For years, I made the commitment and failed miserably over and over. I can’t tell you how many consecutive Januarys I made the resolution to read my Bible from cover to cover. I was an enthusiastic starter, but a terrible finisher. I had great intentions. I love the Bible, and I love Jesus. But, somewhere in the middle of March, I would get lost in Old Testament genealogies and determine that I was more of a “New Testament Girl.” I changed my ways after a little inspiration. I attended a workshop at a women’s conference where a passionate sister shared her heart on the importance of reading and knowing the whole counsel of God. Her enthusiasm for the subject inspired me to try once again – plus she gave me some practical advice that helped me to do so with greater success. As a “New Testament Girl,” I want to share 5 tips that will help you complete the goal of reading through the entire Bible: * Choose a Bible translation that you find easy to read. The first time I read through the Bible in a year, I read the New Living Translation. * Read a little from both Old and New Testament each day. I used the One Year Bible reading plan, which is now free online and in mobile format. * Record one memorable verse from each day’s reading in a journal. Read purposefully through your daily reading “looking” for your verse to remember. * Use a Bible Commentary or Study Bible to help you with the heavier Old Testament passages. I am a huge fan of this quick reference devotional commentary by Warren Wiersbe that is very affordable and easy to read. I usually read the Old Testament commentary BEFORE I read my Bible each morning. * Decide to “take the plunge” with a friend. I loved discussing the readings with my girlfriend over the phone. Knowing that she was reading each day motivated me to stick with it. It’s good to have a partner. Reading through the Bible from cover to cover is a big commitment. If you fall behind, I would encourage you to just start back up again without worrying about “playing catch up.” It might take you more than a year to complete your goal, so give yourself grace if you need to slow down. If you find that the reading plan is too overwhelming for you, break up your readings into chunks for morning and evening or over two days. A bonus tip is to pray about your commitment to read every verse in God’s Word. Ask God to help you complete this task. He delights to answer the prayers of His daughters who are seeking Him. “I am your servant; give me understanding, that I may know your testimonies!” Psalms 119:125, ESV About Lyli![]() Lyli Dunbar loves teaching. For 17 years, she mentored teenagers in the Christian school setting, and now she has serves as Associate Director of Curriculum at Trinity International University Florida. Lyli married her Prince Charming in her 40’s and has a heart for encouraging young couples and singles in God’s waiting room. She enjoys road trips with her husband, connecting with women through Bible study, and reading way too many books. Lyli writes about life lessons and faith on her personal blog. You may also connect with her on Facebook,Twitter, and Pinterest. Want to read more from this contributor? Put her name in the search box at the top. Sharing this article over at these awesome blogs 1/6/2015 10:55:53 am
A little Old Testament is good for the soul. :) 1/9/2015 04:01:05 am
Joining with a friend is a great idea! Thanks for linking with Unforced Rhythms. 1/25/2015 12:21:18 pm
Lyli, did you know that is a photo of my Bible?? I LOVE it! Makes me so excited! Now I can't stop smiling. Do you see why I want a journal Bible with the extra wide margins? But I don't like the idea of not having this Bible with all of my special notes. 1/28/2015 12:59:31 am
Aimee, that is amazing! (I'm smiling from ear to ear right now!) Comments are closed.
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