Hi! I'm so glad you're here! I really love how we get to partner together in the blog world to glorify God and make Jesus known. So you may have noticed I've been a bit missing in action the last couple of weeks. I better explain. Each year Master Plan (the ministry my husband and I are part of) partner with Cru to help staff a conference for about a thousand people. Austin and I both had some pretty intensive responsibilities and it came TWO days after Christmas. So basically it looked like this. Making a giant Christmas dinner, doing a quick clean up the next day, finishing up details and gathering supplies for our talks and seminar, packing for a family of 7 to drive 5 minutes away to stay in a hotel for a week. 5 minutes! And can I just tell you how anti-climactic that is!?! The van piled high... we're all ready to go, drive 5 minutes. "Ok, we're here kids!" Anyway, the conference went well and the kids for the most part stayed healthy. (Except for the one time the bio-hazard guy had to come clean our room because of... well, you know, gross stuff.) And... remember those connect cards I told you about? Well the publishing arm of Cru wants to distribute them. So exciting!! So, it's been a 5 minute away adventure with Jesus. But now I'm back. And I'm glad you are too! Lets go strong for the Lord using our abilities and opportunities online this year. Which btw, I just wrote about making resolutions if you haven't thought that through yet. Faith Filled Friday Blog Link Up We exist to glorify God, to display His heart and character. And I just love how we are all uniquely built to do that. So every Friday I want to give you, uniquely designed by God, an opportunity to link up your thoughts on God, art, baking, photography, parenting, marriage, homeschooling, writing or blogging and more if they tie into or display the Lord somehow. Here's how it works. 1. Link up as many blog posts as you want below by clicking the link below and following the prompts. (Perhaps think of old posts you want more exposure to as well as new ones.) 2. Let your readers know by including a link at the bottom of your post (or somewhere on your side bar) or paste my button code (found below and on the side bar). 3. Take a minute to comment on another sweet lady's post. About Laura![]() Laura, the founder of Missional Women is married and has five kids, two of whom are adopted. Laura and her husband have been missionaries to college students for 12 years serving with Master Plan Ministries. Laura is the Women's Development Coordinator and has discipled over 150 girls, led over 30 Bible studies and speaks to college and women's groups. Laura has authored 5 books, including an award winning 12 week Bible Study on First Samuel, Beholding Him, Becoming Missional, Reach; How to Use Your Social Media Influence for the Glory of God, and A Devotional Journey through Judges, a devotional to accompany the free online Bible study at TheBookofJudges.com. You can find her _on facebook,twitter, pinterest, youtube, instagram and her author site.
I admire you so much! I simply can't imagine running from Christmas dinner right into a conference like this! WOW! It looks incredible and I can't imagine the work required to put all of this together. This alone inspired me today. You used your time to outreach to others. Encouraging my friend!
1/14/2015 12:17:27 pm
Oh Bethany, thank you. I'm so glad you're encouraged... that encourages me soo much!
1/8/2015 09:56:54 pm
I loved this post as it perfectly illustrated that an adventure with God can be as close as 5 minutes away from where we are right now :) What an exciting journey He makes each day! Blessings on you & yours!
1/14/2015 12:18:14 pm
So true Joanne! It is just so easy to forget sometimes.
1/8/2015 10:08:00 pm
Packing for a family of 7 is a lot of work - blankets, medical kits, the kitchen sink! What a beautiful way to end the year, though! Wishing you much blessing in the 2015!
1/14/2015 12:18:38 pm
I hope you have a wonderful new year too!!
1/14/2015 12:19:48 pm
Oh my goodness! It's so exciting since I was not totally sure how that was going to work... and still figuring out the launch. But thank you so much for being excited. It means a lot Dawn.
1/9/2015 04:46:14 am
You stayed only 5 minutes from your house?? Gah! Awesome, actually. I love conferences and retreats, but wish they weren't so far from home sometimes. The Lord bless you with multiplied opportunities reaching more hearts this year. You are such an inspiration!
1/14/2015 12:22:03 pm
Yes, 5 mintues, haha. It is a blessing because we know the area but if you leave the hotel there is a chance you might not get free parking again and then would have to pay $20. But it works great to let other people stay at our house for the conference that don't want to pay for the hotel. And it allows me opportunity to be/feel involved with the kids even though I can't do everything.
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Welcome!I'm Laura the founder of Missional Women and this is my sweet friend, Lyli. We host a link up for bloggers every Friday and look forward to having you join us. But before you go, look around, we are here to glorify God and be a blessing to you.
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