![]() Are you looking for a women's Bible study? After writing many small group bible study lessons for over 30 small groups I've lead, I took the plunge to write a 12 week in-depth small group Bible study on the book of First Samuel and I truly think you will be blessed. But don't take my word for it. Here are some reviews.
Bible Study Reviews If you like Beth Moore, you'll love Krokos Great Study Likened to Beth Moore A Call to Live with Purpose... and Mission Tons of Testimonies Here's a little bit about this book Bible study. Beholding Him, Becoming Missional; Awakening to the Mission Through the Study of First Samuel.Based on the author’s twelve years of leading Bible studies, the author believes that Beholding Him, Becoming Missional: Awakening to the Mission Through the Study of 1 Samuel will offer women the opportunity to behold the King and be transformed into living uniquely purposeful and missional lives. By the end of the study, women will walk away with minds and hearts that have been transformed through an intimate relationship with the King, and lives uniquely reflecting the King’s heart and mission for the world. Beholding Him, Becoming Missional has a“come alongside and let’s do life together” flavor and feel, as opposed to simply filling in the blanks.The author has written Beholding Him, Becoming Missional in a relational and relevant way. She shares many stories of victories and defeats, successes and embarrassments. Not only do the author’s own stories reflect similarities to what other young women may be going through, but 1 Samuel is also packed full of relevant stories—stories of people bravely living out God’s heart and passion, stories of utter failure and embarrassment, stories of redemption, victory, and partnering with others to live out God’s very heart. Beholding Him, Becoming Missional is set up in two sections. The first six chapters will move you into a more authentic relationship with God. The second six chapters moveyou to the point of action, of living on purpose for the glory of God, reflecting His heart for the world. The author asks questions designed to engage the heart, where transformation can take place, leading them into living missionally. Testimonies "Beholding Him, Becoming Missional by Laura Krokos will woo you, coax you, call you into a deeper relationship with Christ, and a more meaningful and fulfilling life as well. I would like to see this excellent study become required reading for every young woman contemplating her purpose on this planet." Kathi Macias Award-winning author of more than 30 books, including the Extreme Devotion series and Valeria’s Cross "There are a lot of wonderful Bible studies out there but Laura has put her finger on the one thing that's neglected. Here is a study of Scripture with one eye on the text and the other on mission, a passion to follow Christ and where he's going. In focusing on a text or book of the Bible the broader missional context and impulse of Scripture is often ignored. Laura has managed to combine in this study the benefits of both biblical and systematic study of the Word." Rick James Publisher CruPress and author of many books including Jesus Without Religion “It is from personal experience that I understand what this world and culture has in mind for young women today. The standard is mediocrity, powerlessness as a women and dimness in purpose. Laura’s Bible study is the perfect, most needed antidote that I can think of. Her study inspires me as a woman to take bold, thrilling risks for God, to seek purpose in my existence and to pursue ambition with a brave heart! Her study is radically unique and refreshing in a day and age where women are daily placed by the media in roles that foster disrespect and depleted standards. Why is her study valuable? It is through the investigation of 1 Samuel that her readers begin to understand that they are placed on Earth for a purpose. There is no mistaking it. Their creator has a plan for them and with every ounce of His strength He will pursue and love them. This is a message that is rarely, if ever, taught to women my age. This study is intellectual, organized, action-oriented and intent in growing a generation to a place of significance and worth in the eyes of the Lord.” Carly Decker Sent by God to a closed country “I think the most remarkable thing about Laura’s study is that anyone can gain from it. Laura has mastered a nice balance in her approach to 1 Samuel. A new believer or immature Christian could benefit and be challenged by doing the study, and it is written clearly so that she can understand it. However, as a seminary student who has studied the Old Testament from many points of view, I still gained much from the study and was challenged in my walk with Christ. Furthermore, Laura is intensely personal with the study. She relates the Scriptures to her life through personal stories and anecdotes. God Almighty is an intensely personal God and he created us to relate to each other personally. Laura’s study allows us to experience this aspect of God. I have told several of my friends, both at seminary and in other circles about this study, and many of them are interested in working through it.” Melanie Coffman Denver Seminary student “After reviewing this study, I found it to be profoundly insightful and encouraging. Many of the personal examples are very relevant for today’s women, and the reader is certainly able to connect on an intimate level with the feelings and experiences of the author. There is a real need in Christian circles today for women to connect with one another in love and for women to understand that God is real and really interested in their lives. We are constantly bombarded by our society to believe that God doesn’t care about us or our needs; that He is a distant and unknowable God. This study helps to combat this pervasive world view with many practical applications and anecdotes that touch the very heart of a woman. I believe that this study would be a wonderful tool for individual women, women’s Bible studies, and church resources to reach out to women on a level that all women can relate to and that it will truly impact the world for Messiah. I know that it will be a true blessing to all the women who are fortunate enough to walk through the journey that it reveals.” Christina Frei Director of J.O.T. homeschool cooperative Children’s Director “During the course of my nine years with Campus Crusade, I have met few women with the influence that Laura has with women. She is a leader of leaders, and that comes from a deep, personal relationship with the Lord.” Jennifer Grant Editor and Writer “Laura Krokos has succeeded in writing a study that causes the reader to interact with the Word of God-and beyond a superficial level!-and to be motivated t change. Laura is passionate about God and His Word, and passionate about people and helping them grow.” Elizabeth Smith Bear Valley Church adult Sunday school teacher. “Laura Krokos is a spiritually gifted teacher who has the wisdom and insight to speak straight to the heart of women. This study will play a great role in many people’s spiritual goals to hear God personally as it did for me this summer. It’s dynamically presented and practically structured to speak to women at all spiritual levels so anyone will learn and grow. This encourages you to look to God to see your unique gifts and also to prayerfully and purposefully put those gifts into action in your everyday life.” Jackie Johnson Youth group leader and Sunday school teacher. “Laura has been a huge influence in my life. She discipled me one summer of six weeks, and those six weeks changed my life forever. She truly loves and follows the Lord with everything that she is. She seeks him in every area of her life, encourages others to do so, shares Christ’s love with every person she comes in contact with and has an amazing passion for the Lord’s goal through this world”. Brittany Ralston Campus Crusade for Christ staff member “The study is well organized and provides great opportunities for growth even for mature Christians. Beholding Him is not a fleeting, feel good study, but rather a study with depth and with the intent of true transformation…I would strongly recommend it” Dusti Austin Bear Valley Church women’s ministry leader. “I have reviewed the Bible study written by Laura Krokos called Beholding Him, Becoming Missional. I see it as a valuable tool to be used in turning the hearts of believers toward their Savior through the study of His Word… Laura creatively asks questions and recommends activities that involved her readers in the study and challenges them to learn and apply the Truth of the Word to their lives-a much needed pursuit among all believers.” Judy Lemon Grace Bible Church women’s ministry leader. “Laura brings great perspective on how this book applies to our lives today and shares illustrations of how God has moved in her own life. As I was working through the study, I found myself anticipating the next lesson and the next day.” Sandy Peterson Grace Fellowship women’s ministry leader Colorado Christian University Benefits specialist |
Laura Krokos is the Women's Development Coordinator for Master Plan Ministries and Creator and Host of MissionalWomen.com. She is married with four kids, two of who are adopted and another on the way. Laura and her husband have been missionaries to college students for 12 years. She has discipled over 150 girls, led over 30 Bible studies and loves to speak to women's and college groups. Laura is an author of five books including award winning 12 week Bible Study on First Samuel, Beholding Him, Becoming Missional, Reach; How to Use Your Social Media Influence for the Glory of God, and A Devotional Journey through Judges a devotional accompanying the online Bible study TheBookofJudges.com. She is passionate about knowing God and making Him known and helping others do the same.