How often have you ladies heard the phrase, “Guard your heart” or told someone else to do that? What’s so important about the heart that God even had to remind us of this? Proverbs 4:23 says, “Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.” God has been commanding us to protect our hearts since the earliest days of humanity. At first glance, many Christians would assume God has meant protecting our emotions and feelings, which manifest from a heart’s condition. But, thanks to the contributions of medicine, we can take this command as much literally as we can figuratively. And, we know that the times we are living in have not been very good for our hearts.
God has definitely been moving a lot in my life in the past month. I started studying the Bible chronologically. I was so excited to dive right in and see what God would teach me through this. And would you believe I came to a stunning halt on the first two verses of the entire book? Yes, Genesis 1:1-2… such truth and amazement is found in what seems like a passive 3rd person summary of how the universe was formed!
The purpose of this section is to use science to help reveal God’s attributes to us! I hope to offer scientific evidence to show God’s truth in creation.
Have you heard of the Nephron of the kidney. A nephron is the basic structural and functional unit of the kidney. Its main function is to regulate the concentration of water and substances that can dissolve in water like sodium salts by blood filtration. Then that filtrate gets reabsorbed into what is needed and excreting the rest as urine. What that means is that the nephron has two parts to it: one that basically takes everything and says, “Throw it out! It isn’t good!” and the other that says, “No, we can use this! There’s valuable stuff here!” They both serve a valuable purpose. The initial filter gets rid of all of the bad things that can hurt the body if it didn’t get sent out of the body. And the absorber plays a big role in reminding the filter what doesn’t have to get thrown out. |