On a street corner. Suits and high heels, click past the pavement floor he preaches on. Bold one. Hollering offense, from a microphone. Of a God who saves. One who died, so grace could shine upon, those needing freedom. Yet, no one stops. Not one listens. Evangelism, by definition, “The spreading of a Christian gospel by preaching or person witness.” One lady turns. Shouts. Eyes screaming. "What you are doing is noise pollution." Horns honk in the streets of the city. People talk. Base blares from a car, with unapologetic, profane lyrics. Pale one, walks up. Freezes at preacher’s words. Mesmerized. Caught in the truth of the double edge sword, surgically dividing, flesh and spirit. His focus. Deep. I question if he too will yell and scream at this evangelist, taking the call to reach people, literally. He turns to look at me. I see bland eyes. Stark, pale face. Make-up covering, what questionably appears to be a man. His words strike me, as he addresses preacher, reading scripture. "But, why do you believe?" Transvestite and me. Stand. Waiting. For the reason for the hope found in the one willingly, standing on a street corner, preaching. But, something tragic happened. There was no explanation. No testimony. Just rote scriptures. Well-rehearsed words from what seemed to be, seminary training. This searching; dull-eyed, cross-gendered one, starts leaving. Now, even more void of Jesus than ever. “Do you want to know why I believe?” I plea with him. “No”, his back shrinking in the distance. As if a door. Shut tight. Now has no entrance. In developed nations, we are not ignorant of religion. However, what separates worldly gods from the one true, living God, bringing real peace, true freedom? Our testimony. Scripture tells us, “Be ready always to give an answer to every man that asks you a reason for the hope that is in you”? 1 Peter 3:15 The Bible gives many examples of believers who, as a result of encountering Jesus, shared their personal testimony. (i.e. Acts 2, John 4:1-42, Mark 1:40-45) But, how do you share your testimony? 1) Focus on Christ, not self. Some evangelists minimize personal testimony. However, Scripture claims, the enemy is slain by the blood of the lamb, and the word of our testimony. We must share both, as long as He remains the hero of our story. 2) Let Christ lead. Remember when I tried to share my testimony with the transvestite? He wasn’t willing to listen. The door was closed to witness to him. In China recently, I shared hesitantly as God led, a small testimony of our fostering experience. God used it for His glory. When He leads, we look not to our “feelings”. We share out of obedience, not fear or our own insecurities. 3) Share with God’s heart. Testimony is not shared because it’s “one-more-thing-to-do” as a Christian. It is shared because we love others, and we love God. Remember Jonah? He shared with the Ninevites, yet ended up angry. He had the wrong heart. On the contrary, the healed leper was told by Jesus not to share. Yet, as a result of his overwhelming joy, he couldn’t help but speak of the good things God had done! When God leads with His heart, being the center of our testimony, we cannot help but respond as His mouthpiece, out of love for Him. Regardless of how big or small your testimony is…There is someone somewhere needing to hear what God has done in your life. What will you say the next time someone asks you… “But, why do you believe?” About Jen![]() Though born, raised, and still living only miles from where she grew up, Jen's heart lies in the nations. Jen loves the beautiful tapestry found in the wide diversity of people, different cultures, and all nations. Jen and her husband have been married twenty years, and have parented twelve children; ten foster, one adopted, and two bios. Her multi-racial family reflects her passion for unity, desire for faith without walls, and missional mindset to share both the gospel and the power of redemption to a world so desperate for the hope found in Jesus Christ. Jen and her husband have led in a variety of ministries; including prayer, small groups, children's, and women's. Jen continues to cling to faith that the local church is God's vehicle to reach the nations. You can find Jen writing about faith and challenging her readers at her blog,Rich Faith Rising. As well as at tweeting faith-filled messages @Jen_Avellaneda . Also, on facebook.
Dear Jen
5/13/2013 09:32:11 pm
I'm a sucker for anything with the word "steps". Nice break down here, my friend.
I share my testimony all the time in Celebrate Recovery. Another outlet where our story is definitely God's story. Anyone can preach the Word of God, but when you tell of what God has done in you, then it is uniquely yours and His story. That is what people want to hear. The Word of God will convict when His timing and His people come together. It has to be His! Not us! Another great story Jen!
Thank you for this wonderful post, Jen. Outside of my blog I struggle with sharing my faith. But I've realized by keeping my faith to myself I'm withholding from others the greatest gift we were ever given. Jesus Christ! Your post gave me some needed advice on sharing my faith. Blessings.
5/14/2013 01:57:31 pm
Billy Graham said "If you want to change someone's life, tell a story" - and I would use that quote in my college comp classes - and I would tell them, "You need 3 reasons why you believe. . . anything" - then one day, a non-traditional student came in (about 25) and boasted of how his Christian friend couldn't think of 3 reasons why he should tithe - so he stopped tithing - and I remember thinking, "What have I done!" Then I agonized for 2 weeks - what if he asked me why I believe - theologically, I could not persusade him. I'm not that smart. Then 2 weeks into talking to God about it - He said - tell them what I have done for you - and I readied myself. He never asked, but 2 years later, another college student who boasted in being too intellectual to believe asked - I was ready then. There's a book called to tell the truth that talks about how to reach this population that doesn't learn about God in our schools - it's eye-opening - you cannot use church words to save the unchurched - you introduce them to God by telling what He's done for you - how he changed your life:)
marcia Jones
10/21/2021 09:48:32 am
Thank you so much. I have been thinking hard about preparing myself to answer these type of questions. I feel so moved.
5/27/2013 01:30:00 pm
Mia - Good point! Unless the Lord builds the house, the laborers labor in vain.
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