As the mother to Isaac, who became one of three Patriarchs to the Israelites, Sara had once been an elderly barren woman grappling with desperation. As the Vizier, the second most powerful man in Egypt next to Pharaoh, Joseph had once been unloved, despised, and thrown into a pit. Known as the man most after God’s own heart, King David spent years on the run in the wilderness waiting for the day he would be crowned King. Each spent years in preparation for a God-given purpose that didn’t come easy. A purpose still impacting our world today. I wonder, over time, did Sara feel shame for being unable to bear children? Did Joseph question his worth when his own brothers inflicted evil upon him? Did David doubt whether he’d really ever assume the role as King? I think most of us have been in this place at least once in our lifetime. A place where the season of waiting doesn’t make sense anymore. A place where our flesh is pushed to the edge of our emotions. It’s in these times, when the dream is detoured, we hear the whispers of the enemy calling us unworthy. But, sweet sister, if this is where you are, can I look into your eyes, and say, “Stop?” Friend, you are in a season of preparation often ladled with mountains and valleys of emotion. Celebration, disappointment, success and failure. But all perfectly aligned in preparation for life’s next chapter. The chapter God uniquely designed for you. However, when we fail to lean into Jesus and grow in our knowledge of His Truths, we tend to allow the lies of the enemy past the doorways of our hearts. Because, failure, rejection, secrecy, and sin without the cross lead us straight to an identity of shame. Instead of receiving the valleys as preparation, we wear them as labels of shame. Our worth becomes attached to our accomplishments and timelines. But wearing shame is not what God has for us. He has so much more. Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him. –James 1:12 Waiting is downright brutal at times, but God sees the whole picture and knows what we need. He knows we must:
Shame lurks everywhere. It lurks in the person who has never heard the name of Jesus and it lurks in those following hard after Him. You see, the enemy is a master of disguise. He’s cloaked in deception. He fools us into thinking our falling short is failure. And our failure proves we are unworthy and worthless. So friends, the next time you are waiting on God remember you are in a season of preparation. God equips the called and right now is your time of that equipping. Fight while you wait. Embrace the equipping and fight the enemy’s darts of shame with the Truth of your identity and with the Word of God. Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me, for in you my soul takes refuge; in the shadow of your wings I will take refuge, till the storms of destruction pass by. I cry out to God Most High, to God who fulfills his purpose for me. He will send from heaven and save me; he will put to shame him who tramples on me. Selah God will send out his steadfast love and his faithfulness! –Psalm 57:1-3 About Lori![]() As a wife, mom, teacher, friend, and writer, Lori believes her purpose is to encourage others to seek hope. Pointing others to Jesus brings her joy. Writing about the hope of Jesus is her focus. It’s because of this that she is excited to welcome you as a friend as you struggle through brokenness, celebrate life’s joys, and grow to know Jesus more and more. You can find her Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest. Or on her blog, Searching for Moments, at
3/17/2017 10:20:35 am
Waiting is hard, isn't it, Lori!
3/17/2017 10:19:56 pm
Amen, Melanie! It seems like we get extra practice when we aren't very good at it, doesn't it? :-)
3/17/2017 09:59:14 pm
The hardest waiting period for me was going through infertility for 6 years. My faith grew so strong through it though. He used that time of heartache to help me have compassion and understanding for those who struggle to have children. I still have a hard time waiting though! I think patience has always been my weakness.
3/17/2017 10:21:35 pm
Oh, Val, that is a waiting I've never had to endure, but can only imagine how difficult it is. You are a testimony to the power of God in the wait and to how it truly prepares us for what is to come!
3/19/2017 07:23:10 am
This post is so encouraging, Lori! I hadn't seen the challenges and struggles in my life as "waiting" until you brought that to light in your post. Puts my life in a whole new perspective. Thank you so much, dear friend! I'm a new blogger, but I've been seeing a lot of comments by Christian bloggers that we're being attacked with the 'unworthy" lie! Thank you for your obedience to God and for posting this message of hope.
3/20/2017 05:21:24 am
Wonderful post as my reading last night & this morning spoke to my heart about the purposes in God's "no's". They are most often for our good as He works out His plan in our lives for His glory. I was blessed to read this post on this day.
10/2/2019 11:30:16 pm
I want to personally thank you for your help!🕊 This message has come just in the nick of time!💜 I go on prayer walks most every night ,and this subject gets " talked" about quite often.
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