We've got our kiddos into the habit of reading the Bible for a little bit after breakfast and before they get dressed. My oldest son Asher turned 7 this summer and is a very good reader so Austin and I wanted to give him some tools to help him connect with the Lord through His Word. So I made this printable (and a girl version since a friend of mine asked for a copy to use with her daughter) and Austin walked him through and demonstrated how to use it. It has been pretty awesome. One of the days as he read about how Satan tempted Eve Austin asked him what stood out. He said the verse where Eve said, "God told us..." Austin asked him what He can see and learn about God from it and He said, "That God tells us things." Now this is a big deal. Our dramatic son has shed many tears crying about how God doesn't speak to him. So how beautiful that through His Word it's like God tapped Asher on the shoulder and said, I tell you things. That morning he knew he had heard from God through His Word. Here's the printables if you want a copy (or a copy for grandkids or a friends kids.) Just click on the link of which you'd prefer. Boys Quiet Time Notes Girls Quiet Time Notes Faith Filled Friday Blog Link Up We exist to glorify God, to display His heart and character. And I just love how we are all uniquely built to do that. So every Friday I want to give you, uniquely designed by God, an opportunity to link up your thoughts on God, art, baking, photography, parenting, marriage, homeschooling, writing or blogging and more if they tie into or display the Lord somehow. So go ahead and link up below by clicking the link below and following the prompts. Please just let your readers know by including a link at the bottom of your post (or somewhere on your side bar) or put my button code (found below and on the side bar) so they can find these other great people glorifying God and we can continue to grow as a community. Thanks! And in effort to encourage others in their writing by faith, please take a minute to comment on another sweet lady's post. About Laura![]() Laura, the creator and host of Missional Women is married and has five kids, two of whom are adopted. Laura and her husband have been missionaries to college students for 12 years serving with Master Plan Ministries. Laura is the Women's Development Coordinator and has discipled over 150 girls, led over 30 Bible studies and speaks to college and women's groups. Laura has authored 5 books, including an award winning 12 week Bible Study on First Samuel, Beholding Him, Becoming Missional, Reach; How to Use Your Social Media Influence for the Glory of God, and A Devotional Journey through Judges, a devotional to accompany the free online Bible study at TheBookofJudges.com. You can find her on facebook,twitter, pinterest, youtube, instagram and her author site. If you'd like to read more from this contributor, type her name in the search box on the top right. Sharing this over at these awesome blogs
9/11/2014 09:40:44 pm
Words like that from your children are honey to a parent's soul! I think even teens could benefit from that printable! BTW - what a lovely family you have:)
9/12/2014 07:08:28 am
Yes they are!! And I think you're right. It's the same questions I use. :)
9/11/2014 10:42:33 pm
I love the idea of a "worksheet" to help them reflect on their bible reading & other quiet time with God. Both my kids are active journalers, but my son especially benefits from a more structured or guided process. Thank you!
9/12/2014 07:09:10 am
My pleasure De. :)
9/16/2014 05:48:03 am
What a sweet gift, he recognized God speaking to him. I learned how to read the bible from a young age, but I don't recall learning about God speaking to me until a bit later. This certainly changes the way he'll read and 'see' the words and stories of God. Thank you for sharing with Unforced Rhythms.
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