At the urging of my husband, I finally buckled and signed up for the social networking site, LinkedIn. For years, I've willingly watched the duties of motherhood eclipse those spaces in my résumé reserved for skills and work experience. Instead of news writing, my new greatest skill is twin whisperer. Where editing and proofreading once stood, now my résumé reads cooking, cleaning, and peacemaking. Instead of investigative reporter, I now proudly call myself the shoe-finder. And while I've managed to maintain a few regular freelance projects in the midst of homeschooling my five-year-old twins and blogging, I was hesitant to sign up for a social platform organized around the working world. But I was pleasantly surprised to discover that my skills sets weren't completely outdated. And as colleagues and connections began to "endorse" some of my areas of expertise, I felt my confidence level and pride (*ahem*) rise. Whether we're being honest or not, I think many of us involved in Great Commission activities tend to keep a ministry portfolio. We keep track of the number of times we've volunteered, the amount of meals we've cooked, served, and delivered, the exact date we spoke at an event, the number of sermons delivered. What do you consider your crowning ministry event? Chances are you've added it to your ministry résumé. But if we aren't careful, our acts of service can easily become the measure of our worth in the King's kingdom rather than our relationship to the King. Personally, I've discovered that when I'm solely focused on building a ministry résumé, disharmony and discontent are sure to follow (in all areas of life - work, church, and family). More often than I'd really like to admit, my Christian service can be driven by self-gain (making my family or myself look good), arrogance (no one can do this job better than me), or lack of faith in the Lord of the Harvest (if I don't do this, no one will). When pride drives my service, I'm not being obedient to the Great Commission; I'm simply building a ministry résumé and preaching my own gospel. Don't think you're guilty of building a ministry résumé? Consider these questions:
The one thing you can do to kill the Great Commission is make it all about you. The Great Commission is God’s work for his glory; we’re just the instruments in the hands of the Savior. After some reflection, I’ve decided to keep my LinkedIn account, and between solving missing shoe capers, I’ll keep my résumé updated as well. Connecting and networking with others online often paves the way for exciting discipleship opportunities. But as with any tools, I must be cautious to guard my heart against pride. It is the one thing that always kills the Great Commission. “For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.” Gal. 1:10 Join the discussion! Do you struggle with how much or how little you’ve served in God’s kingdom? How does pride keep you from experiencing the true joy that comes from fulfilling the Great Commission? Share your thoughts in the comments. ![]() Check out the rest of the Not About Me November Series About Melissa![]() Melissa Deming is the creator of–a site that helps women sweeten their walk with Christ through devotional articles, book reviews, and more. Melissa holds a Masters of Divinity in Women's Studies from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Forest, N.C. She and her husband, Jonathan, have four-year-old twins, Zach and Jonah. They are part of the core team of a new church plant in Pittsburgh. Want to read more from this contributor? Put her name in the search box at the top.
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OOOuuueeeee! This has hit the "pride" nail right on the head! Much food for thought and personal awareness.
11/30/2013 09:46:59 pm
Yes, Linda - I wrote this post for no one but Myself! ha! I needed the dose of reality to keep my priorities and heart in check! It is always about HIM! ~Melissa
11/25/2013 11:36:52 am
I've been invited to LinkedIn - but I haven't done it yet. Really, I don't know much about it - but a few years ago,I tried a lot of things like blogfrog et al and realize something my oldest son realized in college. The least important things were taking up the most of my time. I wish my "missionary" resume could be included in my "work" resume, though. Or wish I knew how to merge them:)
11/30/2013 09:48:54 pm
I have truly enjoyed Linkedin because it has allowed me to connect my ministry work experience with a real working resume. I've been able to connect with other ministry-minded individuals, too. But, there has to b a balance! As John Piper says 'We are not professionals!"
11/27/2013 03:11:51 am
This is such a great post, thanks for sharing. I found this post through Titus 2sday, I would love it if you shared a post at my new linky party, I pin each post shared and promote the linky party throughout the week.
Mary Geisen
11/27/2013 07:49:34 am
Perfect post! I struggle with not participating enough in ministry opportunities. I always have a reason why I am not available or not qualified to join in at that moment. I am being very prescriptive in listening for God's voice in my life and when He speaks, I need to do everything within my power to follow through. At this time, I have been obedient to a request to be part of my church's Christmas play which is a huge time commitment. However, He knows why He chose me and what I will learn and contribute as part of this ministry. Thank you for this post and the truth of how we should honor God in all we do.
11/30/2013 09:51:58 pm
Mary, thank you for stopping by. Yes, ministry goes both ways! We must be willing to either step down or step into ministry opportunities based on what God is calling us to do. Obedience and trust is key. God will always equip us for what he calls us to do! I pray you are blessed by your obedience this Christmas season! That is wonderful what you are doing! It is ALL about Him! ~Melissa
11/20/2015 08:27:16 am
This very verse was given to me yesterday.. reminding to focus on HiS ministry.. not to please men.. your right about pride.. its so bad when you are in ministry
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