Jesus came to this earth... GOD put on skin, came to His creation, lived the life we couldn't live and died the death we deserved to die to give us life. His desire, the God of the universes desire is for us to have a full and meaningful life. (This of course can only be found in Him and by living to know Him and make Him known). But how powerful it is to have someone really truly rooting for us, desiring the very very best for us. He is for us. The One capable of all things is FOR us. Wow.
This season is particularly busy for us and I am trying to keep my eyes set on Him and His plan. We are getting ready to go spend the entire summer 7 hours away at the ranch I mentioned last week. So thinking through packing for a family of 7 for an entire summer on top of planning the intense summer project we're leading that starts in a week among all the other responsibilities like planning for the 5 talks I'm giving and figuring out homeschooling for the fall and getting our most recent newsletter out to the 400 people it goes to... I'm trying not to panic. But I've been here before. Had a thousand things to do and worried my way through it and you know what happened? It all came together and God showed up and all was fine. But at the end I was left with regret that I hadn't trusted God but rather worried my way through it. So, this time (like other times when I did keep my gaze on Jesus and had much more joy at the end) I am having to remind myself over and over that this too shall pass and I want to look back with delight that I walked by faith all the way through. I want the joy of trusting God and seeing His grace be sufficient. All that to say, sorry the linky is up late today. I totally spaced what day it was/is! And I hope to get the other great articles/posts and the weekly email out today. But our babysitter can't come today and we are hosting some girls for dinner (one of who is from China and just gave her life to Christ!) and we are in a big need of groceries. Again... trying not to panic. haha. Because of course when leaving for 3 months you don't want food in the fridge, so we need to buy just the right amount... don't panic, don't panic... God's got this. Oh my. Well, there is a peek into Krokos world right now. Pray for us?
We exist to glorify God, to display His heart and character. And I just love how we are all uniquely built to do that. So every Friday I want to give you, uniquely designed by God, an opportunity to link up your thoughts on God, art, baking, photography, parenting, marriage, homeschooling, writing or blogging and more if they tie into or display the Lord somehow.
Here's how it works. 1. Link up as many blog posts as you want below by clicking the link below and following the prompts. (Perhaps think of old posts you want more exposure to as well as new ones.) 2. Let your readers know by including a link at the bottom of your post (or somewhere on your side bar) or paste my button code (found below and on the side bar). 3. Take a minute to visit and comment on another sweet lady or two's post. You're encouragement might be just what she needs to keep pressing on in being a voice in the darkness. About Laura![]()
Laura, the founder of Missional Women is married and has five kids, two of whom are adopted. Laura and her husband have been missionaries to college students for 13 years serving with Master Plan Ministries where she is the Women's Development Coordinator. Laura has authored 5 books, including an award winning 12 week Bible Study on First Samuel, Beholding Him, Becoming Missional, Reach; How to Use Your Social Media Influence for the Glory of God, and A Devotional Journey through Judges, a devotional to accompany the free online Bible study at You can find her on facebook,twitter, pinterest, youtube, instagram and her author site.
If you'd like to read more from this contributor, type her name in the search box on the top right. Sharing this over at these awesome blogs
5/8/2015 01:08:15 am
Oh, Lord, you know that Laura is on a mission today. Please help her to get all the important things done in a timely manner, and show her what's important and what can wait. Bless her in the midst of her chaos, and especially make this day a blessing to this new believer who is coming into Laura's home. I pray that this would be a memorable day for that young woman and for Laura as well, because this is a day when she will see you at work. Amen and amen.
5/8/2015 07:20:42 am
We're in an incredibly busy time of life as well, and I feel as though you stated how I feel right now, "Don't panic, don't panic, don't panic!" Thanks for the reminder that God's got this, and for hosting as well! :)
5/12/2015 03:40:02 am
Oh boy . . . I can identify with being at a place where you just have to I loved these words: " I want the joy of trusting God and seeing His grace be sufficient." That has been my heart cry! I don't want to miss a thing. Nothing. Stopping by from Titus2sday today.
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Welcome!I'm Laura the founder of Missional Women and this is my sweet friend, Lyli. We host a link up for bloggers every Friday and look forward to having you join us. But before you go, look around, we are here to glorify God and be a blessing to you.
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