Hello & Welcome!
Community has been on my heart a lot lately. Mostly because I feel truly connected for the first time in a long while. For a few years, I have been praying for God to bless me with community. For God to give me a sense of belonging--a confidence in people around me. Have you ever felt this way? No matter where you go, you just don't quite fit in? Begging God for something more? If you have felt that way, let me promise you that there is hope. God wants us to live in community and He wants you to feel loved by those around you. I'm not sure how it got this way (and maybe it is just me), but sometimes it feels like we have to suffer in order to be blessed by God. But that's just not Biblical. Contrary to popular belief God wants to bless us abundantly--we just have to ask in faith (Matthew 21:22). Feeling lonely in a room full of people? I've been there. Ask God to take you out of that situation. Feeling under-qualified and overwhelmed? I feel that a lot too. Ask God to give you a team to help you. Feeling like your all alone in your pursuit of God? I battled those feelings too. Ask God to bring people to speak life. I'm not saying that friends fix all of my problems, I'm not saying that if I pray something my life changes quickly on a dime. But I am saying that God listens & He wants what is best for you--just ask Him for it.
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About Jacque![]()
Jacque is the Missional Women Intern and a college student in Denver, CO who balances her time between trying to go to class and learning about His saving grace and perfect love as much as she can. She is a twenty something, DIY attempting, Jesus loving, Denver living, small town rooted, Colorado sports fan. She loves black coffee, long conversations and watching people do what God created them for. You can find her Christian Twenty Somethings blog at Desperately Dependent.
9/2/2016 03:10:44 am
Yes, He invites us to come. And sometimes just in the verbalizing of our pain or our need there is comfort.
Jacque K.
9/8/2016 08:59:38 am
Isn't He just so faithful? :) LOVE IT.
Jacque K.
9/8/2016 09:12:05 am
I had heard people say that before, but now I truly believe that! Thanks for visiting FFF. :)
9/2/2016 09:13:02 am
God designed us for relationship and it truly can be one of life's greatest blessings! I'm so glad He has brought that community to you!
Jacque K.
9/8/2016 09:12:44 am
Hey, Lori! So thankful for Him and how He provides. Thanks for stopping by Faith Filled Friday!
9/2/2016 09:21:22 am
Thank you for reminding me that I'm not alone in this struggle, but even more than that for reminding me to bring it to Jesus.
Jacque K.
9/8/2016 09:13:36 am
Hey Becky! You are NOT alone. Ever. He is always with you! Just sent up a prayer for you! :)
I've definitely felt like I don't fit in. A. LOT. But I fit in just fine with God, and over time I found my security in Him, which helped me be a better servant of others, which had the interesting result of helping me fit in with those I was serving. I was waiting for others to reach out to me, but I found that God was calling me, instead, to reach out to others.
Jacque K.
9/8/2016 09:15:16 am
Ruth! YES! :)
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