I wrote a letter I’ve been dreaming of writing for years now. I never thought I would be able to thank the man who helped saved my life, but I recently received his address so I could tell him thank you over 15 years over due. When I was about 9 or 10 years old, I got to go to camp for the first time ever. I was loud, obnoxious, and was in the awkward stage between being a child and growing up. I honestly don’t remember any of the chapels except for one. “Papa Chuck” took the time to share the full Gospel with a bunch of rascally elementary school kids. I remember hearing why Jesus came to earth – He lived a perfect, sinless life, died on a cross for our sin (MY sin), and rose again from death so we could have eternal life. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing! The eyes to my condition were opened – Jesus died for ME!! I was floored!! When Papa Chuck told us that if we wanted to know more that we should stay behind, the rambunctious kid that I was solemnly kept seated so I could hear what I needed to do next. I asked Jesus to forgive me of my sin and to make me new – my eternity changed from death to life!! I never saw Papa Chuck again. I never thanked him for taking the time to share with me. It didn’t hit me to even thank him until I got older. Within the last couple years I’ve been truly seeing more and more just how thankful I am for the Gospel in my life. The more I share my faith with others, the more thankful I am that someone took the time to share the Gospel with me. Every now I sit back and realize that if someone hadn’t shared the Gospel with me, that I would be in full-time ministry getting front row seats to life change. WOW!! It’s amazing how much the Gospel not only continually changes us personally, but permeates into every aspect of our life the more we give control to Christ to run it. And it all starts with someone stepping out in faith to share the BEST NEWS EVER with us! Those who are saved from fires, collapsing buildings, drowning, etc. thank those who took the time snatch them out and rescue them. Why don’t we do that with those who lead us to the One – the ONLY One – Who can save us from an eternity of suffering, death, separation from anything good, etc.? So when my pastor from my hometown told me he knew who Papa Chuck was and that he had his mailing address, I HAD to get it! I got to write a letter to thank him for taking the time with squirrelly little Leah to understand Jesus’ gift to rescue me from my former destination and condemning sin, and how the Gospel has changed my life. Even now thinking about being able to write that letter makes me a little teary and joy bubbles up from deep within me! AH!! I’m SO SO SO thankful for the Gospel saving me and the person who made it possible!! Are you thankful for the truth of the Gospel’s work in your life? Have you taken the time to truly reflect on what Jesus Christ’s work on the Cross did for you, and what it could do for others? Have you ever thanked the person who brought you to Jesus so you can have a real, abundant, satisfying, eternal life? Take the time to thank Jesus for saving you, and ask Him to show you how you can thank the person who shared with you. Remember, they could have chosen not to share – but they did, and you’re eternally changed because of it! Dear Lord Jesus, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU FOR SAVING ME!!!! I don’t even want to think where I would be without You in my life. Thank you for changing me (even if it’s slowly) to look more like you – because you are WAY cooler than I am!! Thank you for Papa Chuck and the camp that took the time to invest in my eternal standing with you! Thank you for the gift of the Gospel, and thank you for the job to share it with others. I ask for boldness with be a Papa Chuck to others – not to make much of myself, but to make much of You and Your saving grace. Thank you!! About Leah![]() Leah works with Master Plan Ministries at Fort Lewis College in Durango, CO. Other than watching college students' lives change, she enjoys getting her mind blown by God and His Word, watching sci fi, baking cupcakes, and spending time with her hunky husband. Sharing this article over at these awesome blogs.
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