My husband and I were told we had unexplained infertility. But through that the Lord gave us and our boys incredible stories that show God to be a great orchestrator. You can read Asher's story here and Uriah's here. And the Lord knows I'm a sucker for a good God-showing-off story. The boys have always known they were adopted, we talked about it with them and others since day one. We believe adoption is not something to be ashamed of or hidden but an incredible gift that shows the world what God is like. The boys are now 4 and 5 and can explain things more in-depth that just them knowing the word "adoption" and that it was a gift God had given them. Here is an example of what we say to them in regards to them being adopted. How We Talk About Adoption with Our Boys"Your birth mom loves you very much. She chose to trust God with you and did what was best for you, even though it was very hard for her. She chose to give you life. Her life was very hard and she could not take good care of you and trusted God with you. And God picked you to be in our family. We had been praying for 2 years for God to give us a little boy and God chose your birth mom to carry you in her belly for us. It's just like Jesus. God did what was best for us and chose to give us His Son, Jesus that we could have life, even though it was very hard. He did what was the hardest thing because it was the very best thing. Sometimes people wont understand and will say something like, "I can't believe your birth mom could give you up." But you can help them understand by telling them that your birth mom loves you very much and chose to do what was best for you just like God the Father." That's how it goes in our family. The boys are a huge blessing to us and can't wait to see how the Lord continues to use their story for His glory. And I guess you're probably wondering who that cutie little girl is. Well, remember how I'm a sucker for God showing off? Well, He made the impossible happen and let's just say the doctors no longer tell me I have unexplained infertility. But not with just her, I am about to give birth to little Krokos #4 tomorrow. About Laura![]() Laura, the creator and host of Missional Women is married and has three kids, two of whom are adopted. Laura and her husband have been missionaries to college students for 11 years serving with Master Plan Ministries. Laura is the Staff Women's Development Coordinator and has discipled over 150 girls, led over 30 Bible studies and speaks 10-20 times a year. Laura is an award winning author of a 12 week Bible Study on First Samuel, Beholding Him, Becoming Missional, recently released Reach; How to Use Your Social Media Influence for the Glory of God, and A Devotional Journey through Judges, a devotional to accompany the free online Bible study at You can find her on facebook,twitter, pinterest and youtube. Sharing this article over at these awesome blogs.
4/23/2013 02:32:08 am
this is SO great! My hubby and I are starting to about about adoption too! ANy websites or places to go to figure out what way is best? It's so overwhelming to think about all the options out there!!!
4/26/2013 07:30:42 am
How fun!!! Our first adoption was through Bethany Christian Services and second was through Hopes Promise. They both were great and had a lot of great resources. I bet even their websites have good resources. Have fun with the adventurous process! It will be exciting to see the story God has for you unfold. :)
4/23/2013 09:03:46 am
My husband and I adopted two beautiful babies from Guatemala who happen to be grown now. I just wrote a blog post about it recently. They have been my joy and life would not have been complete without them. God receives all praise for putting my little family together! Blessings to you as you give birth to your new one!
4/26/2013 07:32:01 am
Thank you for sharing! I love hearing stories like that! Seems like people only like to tell the bad stories, so grateful to hear of others with grown kids who are adopted. :)
Rachael J DeBruin
4/26/2013 01:25:38 am
Wow!!! That is the most amazing God story :) Love it!!
4/26/2013 07:32:33 am
He's so good at that isn't He!? :)
6/20/2013 11:16:06 pm
Love the God-story He is writing for your family!! I appreciate you sharing some of the phrasing you use!! We named our son Gabriel as he was the message to us that a miraculous boy was on his way via his birth mom's brave choice, just as Gabriel brought the message to Mary of the miracle boy God was sending her way. I'm always thankful for insights on sharing the beauty I see in his adoption with him! Thanks!
Your story and mine are very similar! We had unexplained secondary infertility after having our son. We tried for 8 years for more then adopted through foster care. We added two beautiful little girls to our family this way. And then God gave us our miracle pregnancy and we had our youngest (now 18 months) after 11 1/2 years of not being able to conceive! I love how He works and I am so thankful now for those hard years, without them I wouldn't have my daughters!! We too have shared they were adopted from day 1 :)
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