achieve a certain standard of living, then I would certainly give more. If I had THAT kind of house, I would invite people over more. If I just had more time, I would definitely serve more. We can make all kinds of imaginary promises as long as we are focusing on what MIGHT be, rather than what IS.{Tweet this} But is it possible we already have all we need to take action? Maybe this is what James 1:22 means when it says, “Don't just listen to God's word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves.” Perhaps we are deceiving ourselves when we’re so busy making “if only” promises to God that we fail to see what resources we already have right in front of us. The blessings may be right under our noses! Our God is a God of immeasurable love and kindness. When we spend time reflecting on His great love for us and all He’s already given, suddenly action becomes much easier. So before I try to lead my family, I am asking myself the question first: “What is sitting in MY piggy bank right now?” About Nicole![]() Nicole is a wife and stay-at-home mom to three energetic children in Lake Villa, IL. In addition to writing, she enjoys serving as the Care Team Leader for her church's MOPS group and is also a part of the Sunday worship team. Other interests include performing Improv, venturing outdoors...and pretending to be a chef, thanks to the Food Network. Nicole has a heart for "getting real" with other women and helping them discover Jesus through honesty, empathy, and the power of "me too". Connect with her at Sharing this article over at these awesome blogs.
3/22/2013 12:07:16 am
Hi Nicole, this post really spoke to me. I grew up really poor, and I remember during and after college when I didn't have any money, but I wanted to become a giver. God would put it in my heart to give what I had. It was scary sometimes, but He always came through somehow. :)
It is so precious to hear the humility in your words. You know , my young boys were picking flowers for me the other day and every time they gave me one, I was so touched by their sweet expressions of love. It didn't even matter that they were picking the flowers out of a beautiful bouquet that my husband had sent me haha! It reminded me that we can't give God anything that doesn't already belong to Him. Its about our choice to show Him love and honor ...that's what pleases Him. Its not about the gift, but the heart of the giver that matters :)
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