What is the Christian Bubble? The idea that someone is enclosed in a Christian community, with very little interaction with the outside non-believing world. It is easy to find yourself in one. You say "yes" a few times to many (with very good intentions) and the next thing you know, every day of your week is filled with some sort of ministry event. In December I realized I was caught in the Christian bubble--every day of the week was surrounded by people who pulled their truth from the Bible. How can we live missionally if we don't have anyone to share with? 1. Take The Initiative My boss is a funny guy, with a great job, but he has never been married. As many times as I tell him he's bound to meet a great girl at my church--he refuses to go. The other day he said something that made me laugh, "I've come to the conclusion that a really pretty girl who likes watching movies isn't going to show up at my door with a pizza." That idea sounds ridiculous. But the notion of someone walking up to us at a grocery store and asking about God because we have a cross necklace on seems so normal? Just like my boss needs to talk to a girl before he can have a girlfriend, we need to meet someone to share the Gospel with them. Take the initiative to start a conversation. 2. Add Availability To The Check List One of the ways that God gifted me in is the ability to connect the dots. I do college ministry in Denver, CO and that gift tends to be a blessing everyday. A few months ago, I walked into the room where we have our weekly meeting: I saw the lights needed to be turned on, the projector needed to be focused, and chairs needed to be put away. So I went to work. After a few minutes, my sweet friend came up to me and asked what I had done since I got into the room. I explained the check list I had finished. Then she asked, how is anyone doing in this room? Yikes. I had no clue. Over the course of the year, many new non-christian students come to our weekly meeting. Yet, how could I meet any of them if I'm too busy to be available? Try to keep an eye out for ways to live missionally in your already occurring ministry events. 3. Remember The Sabbath My friend said something that shifted my perspective the other day, "the truth is, your life is your ministry. And, if you don't have a good home and work balance... burn out sets in." The shift came from stating the obvious that the Christian life we are called to is a full time job. But, the Christian life and ministry events are not synonymous. Look at the last few weeks of your planner--do you have time off? Time off meaning time away from Christians to meet non-Christians. If not, can you talk to God and see where you could step back? Taking a break is not only healthy, but Biblical. 4. Ask God For Help I babysit for a family and sometimes have dinner with them. One of the kids always volunteers to pray. And the majority of the time it is the same thing: "God, thank you for my brother, my other brother, my sister, my other sister and my mom and dad. Amen." I love how the mom will sometimes ask them to use different words--getting the kids to realize its less about words and more about heart condition. And the same holds true for us. Pray in different words. Ask God to overwhelm you with opportunities to partner in growing His kingdom. 5. Kiss The Comfort Zone Goodbye I think bubbles form when we get comfortable. Spending time with people who think the same way we do can be comforting and feel safe. But, God can do amazing things when we trust him outside of where we feel comfortable. Can you take a painting class? Or meet someone new on social media? Or trust God with something even crazier?
About Jacque:![]() Jacque is the Missional Women Intern and a college student in Denver, CO who balances her time between trying to go to class and learning about His saving grace and perfect love as much as she can. She is a twenty something, DIY attempting, Jesus loving, Denver living, small town rooted, Colorado sports fan. She loves black coffee, long conversations and watching people do what God created them for. You can find her blogging for Christian Twenty Somethings at Desperately Dependent. If you'd like to read more from this contributor, type her name in the search box on the top right.
Sharing this over at these awesome blogs.
Jacque K.
2/2/2016 04:22:19 pm
Hi, Sandra. Thank you for your comment. I'm glad that my post encouraged you! It really came from the realization that I was so involved in ministry activities and I needed to pop my bubble. If I write about it online...I have to put it into action! ha! Have a great week!
1/29/2016 07:37:48 pm
I love this - God can do amazing things when we trust him outside of where we feel comfortable. I am finding it to be so true.
Jacque K.
2/2/2016 04:23:52 pm
Thanks for your encouragement, Sheryl! It's just SO like God to do amazing things in us AND through us at the same time--we just need to take that first trusting step! Have a great week!
1/31/2016 07:07:57 am
Whoa, many of these are out of my comfort zone since I am a very quiet soul and still new on my Bible walk :). Yet I know when God feels I'm ready to venture out into the world, He will equip me!
Jacque K.
2/2/2016 04:27:14 pm
Carrie!! You're speaking my language! I can understand how fully scary so many of these things can be...good thing our God is so much bigger than our fear.
Jacque K.
2/2/2016 04:28:23 pm
Hey, Colletta! I think we all do! Gosh.. if only it was more comfortable outside of my comfort zone! ha! I prayed for you and taking a big (or little) step outside of where you feel comfortable.
2/1/2016 09:33:14 pm
Once again, Great Job! Your writings are proof God gave you a special gift
Jacque K.
2/2/2016 04:30:29 pm
If this is a Sue from the internet world! Thank you so much for your encouragement!
2/2/2016 02:27:05 pm
Great list! Working at a church, I am so thankful that not all of my life revolves around the church. It is important so that I can break that christian bubble. As a single woman, you are so right about your boss. We need to take the initiative to start a conversation. Blessed to be your neighbor at Testimony Tuesday today.
Jacque K.
2/2/2016 04:32:13 pm
Thanks for stopping bye and linking up with someone great! So encouraging and comforting to know that it is possible even while working in ministry! Now I know its possible! Have a great week!
2/3/2016 05:52:53 am
#4 - That's how it always starts with our kids. We let them say whatever they want at first just to gain confidence and have it be a good experience for them, and then when they feel good about it we start saying before their turn to pray, "Let's think about what we could say to Heavenly Father today..."
Jacque K.
1/14/2017 08:17:10 am
Hey Jenny! It's funny how kids from different households have to learn the same things. Looking back to when I was first learning to pray, I'm pretty sure that I made the same mistake. God is faithful to teach us, huh?
2/3/2016 01:27:38 pm
What a wonderful and timely reminder! Stopping by from TellHisStory, blessings!
Jacque K.
1/14/2017 08:17:28 am
Thanks for visiting from a Link Up! :) God Bless.
This post is so what I need to hear right now. I am in the middle of trying be intentional about so many parts of my life, but you reminded me that I need to be intentional about getting out and having the chance to talk with people who don't know Jesus! I loved especially that you reminded me that being a Christian is a full time job - not just because we need time to rest or we'll get burned out, but because you remind me that when I am out at the store or at work, I need to be sure to ask God what He wants from me then too. I tend to compartmentalize, and make it so that even when I go to work every day, I only really interact inside my Christian bubble... Now, to start praying for the courage to actually live these thoughts out... : )
Jacque K.
1/14/2017 08:18:41 am
I just prayed courage over you as well. It's a scary thing that we force ourselves to live outside a circle that agrees with us 100%, but God is so faithful to work with it! He just needs availability.
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