Well, I (Laura, your host here) just love writing them so I hope we can partner together. You know when you just feel in your niche, that's me with Bible studies. I love writing them. When I was in college I started writing devotionals to give the girls I discipled. And after putting together numerous studies for girls Bible studies I decided I wanted to write workbook type Bible studies that went through books of the Bible. I specifically like to unwrap Scripture and help it be relateable, practical, and missional.
After leading over 30 small group Bible studies, I took the plunge to write a 12 week in-depth small group Bible study on the book of First Samuel. The groups I have lead through the study have absolutely loved it and I really think you will be blessed too.
And here's my second study that goes through a book of the Bible (which accompanies a free online Bible study at TheBookofJudges.com)
A Devotional Journey through Judges
Judges is full of people with struggles and insecurities just like you and me that we can totally relate to and principles that relate to us today and gives us incredible glimpses of God's heart and character.
A Devotional Journey through Judges is a practical, insightful and relatable 250 page in depth devotional study with great personal stories. Each day is short enough to be able to read and have time to process the personal application questions. It can be used in conjunction with the discussion guide (at www.TheBookofJudges.com) or as a stand alone devotional.
"No book in the Old Testament offers the modern church as telling a mirror as this book. From the jealousies of the Ephraimites to the religious pragmatism of the Danites, from the paganism of Gideon to the self-centered-ness of Samson, and from the un-manliness of Barak to the violence against women by the men of Gibeah, all of the marks of Canaanite degeneracy are evident in the church and its leaders today.
Judges is a wake-up call for a church moribund in its own selfish pursuits. Instead of heeding the call of truly godly leaders and letting Jesus Christ be Lord of the church, everywhere congregations and their leaders do what is right in their own eyes." Daniel Isaac Block
"I love how Laura can take such a hard to understand book of the bible and break it down verse by verse to help you get a better understanding of what it all means and how you can apply it into your life. I really love how her books make you ask yourself deep questions about what's going on in your heart, or challenge you think of ways you could apply these things into your everyday life. This devotional is a great asset to studying the book of Judges and also a great devotional for your spiritual growth daily! She is one of my favorite authors and I encourage you to take time to check out this book and her other books as well!" Hope
I went through this study and loved every day of it! It took me through a book of the Bible - Judges - that I hadn't previously read and I was amazed by how much I was able to learn and grow from reading it! I loved that it was an in depth study with great personal stories, but each day was short enough that I was able to read it and still take time to pray and journal my answers to the personal application questions. I'm excited to go through this study again in the future because I know it'll be something that I can grow from again and again as it helps me dig into God's Word. I hope you enjoy this "Journey Through Judges" and that you are ready to learn some amazing truths about God's character and love for his people!" Natalie
"This Bible Study is a smart combination of challenging, relatable, and truly life-applicable material. The book of Judges in the Bible can seem overwhelming but Laura's writing and very specific breakdown of the characters and happenings makes everything crystal clear. I have grown so much in my walk with God through her questions, challenges, sharing, and intelligent writing. I look forward to my time in the word with the study as a tool!" Carly
How it works
There are a couple different ways you can use this study:
* Individually. All you have to do is print off the Discussion Guide for yourself (one for each day) at TheBookofJudges.com. It would also be helpful to get the Judges Devotional as you work you way through Judges. You can get it as an ebook on amazon or if you prefer you can get a paperback here (which is the most helpful for me), amazon or you can get order it at any bookstore or library.
* In a group, it's super simple! All you need to do is get a journal for each person in in the group. Start with an engaging question like, "Share a high and a low from the week" and then give a Discussion Guide to each person in the group. Read the chapter for that week together and then spend 30 minutes individually filling out the discussion guide. After 30 minutes, come back together and take turns sharing what the Lord showed you. Then spend some time sharing prayer requests and pray for each other. See the Leading Effective Bible Studies eBook for ideas of how to pray for each other. Visit (and let your group know about) the Judges Devotional (and order each of them a copy) and Leaders Tips for some resources to help you.